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Miracle's Jacket

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BYOND Key: Jboy2000000

Character name: Miracle Kifer

Item name: Cargo Jacket

Why is your character carrying said item to work? She doesn't like how the station's jumpsuit fit her, so she like to roll her jump suits down, but she doesn't like people looking at her prosthetic arm.

Item function(s): Worn in o_clothes, like clothes.

Item description: A yellow and brown jacket mirroring a cargo uniform.

Item appearance: Pretty much as it says in the description, a jacket made up of cargo's brown and yellow.

Additional comments:

  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

In the past, Ive had some real good RP with people with Miracle slowly coming out and getting more comfortable with her new arm and stuff. It'd probably prove more useful in an RP sense than some of the other jackets that have been approved and implemented.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I'm willing to accept this if it's something that will actually get you results on something you've tried previously. Your application will be accepted and placed in the Accepted Items sub. Keep an eye out for it in case a developer needs to contact you.

  • 3 weeks later...

Having a wee bit of difficulty with this one (Mainly in that it's not pulling from the sprites for whatever reason when I clone a jacket that can be buttoned up for this). Might not have it ready for tomorrow's pull request.

  • 3 weeks later...

Blork blork.


// Miracle Kifer's cargo jacket - Jboy2000000
name = "cargo jacket"
desc = "A yellow and brown jacket similar in design to a cargo uniform."
icon = 'icons/obj/custom_items/miracle_jacket.dmi'
icon_state = "miracle_jacket_open"
contained_sprite = 1

	set name = "Toggle Jacket Zipper"
	set category = "Object"
	set src in usr

	if(!usr.canmove || usr.stat || usr.restrained())
		return 0

			icon_state = "miracle_jacket_closed"
			usr << "You zip up \the [src]."
			icon_state = "miracle_jacket_open"
			usr << "You unzip \the [src]."

			usr << "SierraKomodo broke a thing. Bug report time!"


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