Loorey Posted April 8, 2024 Posted April 8, 2024 Reporting Personnel: Jan-Christopher Moore Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security Personnel in Question: Payton Rustock Job Title of Personnel in Question: Scientist (employed by NanoTrasen) Reason for Review: [x] - Extended Arrest History [ ] - Grievous Infraction on Record [x] - Other: Questionable Psychological State [x] - Other: Extended History with Drugs Notes: Mister Payton Rustock has repeatedly shown ill behavior in connection with drugs of all sorts, and generally violent behavior against security staff such as the general crew. Mister Rustock is also in a severely deprived and questionable mental state with comments and remarks he makes towards fellow crew members in addition to rather questionable scientific experiments taking place in lead of him. Over the course of two months, Mister Rustock has amassed a list of charges that make me question if he is fit for further employment. The charges read as follows: - Threat of Murder or Serious Injury in one case. - Hooliganism in two cases. - One case of a suicide attempt on record. - Possession of Contraband in four different cases. - Neglect of duty in two cases. - Such as one case of Grand Theft, Assault and the violation of privacy laws. Spoiler These charges have amassed over six total incidents that have been logged with on-ship security. I highly recommend a review of his behavior and employment in general.
CatsinHD Posted July 14, 2024 Posted July 14, 2024 Quote TO: Jan-Christopher Moore, Head of Security, SCCV Horizon FROM: Maria Leoz, Human Resources Assistant, SCCV Horizon SUBJECT: RE: Review Request -------------------- BODY: Due to unrelated factors than this Review Request, the Personnel in Question is no longer employed by the SCC or SCC-affiliated corporations. As such, this Review Request is no longer valid and will be closed. Thank you for submitting a request. -------------------- DTG: 14-11:15-TAU CETI STANDARD-07-2466 SIGN: M. Leoz
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