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Player Complaint - SenpaiShadow_

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BYOND Key: Draculabot

Player Byond Key: SenpaiShadow_

Staff involved: Callum99877

Reason for complaint:


My character was kind to the wizard of the round, and during the battle with security he was waging, he teleported into a hallway near my character, Rebecca McGrath, and hit her with a force bolt without warning or any roleplaying whatsoever. My character died as a result.

Approximate Date/Time: 6/1/2015, around 2:08 central time.

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Was he just coming from a fight?

Were you geared for a fight?

Was it red alert or obviously about to be red alert?

Did you have notice of a hostile on-station?

Did he hit you once? Or did he actively try and kill you? Could it have been a miss-click? Did the "bullet" get stuck in you? (I've seen that happen. stuck in bullets are hilariously lethal)

Do you have logs? Could scopes/skull or someone get applicable logs?

Did you adminhelp it?

There are a lot of variables in this. A little more detail would be helpful.

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He was just coming for a fight. He teleported in and hit me in the chest with a force bolt.

I wasn't geared for a fight, I was in my basic engineering gear.

It was a blue alert.

I didn't have any IC idea the wizard would attack me.

He pretty much fired to kill. The 'bullet' got stuck in.

Rebecca McGrath [Engineering] shouts, "ENGINEERING! FLEE TO ENGINEERING!"


Bradley Ironromager [145.9] says, "HELP"

Bradley Ironromager talks into the security radio headset

Rebecca McGrath [Engineering] exclaims, "I SAW A DUDE GET SHOT IN THE DICK!!"

Rebecca McGrath exclaims, "I SAW A DUDE GET SHOT IN THE DICK!!"

Jamec O'Bearki asks, "Brad?"

Falk Schokolade says, "Fucking hell.."

Nasir Ha'kim [Engineering] asks, "In the dick?"

Ragnarr the Wise (as Ragnarr) fires the mental focus!

Rebecca McGrath yells, "Stop!"

Rebecca McGrath is hit by the force bolt in the chest!

The force bolt shrapnel sticks in the wound!

You feel something rip in your chest!

Officer Beepsky beeps, "Level 4 infraction alert!"

Officer Beepsky points at Elizabeth Solari!

Something feels like it shattered in your chest!

Rebecca McGrath screams!

Rebecca McGrath says, "I s-"

Rebecca McGrath [Engineering] exclaims, "I'm hurt! FUCK! FUCK!"

Rebecca McGrath exclaims, "I'm hurt! FUCK! FUCK!"

Your chest hurts badly.

Jamec O'Bearki [145.9] yells, "AGHhg!"

Rebecca McGrath [Engineering] yells, "The wizard attacked me!"

Rebecca McGrath yells, "The wizard attacked me!"

Elizabeth Solari [Engineering] says, "The hell's going-"

You really need some painkillers..

Rebecca McGrath [145.9] yells, "WHY DID YOU ATTACK ME, I WAS KIND TO YOU!"

Rebecca McGrath yells, "WHY DID YOU ATTACK ME, I WAS KIND TO YOU!"

Elizabeth Solari [Engineering] says, "Oh fucking.."

Nasir Ha'kim [145.9] says, "Doctorrr"

Officer Beepsky beeps, "Level 4 infraction alert!"

Officer Beepsky points at Elizabeth Solari!

Ragnarr the Wise [145.9] says, "Galloway deciliened my request"

Ragnarr the Wise [145.9] says, "That's why"

Rebecca McGrath [145.9] yells, "So you attack me?!"

Rebecca McGrath yells, "so you attack me?!"

Rebecca McGrath [145.9] yells, "YOU COCKSUCKER!"

Rebecca McGrath yells, "YOU COCKSUCKER!"

Oliver Roadman gasps for air!

Nasir Ha'kim [Engineering] asks, "Wherrre arrre you?"

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

Ragnarr the Wise [145.9] says, "You musst suffer."

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

Rebecca McGrath [145.9] says, "EAT ME."

Rebecca McGrath says, "EAT ME."

Rebecca McGrath is having trouble keeping their eyes open.

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

You feel woosey

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

Dawson Bloise [145.9] asks, "Miner?"

Raymond Galloway [145.9] says, "You have sixty seconds to turn yourself in before I have you executed, dog."

You feel a stabbing pain in your chest!


Rebecca McGrath [145.9] stutters, "M-MEDIC-CAL-L-L-L T-TO T-TH-H-HE L-LEF-F-FT-T OF-F TH-HEIR B-BUIL-LD-DING-G"


Rebecca McGrath [145.9] stutters, "H-H-H-HELP-P M-ME"

Rebecca McGrath stutters, "H-H-H-HELP-P M-ME"

Ragnarr the Wise [145.9] stammers, "Ex-xec-cut-te? f-f-f-for-r?"

Your whole body is going numb!

Your chest hurts badly.

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

Rebecca McGrath stutters, "H-HELP-P"

Nasir Ha'kim has grabbed Rebecca McGrath passively!

Rasine Ha'kim [145.9] says, "Medical has a lot of people to deal with."

Rebecca McGrath stutters, "I'M-M-M-M DY-YING-G-G-G."

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The force bolt shrapnel sticks in the wound!

You feel something rip in your chest!

Something feels like it shattered in your chest!

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

You feel woosey

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.

You feel broken bones moving in your chest!

Something inside your chest hurts a lot.


He only shot you once. You died because you were running around with a broken rib. I'm not really sure that murderboning accusations are at all applicable here.

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I feel i should point out the only input i had here was answering the question you asked that was. "Who plays the wizard i wish to make a complaint" I did not see the incident. To my knowlage he was being chased by security and you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. As i said i did not ssee the incident occur.

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Hey there. Wizard here. As I previously said the crew deciliened my request and assaulted me and therefore they shall suffer. Also I didn't plan to attack you. i was beeing chased by security and by the HoP and I was scared as I saw you so I just fired. I didn't plan to attack. You just were at the wrong place at the wrong time. I thought you would go to medical and survive the wound.

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I see this as a guy in the wrong place at the wrong time, there was no intentions he was singling you out, and he really didn't murderbone as much as he was being chased by security. Adrenaline and running away from characters makes you do silly things in this game.

I will be leaving this open for 24 hours before archiving and locking.

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