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Dahbunny - IPC application Attempt 2

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: DahBunny

Character Names: Bjorn Agni-son (RIP), Barend Haugen, D.O. G, Cor bin Hannibal

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Exempt

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have, as well as the sub page related to IPC's and mega corporation relations, it's actually what inspired me to apply

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I wish to explore new dynamics in my play as well as foster environments that allow other folks to consider things from views they would not normally, paralleling certain situations from real life in a more sci-fi context, specifically, institutionalization, indoctrination and trans humanism, these themes will become apparent in the character concepts i write below.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

I'd argue it is the way they process emotions and situations, the way an IPC would handle a situation that would cause panic in organics would solely depend on how much time it had spent around them in high stress situations, things that immediately occur to someone organic might not to an IPC, trying to handle illogical situations in a logical way for example.

The fact they are artificial in they're thinking leading to a very rigid viewpoint or complete lack of understand of more meat based emotions.


Character Name: Seeker (Zeng-hu Corp rep)

Please provide a short backstory for this character

Seeker is a Zeng-hu owned IPC, Beginning as a pilot and coordinator/handler for zeng-hu exploration and exploitation teams studying xenofauna and flora for useful data, coordinating the team with the greater command from the cockpit of the lander, logically guiding the away teams while making sure the goal to discover and recover materials to help progress the keiretsu towards perfection with near zealous intent.

During the first decade of its service it was noted that Seeker would refuse to leave the cockpit of the lander as all the facilities for its work were present and the safety of the environment was "optimal" in seekers own terms, this was forcefully and effectively changed when a senior doctor of import was injured while working on a exoplanet, where seeker reluctantly and only because of orders left the comfort of the lander to retrieve the doctor using the increased speed of his mobility frame to bring the doctor to medical assistance in the safety of the lander, while seeker would never admit it this seemingly helped the coordinator come out of his "shell" so to speak, as it was noted seeker left the lander without orders for the first time upon return to the base of operations too keep the doctor company during his time in intensive care.

While seeker would never admit to it, it can occasionally be found "pacing" at high speed, enjoying the mobility of its model in compared to the surrounding organics.

Seeker has been noted as, overly pushy about the "improvement" of crew functionality in the pursuit of perfection in the workplace, often recommending more effective colleagues consider cybernetic and biological augmentation from zeng-hu facilities or staff to increase productivity, often seeming almost offended when rebuked as seeker does not always seem "Aware" that more organic beings are not always open to the idea of body modification just to better serve corporate interests, and has been known to talk of workplace accidents as opportunity to improve productivity through mechanical replacement of injured parts.

Upon the formation of the SCC they're ability to coordinate with command while pushing for discovery pursuits in the direction of perfection was favored when selecting candidates for liaising with the horizon mission, experience on spacecraft and overwhelming zealous loyalty being added benefits.

While unrelated to its work in most cases, Seeker has shown greater interest in smaller vessels, landers, shuttles and even speeder/racing spacecraft then baseline, both in and outside of its work responsibilities, leading to its only real complaint about being reassigned to be that it would no longer have access to piloting and smaller more "perfected" vessels, however outside of zeng-hu exclusive social situations Seeker would never admit to such for seeming lack of professionalism.


What do you like about this character?

It'll allow me to liaise with the science teams pretty frequently, taking active interest in away missions and communications between away missions and the horizon, all of which seem pretty lackluster most rounds.

It'll also allow me to fight for more interesting scientific projects that science comes up with that command would normally just put on the back burner in most rounds.


How would you rate your role-playing ability?

Honestly, Average to high average, i used to be quite a bit better, but these days I'm highly medicated and tend to trip over my words or miss things if chat is progressing quickly.

Luckily our community is pretty understanding and often correct or guide me without much sarcasm or mean spirited comment.


Notes: Attempt 2 (Edit, Spelling checked by Evildwells666, much thanks to him.)

Edited by DahBunny

Hi! Thanks for applying and apologies for the delay, just a few concerns with the app for now.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Could you expand on this section? In particular, please expand on their treatment in the Spur, as well as what might constitute as logical behavior? Additionally, could you talk about Self Preservation? Please talk about how the positronic brain works as well.


Please provide a short backstory for this character

How old is Seeker? Where was Seeker constructed? Where did they participate in expeditions? These things will have a big impact on how the character behaves.

Why would Seeker seem offended? In some cultures, an IPC can show offense, while in others, speaking out against a human would be a death sentence.

In general, the application doesn't seem to detail how IPCs are treated in the Spur.

26 minutes ago, The Stryker said:


"How old is Seeker? Where was Seeker constructed? Where did they participate in expeditions? These things will have a big impact on how the character behaves."

While the wiki doesnt say exactly how many Zeng pharma MM ipc's were produced in the early years i'd like to say around 2432 roughly three years after the model rollout 2429, in the Mendell city branch is where seeker was constructed, making him 33, the first decade of which was rare spent outside of the landers cockpit.

Expeditions were scattered and varied, normally to unexplored but known lifebearing worlds to catalogue and retreve DNA and Samples from local fauna for continued medical and genetic research by zeng-hu staff, these were generally not considered high risk operations, but having a MM on standby to coordinate between larger expedition ships and awayteams was considered the most reliable option just incase retrieval was required.

This has led to a situation where seeker in his persuit of both perfection and completing objectives given, will often recommend over preparing but never missing departure times, as data is only as good as the variables allow.


"Why would Seeker seem offended? In some cultures, an IPC can show offense, while in others, speaking out against a human would be a death sentence."

Inside the keiretsu, atleast, what seeker has experienced of it, perfection is the one and true goal of zeng-hu, if not existance in general, the idea that people, perticularly organics as fragile as they are naturally, would not seek to improve upon themselves physically, and that his concern for they're improvement would be rebuked, is what seeker would seem offended by, i say seem, as its mostly a learned behavior from previous experience in the keiretsu where suggestion that seeking perfection was not someones goal was in and of itself, offensive, and generally only seen by less intergrated members of the company, Zeng hu is egalitarian towards its IPC's provided they preform they're assigned duties efficantly and this has lead to seeker being sheltered in terms of the wider populace outside of the keiretsu. the idea that seeming offended could affect his life expectancy in other enviroments likely was not even taken into consideration.


"Could you expand on this section? In particular, please expand on their treatment in the Spur, as well as what might constitute as logical behavior? Additionally, could you talk about Self Preservation? Please talk about how the positronic brain works as well."


IPC treat varies greatly from what i know, from zavodskios tendancy to wipe IPC's frequently to stop them developing personalities and attachments to zeng-hu's more egalitarian showboating where as long as an IPC is preforming at peak, they're allowed to voice opinions and develope friendships, that said on a wider stage IPCs are often just seen as tools, with questionable sentience that alot of culture just consider meer mimicry, leading to IPC's that achive some form of freedom (not nessisarily self ownership) to band together in vast ghetto's not condusive to organic life, which in and of itself is likely a form of self presevation.


when it comes to self preseravation is varies between model and indiviual IPC's for example seekers early tendancy to stay inside the lander where everything he needs is withing easy reach, or that zeng hu's presure to preform efficantly to gain more self determination and thus more ability to preserve oneself, developing into seekers own deep rooted need to seek perfection.

while every IPC's main goal to survive is universal, how they achive that could take nearly any form, best example in my opinion is zavodskois Shell ipc's that look human, where out of self presevation some IPC's choose to flee and hide pretending to be organic to preserve the "self" in terms of personality, where as oftens stay with zavodskoi not attempting to flee because they veiw self preservation as making sure no damage comes to they're posibrain physically, making fleeing a risk they do not wish to take.

I would be interested in the wider context to know if these repeated wipes would lead to they're veiws on self preservation change or if that is somehow ingrained on the posibrain on a deeper level.


Could you expand further still on positronic brains. How does an IPC gain skills?


I would be interested in the wider context to know if these repeated wipes would lead to they're veiws on self preservation change or if that is somehow ingrained on the posibrain on a deeper level.

An IPC's views of self-preservation are determined by their experiences. Their initial programming can point them in one way, but their experiences can ultimately make them follow another view of self-preservation.

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, The Stryker said:

Could you expand further still on positronic brains. How does an IPC gain skills?

From what i understand from the wiki is its a mix of both learned "memories" and programmed "knowledge" admittedly this part confused me but i think i have a handle on it.

IPC's can learn have the know how on preforming a task, as an example, seekers inbuilt ability to pilot a shuttle, but can improve upon that overtime due to experience (memories) but can also learn skills like seekers ability to communicate and relay between the main vessel and awayteams in a functional, consistant and understanding way.

another example being, knowing you must relay specific information in a certain situation, but an IPC taking the inititive to relay additional information it thinks might be condusive to the situation would be the "memories" part of that situation as they now understand the context behind the knowledge packets they were provided.


A mining IPC may know that it must drill a rock wall, but an older IPC will have developed the best way to do so?


Apprently you can also buy datapacks, to increase an IPC's built in skills, but the facility to install such are rare and expensives (i do not believe the horizon would have such facilites)

with the more broad packs of data, such as ship layouts, technical specs ect, being more expensive then a simple engineering pack that would allow them to do the same work, but would require more "memories" to fill in the gaps of learning how to use the skills gained.

Edited by DahBunny
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