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Job ban Appeal-Sparta9001

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BYOND Key: Sparta9002
Total Ban Length: until appealed
Banning staff member's Key: A_Big_Bear
Reason of Ban: Overstepping as a physician
Reason for Appeal: These past six months have changed me alot as a person and I had alot of time to think about things. I've looked at all my shortcomings and tried out alot of new roles like machnist and engineering. which are both really fun to learn and play. Plus I think they have been good to slow me down a bit. Honestly I think one of the main causes of this ongoing issue of me superdocing was that I sometimes would get tunnel vision and get hyperfocused on one task instead of taking a second to see what's going on around me. This hindered my ability to work as a team with other players in medical which I can only hope to be given the chance to correct this in the future. Learning some of these new roles have helped me slow down and just let the round play instead of feeling the need to jump into everything by myself when there's already established roles to handle every situation in each department. I've talked with some of the friends I've made here to get a better perspective on working in a hectic department like medical. One of the key things that I could take away from all of this is how valuable communication can be in a hectic department such as medical. 

Edited by Sparta9001
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As you've only just begun playing recently and after conferring with other staff I will be denying this request. In that time since you've returned you've also had to he contacted by staff on multiple occasions in the last two days. While you may have grown as a person, we need to be able to see consistent performance to back that up before I will be willing to consider it.


You may reapply after 3 months with semi consistent play.

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