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Right, so, I was on a bus ride, and I had this idea.


I was originally thinking about Inis' epilepsy, and how it was difficult and awkward to explain ICly and in LOOC that she had epilepsy.

So, explanation aside:

Seizure mechanic:

-Causes minor brute damage that increases as the seizure continues, along with a small chance of broken bones and minor brain damage. (Unless restrained?) And can't speak.

-Suffering characters are immobilised, prone, shake like their own two dozen coffees, and have a flavour message "Urist is seizing!"

-Can be caused by chemicals, allergies, possibly a new genetic defect, disease effects, changeling sting, radiation sickness and epilepsy, of course.

-Can also be caused by a new chemical, made from Hyperzine and Toxin.

-Can be surpressed by sleep toxin, chloral hydrate, or some new chemical.

Further ideas:

-Replace taser KO with a seizure, it has the same disabling effect, coupled with minor damage and a low chance of something serious occuring, much like a real taser.

-Players with seizure active on their character sheet gain a "Seizure" verb, allowing them to activate a seizure for a period of time (10 seconds?), so they can enact immediate consequences upon their characters if a seizure would be triggered.


-Players with seizure active on their character sheet gain a "Seizure" verb, allowing them to activate a seizure for a period of time (10 seconds?), so they can enact immediate consequences upon their characters if a seizure would be triggered.


While the idea in itself is interesting, I'm worried about whether or not this will be abused to a really stupid extent.

Though, then again, you just smack the dork for abusing it.


Yup, and plus, it would be difficult to abuse a button that causes your character to spasm and take damage for ten seconds or so; though I guess someone in the brig could do it and scream about shitcurity. But yeah, they would probably get jumped on.

Well, I could do this for Lockie if she ever gets hit by an EMP. Seems like a good idea.

Does Lockie have a robotic brain?

I don't have specifics, but I think Lockie is heavily augmented.


How would greytiders abuse the ability to make their character have seizures?

Unless you mean the disease/genetic/chemical possibilities; but in each of those there are already absurdly deadly/effective possible grief methods in those areas; such as shutdown syndrome, monkeyfication or chloral hydrate.

As far as I can see, griefers trying to use seizing methods would actually be less effective than normal griefers, in addition, the only way they would know about it is word of mouth, our wiki, which I doubt they would read, or from this thread.

And any person who activates a seizure when attacked by security and yells something along the lines of "HALP AM SEIZING SHITCURITY BEATING" wouldn't be likely to be taken seriously, and admins would drop on them like a tonne of bricks.


One very, very, very common trait of greytide players is suicide and other forms of self-harm. Especially on logout.

Contrary to popular belief, most greytide players are actually pretty quiet and to-themselves. They slip under the radar as the silent or SSD co-worker that simply does their own thing for a short time, then vanishes quietly. If you know how and where to look they are actually surprisingly common. Only about a third of all greytide characters are actually loud or malicious.

I'm not saying they would outright grief, I'm saying if the option is present you will find people using it simply because they can. Such is the nature of the beast. Be careful giving people a verb that they can use to incapacitate themselves, it will be used and possibly abused.


Unless they set their character to have seizures, they shouldn't have the verb, so the ones that do do it will (hopefully) would be few and far between. Any person that tries to suicide are generally in prison, and they'll probably use things that are too hand, like shoes, or cuffs.

Maybe make straitjackets/bedbuckle prevent seizures.


So after a chat with Skull:

-Player activated are definately not a thing, I only dropped them in as an option here anyway.

-Maybe having a list of chemicals/items/effects on the character sheet that you can choose from, similar to the loadout in how it displays.

-Maybe add in anaphlaxis as an alt to seizures? "Amy Heris is stung by bee! Amy Heris begins to gasp, her flesh flushing and beginning to swell!"

So after a chat with Skull:

-Player activated are definately not a thing, I only dropped them in as an option here anyway.

-Maybe having a list of chemicals/items/effects on the character sheet that you can choose from, similar to the loadout in how it displays.

-Maybe add in anaphlaxis as an alt to seizures? "Amy Heris is stung by bee! Amy Heris begins to gasp, her flesh flushing and beginning to swell!"

Could we add "EMP" as something you can choose for those characters with neural implants?

We could then use anaphlaxis and such as .... I dunno, maybe a viral symptom, or some effects for poisons or whatever. Or maybe something with nanomachines causing it, I dunno, either way adding this general option should give useful options to developers in the future.

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