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An in-depth treatise on why everything is burning

Guest Bokaza

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Posted (edited)

I guess it's right about time I'm honest about everything and use my sum experience with Aurora to provide a blend mix of objective-subjective perspective. I have been playing exclusively on this server for close to a year now. I've made my mistakes, had my fill of complaints and rage, but I've also made some great friends and had fun. I am a member of the group that Skull spoke about three weeks ago, the group responsible for most of the shit-posts here on the forums. Through the entire ordeal, I mostly didn't shitpost and refused to "pick a side". It's the smaller part where I did chose a side that made me decide to leave. I honestly deserve a ban, but Doom would disagree. But anyway, I've decided to stay away from the community and the server, another one of my self-imposed exiles. Either way, I intend to take up his offer to explain what I want or have wanted.

So, let me start. The current Hottest Hot Pocket of Butthurt, the 4th Rider of Apocalypse and general source of Space Drama is "undeserved criticism". I think we are missing a few points here. No real criticism is undeserved, people are free to criticise whatever they want. This is the main reason free speech exists. No, it does not exist so you could say random bullshit and be a rude asshole, it exists so you could voice your opinion without fear of retribution or censorship. Despite that, I generally hate this idea that Americans propagate in which "Opinions are sacred". They are fucking not. Opinions change. So, the question is, when is criticism not criticism, but harassment. Let me give you an example with a quote:

No, I'm just trying to show you how stupid it is a grown adult man, wasting his time making fun of minors and playing 2Dspessman while programming for a small company. Bravo Boka, bravo.

This comment, was made by a member of the Staff. The same person who is a current supporter of taking down "harassing" comments. Now, is possibly valid criticism, if we ignore the lack of context? Yes. Was the main goal of this comment to provide criticism? No. This is intended to actually make me feel horrible. I'm a childish, immature motherfucker for making fun of people's behaviour and play-styles, not really caring for their ages and feelings. I'm so sorry.

Okay, then, what about IC criticism? I've been known to very loudly react to criticism of my characters. Well, there is a reason. Elena is my work, my most developed character, my masterpiece. I started playing her around New Year, she was pretty plain then. However, I slowly imported her personality from my earlier literary work, the stories I wrote. So, seeing Elena, my work, receive recognition and love from people who I've actually talked to her about was nothing short of Inspiring and Heart-warming. Someone (who might be a future member of the staff) said that my character, Elena, owes her popularity to my OOC friends who propagate her popularity. Is it true? Maybe. Is it relevant? No. It was basically a "No one really likes your character but your friends and she isn't really that good". Why did it bother me? There was no criticism of her behaviour, her personality or anything else of value on that matter. It was a simple, poor, fucking attack. It didn't need to be said. At the very least, the person was implying that I live in delusions of grandeur.

With the two above given examples in mind, do I need Xander and Jakers being protective of my feelings? No. Even when being loud as hell, I calm down afterwards and try not to act on my feelings. I've never really asked for anyone to be reprimanded or have their behaviour changed by force, but I've recognized it as a necessity. Albeit, even though I view them at poor attempt at annoying me, I recognize them as criticism, so, nothing should really be done about it. In the end, offence is taken, not given. But yes, now we go to what the "Loud, obnoxious shit-posters" and "conspirators" consider valid criticism.

Everyone is wrong. It's (as far as I know) one of the rules of internet. It's up to you to prove why you're right. When does someone usually become right? When majority of people agree with them. Here's some examples:

  • I really don't know if majority of people agree that SSL-s are a plague or just isolated incidents, but for me at least, it's pretty clear. They are annoying, immersion breaking and can force people into their shitty RP drama without them actually having an option to ignore it. There is an entire chain of issues you create for the station when you do it and no one wants to fucking deal with it.
  • Powergamers. Yes, the fucking powergamers. You know who you are. You're the person who always does everything optimally. The person who plays to "Robust" shit. We all like a good fight, but the point at which you know that a player and all of their characters will always beat you at and know everything is point where it becomes hard to deal with for me. It doesn't matter how much you skim the rules It ends rounds, ruins RP and generally does not fit a Heavy RP enviroment.
  • Be the change you want to be. If you're fucking bored, make it more fun. Don't be a fucking hypocrite by moaning about it being boring.
  • Shitcurity and snowflakes whose existence and continued employment makes you scratch your head as to why they still have a job.


Now we come to the Burning Hot Pocket of Doom; Staff action and inaction. Here is my reasoning as to why the server has been slowly going to hell over the past half a year. As far as I've figured out from my talk with Skull, somewhere in that period staff has taken an interesting stance. Due to a lack of coherent vision and lack of moderation staff to enforce it, the decision was made, rather than enforce the rules to a full extent, mercilessly and effectively, to lax them, instead, and let the community manage itself, through DO system and discussions. Why? Because, assumption was made the mixing of opinions would create an optimal playground for everyone. I will admit that I was once a supporter of this idea. But, oh my god, was I fucking wrong. Because, opinions stink. Someone needs to take a blame for the stink and players who profited from the laxed rules were the target. It sparked flames and heated discussions. Some players were chased off, others left. However, it is overly optimistic to think that people won't get pushed off the server if people are trying to enforce their own vision, even through a compromise. Someone always gets mad.

Then, in comes the thing from two-three weeks ago. The staff has decided that people who were openly criticising others in these heated debates are the reason for the bad situation, a cancer of the community. Because, under staff rules, these players had a right to their play-style. The entire ordeal with Cassy's server was how the entire thing started, not the reason. Staff position was never clear on what the MO of the server was, what the entire server was all about. Player A criticises player B, asking them to change, player B goes defensive and feels victimized because he's not breaking the rules. Player A is a dick in staff's eyes, thus is punished, so goes on a rant against the staff. Staff get on the defensive, feels victimized. The wheel turns around and around, until everyone is pissed at everyone. This is what happens when people can't handle criticism and chose to label the people providing it as a dick.

However, everyone on the server has examples of either staff being dicks or other players being dicks and it's a level of fuckery that is near impossible to unfuck. All of us ruined someone's round at one point or another. What to do about it? Maybe admit you did a mistake and apologize? No? Well, alright, this is how dickery continues. Can we forgive? Nahh, that would be too much.

The Staff seems to have an idea what to fix this. And I'll honestly ask the staff not edit this thing out. The current censorship and control over forums are reaching 1984-esque levels. Considering this is a forum, it's not scary, it's fucking hilarious. I mean, I see the perspective and reasoning behind it. To stop the shitstorms and negativity. But that's not going to fucking work, now, is it? Unless you intend to do it until the forum is dead. Then no one will ever shit-post again.

But at any rate, I think I'm done with this. You all have fun without me, as well, I no longer feel welcome or can allow myself to play here. Which is sad. Aurora is probably the best server for me out there, even in its current state. Keep up the good work.

Edited by Guest

Small semi-off-topic explanation

The current censorship and control over forums are reaching 1984-esque levels.

What happened in that mess of a thread is being sorted out. As for the rest of the measures, we've reached a point of rampant ban evasion and people impersonating staff, making throwaway accounts with disposable emails and posting dumb shit out of spite. The measures taken outside of said thread, unless there are some I'm not aware of, are pretty necessary at this moment in time.


Ultimately, yes, you've explained what you believe is fucking everything up. Discussing whether it's accurate or not or whether I agree or not is beyond the point. My main question: What would you do about it?


I'm aware of why the bans are in place, the ban evaders are not really mad for having their alternative accounts banned. They just don't give a shit any more.

Me? I have no idea. Aurora community seems beyond repair at this point and kicking people out will only cause more damage. Someone maybe knows and that someone should take the helm, or at very least have their opinion heard. Might be good that everyone puts their own opinion up on how to fix it.


I think that's pretty pessimistic. Things are hardly anywhere near beyond repair (for most people, with, admittedly, a handful of exceptions). From what I've been told, this isn't the first time this sort of thing happens.

I find that almost everyone has an idea of what's "wrong" (at least, what they perceive as wrong), but when it comes to being asked for proposed solutions, most of them tend to shy away. Of course, having a course of action to suggest doesn't automatically translate to having the solution. We have the hilarious "delete the staff" types, and then we have the opposite, equally hilarious extreme. I'm trying to pick out what's reasonable or likely to help from whatever anyone proposes, and figure things out from there.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to answer.


Actually, here's a course of action, not the solution. You should really stop the previous thread in question from repeating, by allowing people to speak their mind without trying to censor it. When people have had their fill of shitposting and, if we are going to be optimistic, actually try and see some of it as valid. It will calm down indefinitely. Trying to flush when the drain is clogged will just make more shit come out.

As for the "wrong" part, leaving the flow of suggestions and ideas in your private channel will avoid flaming, yes, but it will cut off valid input. The cause of this was also a lack of transparency. Players need to know what is being discussed or considered before they can weigh in.

Unless people are really that spineless, being mentioned on forums shouldn't ruin their day.


Oh, I'm ASKING people to speak their mind. The problem is that the most vocal of them cannot differentiate between speaking their mind and shitposting. As for that thread, rest assured, it's being sorted out.


I view Rectum's shitposts as a mix of humour and honest criticism. Either way, I'm saying they should be allowed, but it's ultimately your choice.


- Don't be a dick


It's a very, very basic rule we have, on both the forums and the server. Criticism isn't the problem, tiny tidbits of criticism being surrounded by many thinly-veiled jabs is. If one cannot exercise the amount of self-control required to refrain from violating this rule, deleting their posts can hardly be called censorship. In short, if you want to make your opinion known, don't be a dick about it and you'll be fine - no one is going to delete your post simply because they disagree with it (and if they do, I am likely to bite them).


I'm aware this is not exactly a place for one on one discussions, but I'll just say. People have a need to be dicks to each other. People will always find a reason to be dicks to each other. You can:

  • Let it be done on the forums, where everyone can see people be dicks to each other and make their own judgement, possibly creating shitstorms and discord.
  • Ban it and let players be dicks to each other over private, letting them form grudges in the background, possibly creating discord as they sort it out through other means.
  • Ban it and regulate the harassment that happens, for all intents and purposes, outside the server, thus allowing for abuse as flow of information is more complicated and limited.

As we can't possibly expect people to control their own nature, sometimes it's better to let it run its course.

As far as I've figured out from my talk with Skull, somewhere in that period staff has taken an interesting stance. Due to a lack of coherent vision and lack of moderation staff to enforce it, the decision was made, rather than enforce the rules to a full extent, mercilessly and effectively, to lax them, instead, and let the community manage itself, through DO system and discussions. Why?


At the time, this was a necessity. FFrances' rather abrupt departure from the position of Head Administrator, coupled with the community burning through its most senior Admins at a steady pace (or, you know, them doing stupid shit for months, getting caught and then dismissed -- always fun, that one), left me with a rather fresh team and myself at the helm. Considering the situations we were placed into, it seemed like the best option at the time, and perhaps even was. Now we just have to see where the new leadership take this. Because, my term ends in two weeks.

Also, I do love how the TL;DR: of your post, to me, at least, reads: stop trying to entertain everyone, and just make sure people know what they're going to get, and let everyone else fuck off. I do love it, and it was how we used to operate (at least, whenever YeahChris was around).

Also. Let me speak of an issue here.

Let it be done on the forums, where everyone can see people be dicks to each other and make their own judgement, possibly creating shitstorms and discord.


The forums serve that purpose, but people also expect it to be a mode of communication. If we discard them as a place for people to do whatever, then anyone expecting proper communication through them is going to be sorely disappointed. An example is pretty much the present situation, because that is how things are/were.


I will also say. Communities like this do not die within weeks. They do not die within months. They go through phases, iterations, changes. People come, people go.

The only communities where you can flat out say that, "Eeeyup. This is ded," are communities that rely very heavily on a very centralized power structure (like ArmA MILSIM groups). There, you yoink out specific components, and they collapse like dominoes. And even then there's a chance that they'll head onwards towards a brighter dawn.

Communities like this do not die within weeks. They do not die within months. They go through phases, iterations, changes. People come, people go.


I've been playing on this server for almost a year now.

Legitimately 80% of the people who were considered vital pillers of the commnity at the time I joined have since disappeared or no longer play regularly.

People leave, sometimes they come back but mostly they leave.

But we let go. We move on.

New people come, we learn to enjoy their company, and then they leave.

And the cycle repeats, with only the most stalwart, or perhaps bullheaded and absurd individuals remaining.


why do you think we're burning?

the server continues to grow in population, if people get upset and angry about how things change and want to leave, let them.

the only reason these 'crap is awful and this is why!' threads keep popping up is because the same people keep making them.

Guest Menown

We are a group of people that share a similar hobby. Why the fuck do you people make it more than that?

Who gives a shit what anybody says about you? Who gives a shit how people feel about your characters? Who gives a shit that an error happened in a thread that is currently being fixed through the due process we've set up for this shit?

We're here because of a fucking game. Jesus Christ, everybody acts like this is a god damn country and we're trying to incorporate legislation and law to make it run perfectly.

All of you need to go fucking jerk off, and get that anger out. Then come back and play spacemen with me.

why do you think we're burning?

the server continues to grow in population, if people get upset and angry about how things change and want to leave, let them.

the only reason these 'crap is awful and this is why!' threads keep popping up is because the same people keep making them.

Doomberg literally asked for it. The burning title is a joke, it's suppose to be overblown. The problems that need fixing and that might get worse are still problems that need fixing and might get worse. Unless your suggestion is what is somewhat outlined in my post as a bad idea? To just ignore everything and not fuss over the state every other round is.


We are a group of people that share a similar hobby. Why the fuck do you people make it more than that?

Who gives a shit what anybody says about you? Who gives a shit how people feel about your characters? Who gives a shit that an error happened in a thread that is currently being fixed through the due process we've set up for this shit?

We're here because of a fucking game. Jesus Christ, everybody acts like this is a god damn country and we're trying to incorporate legislation and law to make it run perfectly.

All of you need to go fucking jerk off, and get that anger out. Then come back and play spacemen with me.

People generally give a shit because whatever you do effects someone's gameplay. While you're not obligated to follow through and asses their criticism, it's considered bad etiqutte to be self-centered to the point where you do not care who and what gets their jimmies rustled. I'm generally talking about stuff that ruins rounds, you don't do that that as far as I know.

The other thing is that this community was much more to some people. However, with all this crap, I think everyone has detached from to a large extent. But yes...



Uh, I don't exactly understand exactly why people have decided to write indepth-treatises on why everything is going downhill.

Allow me to put it bluntly, it's things like this that are the reason everything is "burning".

I don't know about you, but I'd rather not see literally half of a dozen topics about the toxicity of the community and why this is bad and why people should feel bad. I'd rather see whitelist applications, general topics, all the funny and lovely things that made me stay here for the past almost two years, now.

What about my in-depth dissection of the community and oh my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white? you may ask.

My retort is simple:

I D O N ' T G I V E A F U C K

Honestly, we're here to play a game, let's play said game instead of spending our time bickering about bullshit that shouldn't really matter. You put out a candle with a small breath of air, not dump a gallon of gasoline on it. And that's really what everyone is doing, and that's really sad because I started moderating here because I wanted to deal with griefers that were making things shit for everyone. Now it's long-winded discussions and lengthy forum threads that are making it shit for everyone. So, please, stop. Everyone needs to flex their high school debate club muscles on like, debate.org or something. Point is, leave my damned spessmans alone.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

The conversation being had in this thread is an important one, and so far it's constructive with the main factions. Demanding that everyone stop giving a fuck to your level of not-fucking is pretentious. People have legitimate concerns and do not need moderation staff belittling these concerns with snide posts. You represent the staff of the Aurora with everything you say, and I'm disappointed in what I'm seeing.

Swinging back to the topic at hand; what I've been hammering into myself for my own philosophy as staff, and what I will take the initiative to teach to other staff, is that the sum of all problems can be boiled down to one thing:

Communication. Or the lack thereof.

Communication leads to mutual understanding, which leads to everything else. Right now, we're facing a controversy of how we communicate, and how heavily we enforce the rules to ensure that this communication isn't inflammatory.

I personally see a proactive harsh stance as poking a hornet's nest. Or to make my history degree useful; every time you crack down on dissent, more of it props up like a bad rash. Harsh tone-policing should be done when people bring up concerns about the post(er) in question, which releases the hounds. It carries with it more legitimacy than unilateral action.

And I personally find shitposting to be an absolute blast. I'm meme trash tbh


My retort is simple:

I D O N ' T G I V E A F U C K

Honestly, we're here to play a game, let's play said game instead of spending our time bickering about bullshit that shouldn't really matter./i]


This really is the best way too look at things here. Are we here to bicker and make things shitty for everyone around us, or are we here to chill out and have fun?


This really is the best way too look at things here. Are we here to bicker and make things shitty for everyone around us, or are we here to chill out and have fun?

People will bicker regardless of if you want it or not. The question the staff are dealing with, is how to deal with it and what direction to take. If you want to leave things as it is, shit will more than likely explode again, regardless if me, Rectum, Erik or space satan is around. On the other hand, maybe it won't.

However, it's important to discuss it. I, a pretty much an outsider at this point, just decided to give my two cents before leaving, quite possibly for permanent. If people are gonna tell me "Have the door hit you on the way out", fine. It's their choice to be rude. But I spoke my case and am pretty much done.

So, yes, farewell.

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