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Being Head of Personnel (or Staff in general)




I'd like the opportunity to whitelist at some point as I frequently play at odd hours where we have maybe two heads of staff. But I don't want to dive head first into the shallow end, especially with only having played for a couple months. What I'm interested in is Head of Personnel, but any head besides CMO and HoS are things I /CAN/ do. (I just can't rememebr medical stuff and I haven't figured out how to be robust.) To give some perspective on my abilities, again these apply mainly to HoP, here's what I know. Much of this is from the BayStation Wiki, which loosely applies to us, but other info comes from playing as an executive assistant:

  • The job puts you in a leadership role where you have authority over a section of the crew, or all if you are the captain.
  • HoP, according to the wiki, is the de facto captain during normal operation. (This I'm hesitant to believe.)
  • HoP is directly in charge of all civilian jobs, including Cargo, mining, cook, bartender, and janitor. Assistants are also in the civilian section of the manifest, so I assume HoP asserts direct control over them as well.
  • HoP is authorized to use the ID computer to alter jobs and access. Paperwork or, at the barest minimum, express permission from all heads of staff involved in department changes, must be completed and signed by authorized persons for changes.
  • HoP /SHOULD/ be trying to encourage an even flow of crew across every department. This should include asking members of a department to consider changing departments for a shift to help make up for lack of personnel. This always includes denying access to a department if that department is already overstaffed.

What I want to know is:

  • What am I missing?
  • Is there anything else I should learn before trying to apply?
  • Are there any tips from current whitelisted players to help me be a better player for a head of staff, both IC and OOC. (My characters are Xel Carin, Vel Carin, and Qwerty for reference.)
  • Is there anything explicitly wrong in the things that I "know."


You guys would be doing me such a favor by helping out. I want to be able to help round out those late night rounds with Heads of Staff and I feel I could be helpful to the server community as a whole with characters in those roles.

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HoP, according to the wiki, is the de facto captain during normal operation. (This I'm hesitant to believe.)


You would be right in your hesitancy. On Aurora, as per the station directives #1 and #2, all Heads of Staff are treated equal. There may be a pretense in the HoP being the most experienced (out of the other heads of staff) in buerocracy, but this is not always the case. My ultimate preference is on the Command Staff model of operation, but if they want an Acting Captain, then the Command Staff needs to decide this together.


Assistants are also in the civilian section of the manifest, so I assume HoP asserts direct control over them as well.


Right you are! Feel free to enslave them and such! They'll like it (or they'll just grumble as you ruined their chairRP, but they deserve it)!


HoP is authorized to use the ID computer to alter jobs and access. Paperwork or, at the barest minimum, express permission from all heads of staff involved in department changes, must be completed and signed by authorized persons for changes.


Yeah, basically a courtesy thing. If you have an RD, and you are giving a scientist more science access, then get the RD's permission for it. Or have the scientist get it, as obtaining it is not technically your job, but you can help them if you're feeling up to it.


HoP /SHOULD/ be trying to encourage an even flow of crew across every department. This should include asking members of a department to consider changing departments for a shift to help make up for lack of personnel. This always includes denying access to a department if that department is already overstaffed.


I've never seen this done by any HoP on our server. But you can definitely give it a shot! Just make sure to coordinate with the rest of C-Staff.


Is there anything else I should learn before trying to apply?


Let me just toot my own horn here. I basically wrote down my book while playing Command Staff in this thread. These are by no means the only answers to the questions I have raised in the thread, but they are my own, and work just fine for me. And while your mileage may vary, keep in mind that perspective is one of the most important things to being a leader.

I thiiink that does it? If there's any other questions, feel free to pose them!

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Thanks for the replies Skull this is exactly what I was looking for. I'm gonna be looking at your tips thread here soon. Though I won't lie and tell you this thread was solely about getting the questions answered. I'm trying to make my name mildly known, so people don't just skip over my app because they don't know who I am. As much as I know a good app can get you across as well, having the people who can and will vouch for you is good too. Especially when the application process isn't my strong suit. I'm staffed many game servers and my applications are always short and to the point, like a resume. Thus the paragraphs required by the applications here slow me down and intimidate me.

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So I went against my better judgment and made an app yesterday. I feared I'd see what I am now, and I'm sure I'm going to continue to see it. I'm already near 30 views and not a soul seems interested in posting commentary. I always find these neutral spaces where no one cares enough or knows enough to +1 or -1 my stuff.

If anyone wants to do me a solid they can visit the application and give me feedback. I don't care if it's here, there, or in a private message. I'd like to know how well I did and what I might need to work on. I'm always striving to improve and it's hard to do so when people just look at me like I'm some kind of idiot. I get that at work already, since people won't tell me how to do things properly, I don't want it here too.

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