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Lmwevil's 1am resolution to cyborg grimdork lore

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Posted (edited)

Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Small

Species: human/synth i suppose

Short Description: Cyborgification is a biological processor. 

How will this be reflected on-station?: Adjustment of how the braincase works, no more memory suppressing diodes.

Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: It removes a part of the lore that is literally too grimdark to interface with in any nuanced or meaningful way, and moves away from being 40k servitors to more a grim version of recycling. 

Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? yuh

Long Description:
Change the fluff of cyborgification to instead be that a brain is entirely and 100% dead with 0 personality before it is put inside, and that the brain itself is a purely biological processor. There are no diodes nor personality to suppress, there is no personhood inside. You're just a really cheap recycled component of a corpse. 

Remove emagging braincases to restore your personality and sense of self, remove the diodes, just have it be a brain in a case. 

Bonus is that now with it more of a somewhat morbid organ donation, you could give corporate benefit lore for people who opt for neuron reuse after death in bound machines. 

The code change is trivial, the lore change is trivial and the benefits allow for actual nuanced discussion of the morals of organ donation instead of 'do you want to be a 40k servitor' which the answer to that question is no to any character you can reasonably play. 

If it's just a dead brain in a thing that's being burnt up to help a machine think, it's just recycling matter that wasn't being used anyway. Fits in corporate dystopia without being 40k. 

P.S. fox on discord was part of a discussion that made me decide to post this

P.P.S. i wrote this at 1am

P.P.P.S generalcamo's devils advocating started the discussion and fox's corpo posting after inspired this thread

Edited by Lmwevil
added ppps
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