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Jack Fractal - LoreDev App

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Ckey/BYOND Username: jack_fractal

Position Being Applied For: Synthetic Lore Developer

Past Experiences/Knowledge: I've worked professionally in the entertainment industry for seven years. I have a lot of experience working on collaborative creative projects with large numbers of people.

I've been playing role-playing games since I was in grade two. I have an academic interest in them, in addition to finding them an enjoyable pass-time, with a particular interest in the methods by which different formats and mechanics alter how people interact with the fiction.

I'm a professional programmer, so while I'm not an expert on robots, I know a fair amount about artificial intelligence.

Examples of Past Work: I wrote the current lore for IPC's. It's available here. I also coded the recent IPC aesthetics update.

In non-SS13 related things, I've been drawing and writing an interactive horror web-comic for the last two and a half years. It's called All Night Laundry, and I've updated it daily for 792 days straight, as of July 21, 2015.

Preferred Mode of Communication: Skype. I'm jackthenimble on there.

Additional Comments: I work full time, and drawing my comic takes up a lot of my remaining free time. I don't have an enormous amount of time to spend on this, but I can spare a couple of hours a week.


After what Jack has done with the synthetic lore I can fully support this. I would love to see what he could do if he is lore developer.

+1 from me.


I can say that Jack deserves this position simply based on the lore that has already been excepted. It was a lot of alteration and the code change to go with it seems to be near perfect. I say he's already earned it.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

If no objections are raised by tomorrow I'll accept the application and begin the process of assimilation into the lore team. I'd be glad to have you!

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Application accepted with delight. Send me your skype deets and I'll poke Scopes about the title and permissions.

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