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Incident Report - 10/15/2466


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Reporting Personnel: Reed Calom
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Corporate Representative, PMCG
Game ID: cwb-dGAW

Personnel Involved:
Ashi Firetalon, Tech Support, Orion - Primary Offender
Rakka Kuhwinla, Security Officer, PMCG - Secondary Offender
Reed Calom, Corporate Representative, PMCG - Reporting Witness
Camille Lancaster, Operations Manager - Witness
Lodovica Pirro, Consular, Empire of Dominia - Victim/Witness

Secondary Witnesses:
Za'Akaix'Telap Zo'ra, Assistant, PMCG - Witnessed the 'Toy' that verbalized a false bomb threat and countdown, overheard all radio comments.
Samantha Gallagher, Investigator, PMCG - Personally informed me that Officer Kuhwinla had both refused to act upon the report and had failed to inform their department.

Time of Incident: Around 01:00 Ship Time, for the lattermost offense witnessed in person. Radio comments were throughout the shift.

Real Time: (00:00-01:00~ish GMT, throughout the round)
Location of Incident: Primarily via Common Radio, and outside of the Bridge near the end of the shift

Nature of Incident:
[ ] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[X] - Neglect of Duty
[X] - Harassment
[ ] - Assault
[X] - Misconduct
[ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident: The primary offender, Ashi Firetalon, verbally stated over the common radio a thinly veiled desire to commit murder and arson. They attempted to veil these remarks under claims that it was to be in a video game, but given their criminal history (Security Record - Record: 13-04-2436) one can assume that this is not merely a grossly inappropriate attempt at humour. Furthermore, they harassed a Consular of the Empire of Dominia over the common radio prior and seemingly created or at least used an electronic device that verbally stated a bomb threat after which it would count down to a faux explosion. The lattermost was witnessed by myself and my assistant Telap near the end of the shift, outside of the bridge, and it is possible that the Consular may have seen this device used earlier based upon their remarks. The radio harassment, then the comments expressing fantasy of criminal action, were fully overheard by myself and Operations Manager Lancaster - who herself had attempted to calm down the initial harassment over radio.

After the remarks over the radio regarding murder and arson, I messaged Officer Kuhwinla via PDA, the only Security Officer on-shift, to file a request to investigate Firetalon's comments. After some time without response - despite the Officer's PDA having power as they had replied to a query but a moment before the request - and witnessing Firetalon playing haphazardly with the markedly concerning 'toy' whilst hauling a keg, I queried Detective Gallagher regarding the status of my request - and whether it had even been shared with the rest of the Security Department. I soon learned that Officer Kuhwinla had not only neither shared or acted upon it, but had refused to do anything about it according to the Detective's own statement, flagrantly neglecting their duties.

Submitted Evidence:
Refer to the SCCV Horizon's Common Radio logs for the early morning of the 15th of October for the primary offense,




Would you like to be personally interviewed?: 
[ ] - Yes
[X] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: 
-Camille Lancaster, Operations Manager
-Sylvia Ewart, Chief Engineer

I had informed them both that I requested Security to open an investigation into the matter of the comments over the radio.

Actions taken: 
Reported the incident to Security, specifically Officer Kuhwinla initially, then Detective Gallagher after a period of noticeable inaction. Kuhwinla had not shared my request with the rest of the department. Command Staff had, after my initial report, assumed Security to be investigating the matter. By the time that Detective Gallagher was involved, the shift was coming to an end and there was no time for her to look into the matter fully - though I reported the 'toy' to her and Command at this point nevertheless. Operations Manager Lancaster had personally attempted to stop the radio harassment of the Consular. Chief Engineer Ewart was a late arrival and pre-occupied with maintaining the vessel's new equipment, furthermore I am uncertain if they were present to overhear any of the radio misconduct or witness the 'toy'.

Additional Notes: I have many words to offer after reading the individual's record, but it more than speaks for itself.

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TO: Reed Calom, Corporate Representative, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to HRA Maria Leoz (catsinhd).

You may be contacted by the HR Assistant for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 15-19:27-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2466



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