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BYOND key: ARandoDude

Discord Username: ARandoDude

Character names:

Vershal Plaz (Surgeon)

Danny Brovano (Machinist)

CABAL (Cyborg)

Kain Crossier (Warden)

Viliam Onuchukwu (Bridge Crewman)

How long have you been playing on Aurora?
I've been actively playing on the aurora since March 2023, Its been over a year now and although i've had to slow down recently due to being a full-time student and worker I've made some time to play just about every other day.

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?
I've only received warnings on byond mainly during my first few hours of playing as i was new to ss13 at the time.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?
Mentoring and structure, I've had the pleasure of meeting many fantastic Heads, And the main draw I got from them and those under them was not only organizing their team and keeping them in tip top shape but also being there to be a good role model, I've had the pleasure of being an interim CMO more than a few times and I've come to appreciate keeping things structured but also helping out my team when needed sometimes getting far too involved in assisting where i could have stepped back, I've learned from those experiences and while i might not be an expert yet i strive to set an good example for the rest of the team and crew and teach people what they might not know.


As for Structuring I've had the blessing and curse to see what good and bad organization can do especially given my main play is in the medical team, the times I have been put up as an interim CMO i've felt, went much more fluid for the team so long as communications were being upheld and of course properly staffed. Don't exactly want your medic you called for to be starboard when you're port side now do ya'!? Especially if you don't have one on board!


Aside from those two Command members meta wise have a link to exactly how a game can go depending on what they do Whether there be antags or not they have a responsibility to ensure everyone can have fun and play up their part to their best, My thinking is i will be able to not only teach those who are new the ropes but also let old hands ham up their times, whether that be against my character or not.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?

Upholding the rules that have been given, Ensuring power given is not abused, and helping everyone along to enjoy their time. 
Upholding those principles is a simple process of making sure i'm not biased nor attempting to play some sort of meta, simply exsist as the character and play out as they would without an third eye open to some sort of meta narrative. 

There is an obligation from command and those playing it to do their jobs and do them well and within their margins, we all aren't perfect but I've seen allot of good and i want to keep that going for this community I've grown to care about.

Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon.
Vershal Plaz Was a simple young human born into the times of the 2433 during the rise and subsequent falling out Nanotrasen and Rushed into service by 2450, They would come to see the horrors and glories of action for a long long time even in their short years being alive, The coming Solarian blockade and subsequent *near* bloodless victory that was the rouge "Mr.Frost" hit Plaz Hard when he saw many of the the IPC's he would see as friends over his time growing up sold off to the corporations or slavers. He would grow to gain a fond hatred for the Solarian army and its entire government structure even if the rouge general was not a "direct action" of the solarians. He is forever weary and on guard from any solarian actions but does not blame their people for the tragedy.

Passing further and further down the ranks of an enlisted man Plaz came to see much more conflict in the coming years after biesel managed to remake itself from Mr.Frost. On the synth liberation front Plaz had quite a troubled mix of emotions on wanting to assist what he viewed as fellows being the synthetics however could see the arguments made both for and against Synth rights, Ultimately He chose to lay in a rear guard to avoid the politics of the situation as turning gun or word against either side meant becoming the enemy of the other, Left with that decision he chose to leave it to indecision to sort things out, an outcome he still doesn't look fondly on for himself.

Continuing service with the TCFL as it would be only known as then of course the conflicts didnt end in that year either as pirates came to smell out the plunders of a recently ruined biesel and its surrounding spaces, and of course the tumultuous times of the adhomian gang wars, Which he was sent to at the time as a Prefect to oversee and play an active hand in stomping out, and he came to learn he quite enjoyed adhomian cooking.

By the end of all the blood shed and promotions the second invasion of biesel began and Plaz was there to see his home planet get invaded once again but this time not as the young buck they once were, Unfortunately for Plaz all of his service and belief in his people cracked when sol invaded again that with his body breaking apart after a few too many close calls with death and with that his strong belief in the Biesel government disintegrated , He would leave The TCFL as a reservist before deciding to simply become retired, Having been a soldier for much of his life he had decided years prior to move from his standard job of killing and protecting to a more helpful healing and mending job, Having preformed the duties as a combat medic for most of his career, He had an interest in medicine and after a few very bad medical experiences himself decided to delve into surgical schooling and eventually make his way aboard the SCCV horizon under Zheng-Hu at 2464, working as a First responder while he finished out his surgical degree in the background. And over the next year and his degree would finish and his work as a surgeon would begin, and his interest in taking on the mantle of CMO was at once a running joke before Plaz found himself increasingly wanting to get back into his familiar if old leadership postion. 

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
Chief Medical Officer

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?
That i have.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking:
Vershal Plaz (Surgeon -->Chief Medical officer)

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?

Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums?
Yes i have.

Extra notes:

I'm about to go into an industry of very heavy work here in a few months and will likely (although begrudgingly) be steeped in work and have to forgo ss13 for a short period of time of a few months aswell, i will however be keeping myself up to date, i have sadly missed allot of events while my work keeps me busy during the nights and my school during the days but progress requires sacrifices sometimes and sadly that's just what i gotta do to get the bread on the table.

Thanks for reading over my application, If you have any critiques or compliments please reach out to my on my discord and i'll answer when i can, thanks you and have a great day.

Edited by ARandoDude
Edit made due to Information on phalanx members apparent inability to join SCCV command structures. Backstory has been altered to fix this issue as i was unaware of such a consequence

Just had a round with Vershal as CMO - he's good with communication and delegating responsibilities. Interacted a lot with the medical staff, too.

It was a relatively calm round (for us) but he was still hanging out and chatting most of the time, which is always nice to see from Command. +1

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Vershal seems concerned with his department and his employees. I have yet to see how he handles a situation that requires his command authority over other departments, but hopefully his skills will transfer. He seems communicative on the command channel as well, and interested in non-medical matters. Seems a reasonable command member :)

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