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[Accepted] Hazelmouse's Vaurca Application

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BYOND Ckey: hazelmouse

Discord username: rattydew

Character names: Hazel #S-H9.09 (Bartender)
Reem Faladay (Atmospheric Technician)
Vafthrudnir (AI)
Jackdaw (Chief Engineer)
Eve Caelestius (Machinist)

Species you are applying to play: Vaurcae


General Whitelist Requirements 

What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: 0B2B1B, the colour of the unbound members of Zkaii's brood.

Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes! 

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this species?: 

Out of all the alien species in the Aurora setting, Vaurcae strike me as the most unique, novel, and downright foreign. They're utterly unlike humans in almost every way - their eusocial nature, the sheer timescales on which they operate both as individuals and as a species, and their seamless incorporation of the digital world into their societies, personal lives, and religions all particularly stand out as being utterly unlike anything else in the setting. They're a fallen civilisation of staggering heights and damning lows, as astounding in their achievements as they are harrowing in their hardships and mistakes. Some of their most terrible catastrophes appear totally mundane in a way I find wonderfully realistic. They're morally complicated and internally diverse, feuding with other hives and broods and inventing philosophies totally at odds with all their others, with a long history providing them a wealth of reason for conflict with other members of their own species. I want to play them because I find them fascinatingly written and rife with potential for interesting roleplay.

What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: 

Vaurcae, with the exception of Ta, are not socially adept in a manner familiar to humans, and struggle with their newly found obligations to acclimate to the temperaments of their host species. They lack the capacity for facial expressions a human possesses, and things as mundane to a human as spoken language are an alien novelty to them, having only become a part of their species in the last decade or so - spoken language is awkward to a species acclimated to the seamless transferral of thought possible via hivenet. Social interaction with other species, generally, is a hard-learned art that does not come intuitively in any capacity, and individual Vaurca may welcome integration or sharply oppose it. Their conceptions of reality and their own lives are also radically different - a Vaurca lives with the expectation of ascendance to the Aether upon their death, and knows that their time spent in the material world is only the beginning of an incredibly long life ahead of them.


Character Application

Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Kiiz K'lax

Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. 

Ka'Akaix'Kiiz K'lax was spawned in 2463, belonging to the the brood of Zkaii, imaged via Imagotis to serve as a menial logistical worker for the hive's operations on the planet of Tret. It was entered as a novice apprentice to the Tretian guild for the duration of its training in Virtual Reality, in which it was taught the histories of Hive K'lax and Sedantis, necessary skills in the fields of logistics and supply, an introductory understanding of the wonders of technology and mechanical engineering, and a substantial degree of knowledge on the Mother Dream religion.

It was particularly enthused by its religious education, finding a great degree of fascination in the conception of nested simulations stacked upon eachother, and taking comfort in the image of Mother K'lax presiding over them. It developed a deep, longing craving to join K'lax in the real world, and found itself immeasurably pleased to be racked by constant bouts of dramatic somnambulism. It deeply admires the theology of Xakat'kl'atan Ka’Akaix’Vhixok K’lax, having developed an admiration generally for all ancient Vaurcae that have spent long periods in the Mother Dream. It believes firmly that the Ny’tatyk is closer to the mind of Mother K'lax than is the material world, and more closely represents the unimaginable splendour of the real world than does the material world.

Upon the conclusion of its training, Kiiz became a true apprentice within the Tretian Guild, practicing its craft on the factory-planet. The dreary sights and sounds of the dark volcanic landscape of Tret, plumed with showers of ash and the distant lights of shuttles impossible to see through the clouds, sharply contrasted the shining jewel that is Zkaii's realm, and strongly reinforced Kiiz's already dour views on the material world. It saw that this was a dreary, dirty reality, that K'lax has sent it to endure only so it could prove it held the endurance and self-discipline to be worthy to join her in a truer, more beautiful reality. It endured with that image in its mind, despite its disillusionment with what it found in the world, knowing that this was all for a good reason.

It regularly devalues and derides the material world, falling into a very gnostic sensibility that the only value to be found in it is to secure itself a place in a better world through its actions within it. While it has been faced with the notion of the death of Mother K'lax, it has concluded that the question is irrelevant and that K'lax must survive in some capacity for her dream to have continued. To it, her survival seems blindingly obvious, in whatever form she does.

Recently, Kiiz found itself subcontracted to Hephaestus Industries by the Tretian Guild to continue its apprenticeship elsewhere, serving as a hangar technician. It will be its first time leaving Tret, assigned to some human corporate vessel in the area organizing humanitarian aid to Moghes. It found itself pleased it could assist this effort, certain that through this new duty it can inch its way closer to the real world, and equally certain that nothing it could see in this material place could astound or impress it. 

How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character.  

Most notably, the news of the War in Heaven has badly shaken Kiiz. Politically, it adheres to Pious Integrationism; it is alarmed and confused by the infighting within its own hive, and the hostility shown to the Mother Dream by the other broods therein. While it naturally admires figures such as Ka'Akaix'Udon K'lax for their close relationship with the Mother Dream and similarly finds an elegance in the idea of the beautiful war, it is also quietly horrified by the voiding of consciousness in the Xathul Xon. Its belief in the closeness of the Mother Dream to the intelligence of the real Mother K'lax tempts it to view these acts as sacrilegious in nature, tainting a holy place with death and conflict imported from a filthy material world. It does not speak out of turn, however, and is careful to avoid the topic when asked.

How does your character view the megacorporation they work for?

Kiiz is weakly positive towards the machinations of Hephaestus Industries. It views the corporation as a stepping stone in a nested virtual reality, informed in its nature by its utility to the children of Mother K'lax to ascend to reality to meet her again. Given its support to the Izweski Hegemony and Hive K'lax, it can only imagine that its purpose as mandated by K'lax is to help, not to hinder, and it is pleased to have found a new avenue to practice its duty.

Edited by Desven
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*beep and climbs on your counters.

Good app! I like the detail on how vaurca are different from humans. You're a great role player with your IPC and I know you'll *chitter here!

  • Desven changed the title to [Accepted] Hazelmouse's Vaurca Application
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