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Alaunus_Lux's Vaurca Whitelist Application, Yezz

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BYOND Ckey: Alaunus_Lux

Discord username: Alaunus_Lux

Character names: Karyn Karlsen, Paul Yoshimi, Charlie Mercier, Sienna Basque, Eduardo White

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca


General Whitelist Requirements

What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: (RGB 150, 180, 255)

Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yep!

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this species?:

I like the interactions Vaurcae have with other vaurcae, and especially non-vaurca. They have a lot of structure with their hierarchies, but also have a lot of flexibility with the different Hives, and how those Hives have chosen to integrate with human/non-vaurca space. I like that they're just so different from humans. The way they spend years in virtual reality to train for their designed task, or as an afterlife, is quite different from human upbringing and attitudes toward death.

What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?:

There are the dozen+ mechanical differences, the obvious physical differences. They're just completely different from humans. A lot of the human condition revolves around finding love and starting a family. Vaurca, both because of their eusocial nature, and the intentional and planned/shaped nature of their birth, are wholly focused on doing their task, which leads to the betterment of their hive. Also, having very concrete social structures provides a formalized way of interacting, which can be interesting. Their way of communicating and emoting across long distances also opens up another avenue that isn't available to humans, or other races.


Character Application Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Vol C'thur

Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. (2 paragraphs minimum)

Raised in Ta’Akaix’Mouv’lek’tanta C’thur's brood, Ka'Akaix'Vol C'thur learned much in their years surfing the data surges. Vol was able to prove itself capable of withstanding the onslaught of information, but was unable to sieve any substantial secrets. Vol was created to serve and aid its superiors, and with its ability to handle many streams of information, its Ta advised that it should work aboard the Horizon as Bridge Crew, where it may have close access to many important happenings within the SCC to filter into the Hivenet, for others in Mouv's brood to surf. In this position, Vol can also aid the Horizon in its search for Phoron, which, in turn, will aid Vol's brood-fellows and Hive.

Vol is typically very formal, finding comfort in the strict hierarchical nature of their Hive and of the Social Credit System of the Federation. Vol is willing to have fun, but does not usually know what that means, as their entire life has been focused towards serving the hive. Vol acts most friendly towards other C'thur and Skrell, since they both affect their own life and the Hive directly, but is interested in all Hives and aliens, and how they may help C'thur, or Vaurcae in general, regain their autonomy.


How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. (1 paragraph minimum)

I think the most impactful events are those that led the Vaurcae away from their homeworlds, and their subsequent contact with humans, skrell, and sinta. Vol considers C'thur to have gotten the best deal in partnering with the Nralakk Federation. Vol thinks it beneath the grand Vaurcae to be vassals to any other race, such as the K'lax are. The Zo'ra at least don't have to pass a citizenship test, but they are packed in tight even for Vaurca, and so Vol much prefers the situation the C'thur currently have with the Federation.

Additionally, the Phoron scarcity worries Vol, due to their kind needing to breathe phoron. Which is part of what led it to become a bridge crew member, to assist the Horizon in the search for Phoron.


How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? (1 paragraph minimum)

Vol mostly sees their employment with the SCC as incidental, a side effect of serving the needs of the C'thur hive. They work where they can get the most pay for what they do, that has the least restrictions on what they do, so that they may be free to do the most good for their hive. Vol prefers working with Skrell or Humans over K'lax, but does not mind working with Zo'ra, though does admire what the K'lax have done for the Sinta'Unathi with their gene clinics. Vol was slightly irritated that other hives are granted citizenship in their respective nations without any testing, but has come to see the testing as a good thing that will help hive C'thur in the long run.

Edited by Alaunus_Lux
A word
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Hi. While overall I think this is a great app, Vaurcae can't be bridge crew as of now. I would love it if they could, but this is a decision from mantainers. Do you have any other concepts that could better suit another role?

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That's a bummer, I really liked the concept. I'll have to think a bit. Maybe the backstory would go well with xenoarch.


In the meantime, could that be added or made more clear in the wiki? It says no command positions, and Bridge Crew are called Command Support in the manifest.

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