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XanderDox's Moderator Application

Guest XanderDox

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Basic Information

Byond Account: XanderDox

Character Name(s):

Carter Mason - Head of Security

Alastair Icarus - Captain

Niklaus Mason-Nox - Head of Personnel

Ashlynne Moriarty - Internal Affairs Agent

Vivian - Various Jobs - IPC

Vivian Rival - Chief Medical Officer

Istanbul Embaria - Maintenance Tech/CE

Clara Williams - Research Director

AI Name(s):V.I.V.I.A.N. (Transferred into the IPC Program) , Unity, Mainframe.

Skype: [information scrubbed]



When are you on Aurora?:Between 2:30PM - 2:00AM School Days, Basically all day on weekends.


How long have you played SS13?:About a year

How long have you played on Aurora:Three months, give or take a week.

How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Basically everything, besides Atmospherics, because you know, its complicated. (Working on edumacating myself in this field)

Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?:

Yuppers, I'll make a list:

Infestation Station - Moderator / Trial Admin

Colonial Marines (CaptainEnglish/Tom Version) - Trial Admin / Senior Admin

NSS Sulaco - Admin

Colonial Marines (Smokebuds Version) - Moderator, Admin, Host (for like three days :P)

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?:

I was banned by Rusty, a LONG time ago, before I actually became dedicated to Heavy Rping and Aurora, I was banned permanently, the reason being I had, as a traitor, broken into the Captains Office to steal the spare ID, to better assist with completing my objectives, which was stealing things I didnt have access to, then the Captain walked in, in a panic, I stunned him, put him in his locker and welded it. Rusty then messaged me, banned me before I could actually offer a defense, and then I later found out that Rusty was the Captain that round, (Dont really know what went on here actually). No idea when my ban was lifted, but I tried to join one day and it allowed me on. And I've been here ever since.


Why do you play SS13?:

I play it because I'm fascinated with science fiction, and the idea of space travel and establishing footholds in space. I found it when searching: Games where you run a space station . I found it, and have been hooked ever since.

Why do you play on Aurora?: I play on Aurora, because the Roleplay Atmosphere here is much better, than basically any other RP Server that advertises Heavy/High RP. Servers like Bay12 and Hypatia do have their merits, don't get me wrong, but they just get the mix wrong. Baystation is a good server, their RP is fairly good, however, they have the issue of their lore being frazzled, and also can be a bit too action oriented rather than focus on the RP itself. Hypatia... Well... Runspeed... And no antags at all... Extended RP is awesome... But 24/7, it becomes tedious. But Aurora, I dont know how, manages to level out the Action to RP ratio to near perfection, and thats just not something you see anymore.

What do moderators do?:

Moderators, they protect our server from griefers, to general idiots alike. Their job is to enforce the rules, answer questions related to the game, its mechanics, and other things of the like. But their job is to also ensure that people don't ruin other peoples rounds, whether this is done by generally bad behaviour or bad RP, or maybe the person is literally just being the biggest a**hole IC.

All in all, they're our loyal guards, protecting us from evil, forever keeping the grey tide at bay.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?:

A moderator on Aurora is there to help players get into the Heavy Roleplay scene, if they are new to it, and are there to set an example of what good roleplay looks like, so new players may learn from example, as that is usually the best way to learn. They are always here to ensure that the members of Grey Tide do not ruin an otherwise great Roleplay experience on the server.

Why do you want to be a moderator?:

I'd like to be a Moderator because I've been trying to find someway to contribute to the server, but I can't code nor sprite worth crap, so that idea went out the window, writing lore isn't exactly my forte, and mapping is kinda boring to me.

But I love dealing with people, I find it easy to do. And I think enforcing the rules would be a good contribution to the server as a whole.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?:I

'm calm in collected. I'm able to multi-task efficiently. And I'm good with working as a team. (Prior nerdy accomplishments in the leadership orientation- Leadership Camp, Students Council, Student Leaders,)

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?:

I've been hearing insults most of my life, by various people including family and acquaintances, so they tend to bounce off me with relative ease.

I'm not one to anger quickly or easily, and when I am angry, I /always/ step away from the situation, it's not fair to punish someone if you're anger is causing you to be biased.

Stress, now this is where I get caught, stress in my day-to-day life can affect my mood in-game, from making me forget to fill out paperwork as a head, to generally being crabby and smartassish. However, if I feel as if my stress levels are too high, and it might affect another player and their round or general opinion of the server and it community, I do not come on.

Anything Else You Want to Add:

I applied once for mod, got trialed, then something came up in life, and I wasn't able to play for my entire trial week, so I ended up not making it, which was like, the biggest bummer in the world.

But hey, I'm baaack ^ - ^

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I'm calm in collected. I'm able to multi-task efficiently. And I'm good with working as a team.


Okay, I'm not even slightly sure in this. At least one noteable instance involves you picking up an argument over OOC, and then cutting out by muting your OOC when I kept persisting. Okay, fair enough, not much to hold against a player. But for a moderator, it is very rude to simply cut out on a debate/argument with a player. Even a simple note of agreeing to disagree would serve better. Something similar I noted with Vivian, atually.

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I'm calm in collected. I'm able to multi-task efficiently. And I'm good with working as a team.


Okay, I'm not even slightly sure in this. At least one noteable instance involves you picking up an argument over OOC, and then cutting out by muting your OOC when I kept persisting. Okay, fair enough, not much to hold against a player. But for a moderator, it is very rude to simply cut out on a debate/argument with a player. Even a simple note of agreeing to disagree would serve better. Something similar I noted with Vivian, atually.


Was this the argument about the paperwork? I was extremely stressed out that day as I had been dealing with some issues at home and at school, and I really didn't want to end up saying something that would get me punished. I'm not usually like this, and I will usually continue an argument until the point that a punishment is likely for me to persist.

I apologise for doing this. I would never cut out from a player directly without explanation if I was feeling heated, I would explain that at the moment I may treat them biased and I would tell them I am handing the issue over to another staff member.

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