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[Accepted] GeneralCamo's Skrell Application

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BYOND Key: Generalcamo
Character Names: 

  • Comoe Oulai-Tape
  • Abdul ibn Turkiel

Species you are applying to play: Skrell
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Naturally 
#737373, but may opt for spa treatments to #66ffff
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
I believe the psionic potential of the skrell, along with their unique social identity, grants the skrell a unique perspective to roleplay from. In addition, their history also grants them a unique opinion on synthetics, and even the C'Thur whom are fellow citizens of the federation. I do also have plans for branching out into less-loyal members of the Federation, however for now I wish to get used to the skrell lore with a loyal citizen.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Skrell relationships are completely different from humans. While for a human polygamy may be considered abnormal, for skrell this is typical. Their history with Glorsh-Omega and contact with humanity has began to shift their culture in several ways, however it is all kept in check by the Nralakk Federation's government, which maintains detailed records on its citizens and assigns many of them a Social Credit Score, which can grant them benefits in society, or have them taken away form them. Being especially long lived, cultural and societal shifts can take much longer than that for a human, and any major deviation would be punished by the federation. This is uncommon however due to their psionic connection to each other, which can often make such thoughts difficult or impossible as the skrell form a collective opinion reinforced by the Nlom. This connection is also why family and relationships are so important to the skrell, and the infertility caused by Glorsh has devastating effects to their traditional culture.

Character Name: Xuqon Travenq

Xuqon Travenq, is a Xiiori born on 2367 into a Quya between Xuqiri Liliq, a Xiiori, and Volqan Yla-Wul, an Axiori. Their Quya originally met on Eridani, while Xuqiri was working as a liaison for Qerr'Zolvq with their interests with Hephaestus, and Volqan was working as a liaison for Tuz'qlip with their interests with Zeng-Hu. The limited skrell population on Eridani I, plus the strange environment, ensured their formation of a Qu'Nioh, eventually ensuring their formation of a Qu'Poxii. Xuqiri already had a Qu'Poxii with Welairi Luponx, a Xiialt logistics engineer working for Nralakk Logistics on Qerr'Malic, however Volqan was easily welcomed into the family upon their return from Eridani, when they decided to form a Quya. Despite the difficulties presented by the X’Lu’oa, they were successfully able to fertilize an egg. Upon the completion of the Aqi’qa, Welairi was designated as their Qrri'Myaq.

While Xuqiri stayed to raise Xuqon, Volqan was called back to work on Eridani only 4 years upon the hatching of Xuqon. However, despite this difficulty, Xuqiri and Welairi continued to raise Xuqon as best as they could. Welairi provided the majority of their Ukutanii, with Xuqiri providing their services as qraa'myaq along with regular visits to facilities sponsored by the federation. When they were able to, Volqan also provided their own services as Qraa'Myaq, however their duties to the Federation ensured they could only stay with them occasionally. Despite this, they did instill the beliefs of Qeblak within Xuqon, often going with them to observatory domes. Welairi also went with them when possible, but they were not quite as dedicated to the faith as Volqan was. Xuqiri on the other hand, exposed them to the teachings of Weishii, and even some of the human followers of Buddhism of which they often conversed with due to their travels in Sol.

Upon their attainment of Odurserr in 2386, their quya presented Xuqon with gifts. Volqan presented them with a doll of a human doctor, dressed in the standard uniform of a Zeng-Hu physician. They felt Xuqon would be best suited in the field of medicine. Xuqiri presented them instead with a working hobby model of a stirling engine, with a full technical manual. They felt instead their best fit would be in an engineering field, researching new exotic technologies to enrich their society. Welairi presented them with a holonovel of a skrellian captain from centuries past, who struggled to keep their crew's spirits up after generations in their ship in the unknown space. After considering their choice for a week, and reading the novel they were given, Xuqon burnt the technical manual, signifying their eventual transition into engineering.

Untuk'mak was standard for the most part for Xuqon. As they progressed though, they reconsidered some aspects of their prior choice on their Odurserr. Still considering engineering to be the path forward for them, they began to consider that novel they were given by their qrri'myaq. They decided, upon being given the choice, to also take leadership modules. Upon learning this, Welairi seemed very pleased at this. Untuk'mak was also when they were able to develop their own hobbies, and in particular was influenced by their fellows in education to try out srom-capable VR, especially the very popular Swimstars. Their enjoyment of this encouraged their purchase of a swimstars poster, which they keep in their home. It is also at this time that they began to experiment with spa treatments. Naturally having a dark, colorless skin, they began to experiment more with flashy bright colors, and even some new markings often sported by the idols they were exposed to.

Deciding they were ready to advance, in 2404 they began to attend a Uyi'vesi. Their solid foundation of physics and chemistry, along with an excellent grasp of calculus, granted them a position in the prestigious Glutip'lyaz University. Their quya was ecstatic upon finding out about this, due to the rarity of acquiring a position there. Pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering, the work in the university took a bit of a toll on them: harsh tests, public results of their work, and high standards were among some of the things they experienced. Still, with the support of their quya, and their mentor's teachings of hard work paying off, they eventually succeeded in graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering in 2438. Deciding to get another degree, they decided to focus more on the theoretical by looking into a degree in mathematics, which they acquired in 2455 at an expedited rate due to already having a foundation in mathematics from prior teaching. Deciding to join Tuz'qlip Researchers, in 2465 they were offered the position of a Scientist for Zeng-Hu, as part of the work exchange program, on the SCCV Horizon. While initially nervous at the opportunity, the experiences told to them by their Quya, and the backing of Welairi in particular, encouraged them to take it.

What do you like about this character?
Being exposed to so many backgrounds grants Xuqon Travenq a large variety of opinions, albeit all aligned with Federation interests. Being mostly unfamiliar with human space other than stories relayed from their quya, they would be very unfamiliar with human customs going aboard the Horizon. This would grant them a unique viewpoint on the Horizon, but one that is still typical of skrell from the federation.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?
I would say pretty decent overall, though I admit to struggling at times with interactions between others. Considering skrell social customs are highly unusual to humans, this may be a benefit.

I realized that I forgot SCS scores for the character. Xuqiri is a liaison for Hephaestus, with a background in overseeing mining operations. Their high position, but limited contribution to the advancement in sciences, entitles them to a medium-high score of 6.33. Volqan is dedicated to their work for Tuz'qlip as a liason for Zeng Hu, with a background in research for medicine. With this being considered one of the most important fields in the post-glorsh era, they are entitled to an SCS of 7.15. Welairi is a logistics engineer for Nralakk Logistics. Being in a high-ranking position that requires a highly skilled individual with credentials uncommon in the Federation (due to the typical focus on more theoretical sciences and medicine), they're entitled to a score of 6.68. Xuqon is young, but being part of a high SCS Quya, working in the research field, and attending a prestigious university and successfully graduating with two degrees grants them a total score of 5.27. This score is primarily brought down by their lack of years in the workplace, however it would be considered high for someone of their age.

Edited by WhatsUpBrotendo

Another blue skrell, the blue skrells gang is rising faster than expected...


Jokes apart, despite not being able to evaluate the specific race traits, I can vouch for Camo's abilities, thereby granting my +1 to his warble license request, and good luck for the app!


Hey! Some questions:

  • How do you feel Xuqon will handle being in a "xeno" (in this case humans) dominated ship? I know you touched on social customs but how do you think this will impact their ability to fit in with their coworkers?
  • What might be ways for Xuqon to improve their SCS while aboard the Horizon? Normally it stays fairly stagnant while outside the Federation. Would they be interested in looking for those small boosts or are the content with where they are?
36 minutes ago, RyverStyx said:

How do you feel Xuqon will handle being in a "xeno" (in this case humans) dominated ship? I know you touched on social customs but how do you think this will impact their ability to fit in with their coworkers?

They aren't unfamiliar with humans. I would presume being in leadership modules, they would have some training on working with them (in addition to classes in Sol Common and Tau Ceti Basic). Of course actually experiencing them in-person would be a bit of a shock, as their main stories regarding humans come from experiences with their quya in the Eridani Federation, which is bizarre even by human standards. They are somewhat familiar with C'Thur and dionaea due to their citizenship within the Federation. The biggest issue however, is IPCs. For obvious reasons this is barely touched on in the federation, but this would be a source of discomfort for them. Being that they are potentially their boss, even more-so. However, directly acting out against this would be discouraged by the federation, so this wouldn't manifest other than obvious feelings of discomfort, and potentially stating this outright if pushed on it.

40 minutes ago, RyverStyx said:

What might be ways for Xuqon to improve their SCS while aboard the Horizon? Normally it stays fairly stagnant while outside the Federation. Would they be interested in looking for those small boosts or are the content with where they are?

Their SCS is primarily low due to not working for very long. Continued employment would be their primary way of improving their SCS. They will seek to regularly check in with Nralakk and C'thur representatives regarding this to prove their continued loyalty to the Federation. Otherwise, their best bet for improving their SCS is improving their skill set (opportunities abound for space expeditions), and devoting themselves to scientific discovery. They aren't particularly seeking to improve their SCS outside of normal means, and just do what is expected of a loyal citizen.


Hi, thanks for applying.

The app is good, I have no real questions or concerns, but I want to point out that one of the character's parents being a liaison between Qerr'Zolvq and Hephaestus is inconsistent with lore as the two enterprises only really started interacting with the work exchange programme, which has been around for a year. I'm not entirely sure about the other parent being a liaison with Zeng-Hu on Eridani either, but it could potentially be a thing that happened/does happen. I'm not going to ask you to edit anything since it's fairly minor and you've shown your knowledge of the lore surrounding the species.

My one comment overall would be that it appears to me that you tend to input your own thoughts/ideas into the lore which might contradict or not entirely be in line with what's canon. I've noticed this in the lore discord, and while I've not noticed anything egregious it does result in small inconsistencies like I've pointed out here.


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