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[ACCEPTED] Borya's CCIA Application

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CCIA Staff Application

Basic Information

Byond key: BoryaTheSlayer
Character names: there are many, but you may know me by Leah Staymates, Jurrhwarr-Zarvah Mahravar, Melissa Al-Mifsud, Vesper, Crepusculia, Marti'Ketira Farishay, Za'Akaix'Diezr C'thur, Chimalma Quintana, among some others.
Age: 20
Timezone: GMT+3
What times are you most available?: I work from home so I'm usually around and responsive, and given I stay up late for this crap pretty often you'll probably find me from 8 am my time all the way up to 2 am


How long have you played SS13?: 4 years
How long have you played on Aurora?: My journey into SS13 began on may 2021 when I joined the Aurora. No other server made me stick as much as the Aurora did. I did drop off the face of the earth in late 2020 though. I came back recently and I think that I'll be sticking around.
How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? im not that active anymore but I read what's important and like to converse with people
Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: no
Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: not to brag but i used to mod for this server called Aurorastation...
Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: i used to be a human lore maintainer i guess that's pretty relevant


Why do you want to join the CCIA?: I always enjoyed the idea of this system we have in the form of the CCIA, even if I always wanted to make something more of it, unrealistically or not. Having this form of being able to engage with the stories players weave on their characters and present the consequences of their actions - whether they be bad or good(usually bad) - is kind of necessary to a story, and I want to be able to experience the CCIA's side of things at last. I'm also much busier than I used to be when I was a mod, so I think the way the team works would be much more suitable for me.

What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: As basic as it is, but the ability to separate the OOC from the IC, while also not forgetting entirely about not stomping out characters completely for daring to do something that would warrant action from the CCIA. Whilst there have been certain moments that called for very harsh measures in the past, those are very rare - and most of the time it's important to remember that this is still, in fact, a game.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: I very much appreciate the fact that command is able to contact CCIA for in-round matters, but it is also obviously something the CCIA themselves have to treat with care lest they influence the round in a manner that strips the characters of the ability to make judgement calls and decisions in regards to critical situations that may be happening within the round. Simply guiding the command along and enabling the story of the round within reason is, usually, for the best.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: The very existence of the IR system and the looming weight of the consequences if you get reported and dealt with by the CCIA already affects the way people act and it makes a lot of people think twice before they do something insane. To that end, I think, this IC system helps a lot with enforcing OOC rules in a much more engaging, fun manner than just ahelping people who do crazy things that most people who'd be employed in the setting probably shouldn't do.

How do you handle stress?: I try to divert my attention away from the source of stress and simply do something else. If it really riles me up, I just come back to it the next day with a cooler head.

How well do you work autonomously?: just give me the details of the job, bossman, and i'll do as you say. I think I can work fine on my own once I get settled in whatever it is I am doing.

Additional Notes: yippee

Edited by Bear

Borya is someone who I can always rely on for IC information or mechanics anytime I am playing, the mark of a really veteran player. I've only observed them having a clear head and being reasonable with people. Easy +1 from me.

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