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[CLOSED] Third wave Duty Officer recruitment


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Posted (edited)

It's that time again, looking for ten Duty Officers now, for a restructuring.

If you wish to apply, fill out the form, then either PM it to me, or post it in this thread.


[b]Byond key:[/b]
[b]Character names:[/b]
[b]What times are you available? In GMT: [/b]
[b]Why do you want to be a Duty Officer?[/b]
[b]How well can you handle stress?[/b]
[b]What does it mean to be a Duty Officer?[/b]
[b]Anything else to add?[/b]

Edited by Guest

Byond key: Thundy

Character names: Charlie Dove, Fel'siti Rummka'nen, Khaw Elsani, Mel Hanford etc

What times are you available? In GMT: GMT +10 so I'm generally on during dead hour, though I browse the forums at work.

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? I think it would be fun and add a secondary element to this game. It would also be good to work in a team and able to give back to this server positively.

How well can you handle stress? I believe I handle stress quite well and am only improving in this.

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? I believe it means that you handle people who are screwing up in an in-character way. This gives opportunity for people to develop their characters and for NT to actually "respond" which is exciting.

Anything else to add? did this on my phone, so please excuse the terrible amounts of mistakes


Byond key: Saintsbury

Character names:

Michael Bameron, Enmosy Ti-Nelas, Larry Mitchell, Renate Richter (These are the ones I'm actively playing at the moment).

What times are you available? In GMT:

GMT+1, Central European Time

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer?

I think I want a new gameplay experience. The view would change from first person roleplayer to top-down observer. And I want to go full StaSi (GDR Secret Police) like people abusing Coms or talking shit or talking about traitoring and me "accidently" stumble upon it while working my way through all frequencies and/or messages NSA style. Evesdropping, Passive-Active Control of the Station and of course being a corporate slave, Heil NanoTrasen, those are the main reasons.

Oh and you get to play the NanoTrasen Emergency Hotline which is the best way get involved in lots of delicious RolePlay.

How well can you handle stress?

Depends on what kind of stress. I can handle the stress of a CMO pretty easy. Even as Security Officer or Head of Personnel I made the right call most of the time, in return I dislike to play captain and Head of Security, because many people are like "Duh, ju käptän, I haf tu disobej becoz käptän is condom.". The captain is like a person of authority anyone wants to somehow have showdown with. While the Head of Staff are like BigBro's to most of the people, Captain and Head of Security are the rivals everyone must fight and show who the alpha beast is.

It's the people's mentality towards those two positions I don't like to handle.

But I think Duty Officers are above that trivial mentality problem the Captain and partly the HoS have. People usually only involve Duty Officers when shit goes down or they simply don't have the authority to decide something and are in need of a higher authority, automatically acknowledging Duty Officers that way (The old they want something that's why mentality). They are asked to solve a situation and given full authority by the crew to do so and/or an ERT is given authority in the Duty Officer's stead.

Therefore yes, I think I can handle the stress of a Duty Officer, making fast and efficient decisions followed by objectivly and delicately justifying why I issued those orders to butthurt head of staff.

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer?

First: Lots Of Paperwork. Forum Paperwork e.g. incident reports and head of staff internal forums, centcom command reports ingame et cetera.

Second: Dealing with butthurt people which are involved in the previously stated reports.

Third: Observe the round, get information from all kinds of sources and try to get an overview of the current shift.

Fourth: Delicately dealing with ingame problems being the last instance of the chain of command before a mod/admin is fully involved (I think they are already passively involved with the Duty Officers anyway).

Fifth: Staying passive and wait until either you are asked to be involved by the head of staff/internal affairs or the situation is dire enough for you to intervene. (And sometimes a little bit CentCom RP like inspection, asking for specific reports etc.)

Anything else to add?

I'd like to ask if there is a possibility of having some kind of mentor helping getting used to being a Duty Officer, I would really appreciate that and it's 2:20AM, if there are mistakes regarding spelling or grammar, please PM me and I try to fix said mistakes as fast as possible.

  • 2 weeks later...

Byond key: Xxxretroxgears3

Character names: Darell Lowstetter

What times are you available? In GMT:

7:30 GMT to 8:30 GMT and 12 GMT-3 GMT ((this improves a lot more on the weekends because i get a lot of time off))

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer?

I want to become a Duty Officer because i generally love IAA and how it works i want to take it to the next level and make a thing i can do more professionally. Also i want to help out with RP complaints because its generally a fun thing to do

How well can you handle stress?

i can handle stress very well ((i think)) i don't mind having to type up something in a hour or so if its important because i am a fast typer ((60 WPM))

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer?

What it means to be a Duty Officer is to learn to role-play to the best of your ability being a total fuck-nugget asshole that does anything he or she wants when they want it is not a good Duty Officer. As a Duty Officer you really are expected to make the round interesting because you are central command giving orders out to the whole station really. As a Duty Officer you should learn how to file documents correctly and swiftly being a fast typer is good but slowing down and getting good grammar is also important. Also, a Duty Officer needs to be able to deal with the fuck-nuggets losing your cool after they say you fat or something is not a good example ((and really is not allowed so don't do it)) Finally, ((a little tip for everyone)) play IAA before you apply so you have a understanding of what to do and more if you even like it so people don't waste time in the program if you get accepted.

Anything else to add? sorry for my bad grammar in some cases and making run on sentences personally i want to get accepted and if you do some digging into me i have messed up before but i have personally tried to move on from that me and become a better person in general. I do hope i get accepted into the program but its up to the current duty officers

Posted (edited)

Byond key: Minijar

Character names: Anna Clifford, U.P.L.I.N.K, Widow, Walter Riley.

What times are you available? In GMT: GMT: +0. Since I live in England. Available 3:30 PM onwards to about 10 PM weekdays, and weekends mostly all day to ten as well.

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer?

I feel being a duty officer would offer a new roleplay experience that drastically differs from any other roles that are currently available. It would provide an almost administrative duty that completely reside within IC grounds. I also greatly enjoy Internal Affairs roles and feel that DO would give me some of that satisfaction but to a more in depth level.

I believe that it would provide some excellent role play opportunities as I play as someone who oversees station incidents and affairs. It should also give me some great fun moments when handling IC incidents.

How well can you handle stress?

I can handle stress fairly well, even when in a stressful position, such as an officer under attack, I can make a clear and coordinated decision. I've had much experience in almost all station roles during chaos rounds and I usually make the right and logical choice. I also feel I could relieve others of stress such as head of staffs during a chaotic round by offering them reassurance and the required support.

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer?

Paper pushing for a start which I love for some benign reason. Filing all that delicious paperwork takes a machine with a soul, and that machine is a duty officer. It means to provide support with IC incidents such as harassment from a co-worker and then to provide appropriate IC punishment such as an anger management course. It also involves carefully monitoring the rounds in order to build a detailed and decisive report for IC matters and incidents. In an essence, they exist to take care of IC matters that Server staff don't meddle with, IE someone who punched someone after being drunk, not someone flat out murdering someone over a spilt drink.


Anything else to add?


Edited by Guest

Byond key: Tyran68

Character names: Christina Grey, Christy White, Trevor Stamos and Shelly Cooper

What times are you available? In GMT: I live in England and so I'm on GMT time, I can be on after college and at weekends for most of the time.

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? The opportunity to work for centcom at the top ranks is appealing to me, it also gives me the chance to experience a whole new world. For other players, it means that they will have someone that responds to them when they fax and will allow for another element of RP

How well can you handle stress? I believe I handle stress quite well, I rarely get overly stressed.

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? As a duty officer, you work onboard Odin, your job is to respond to problems that occur onboard the Aurora, however you are not the be all and end all of problems. There can be a lot of paperwork involved whilst being a duty officer. They are also a measure that is in place that means that staff do not have to get involved in IC matters, however should it be needed, duty officers should refer to staff for help.

Anything else to add? Never played Duty officer, I look forward to it if I get accepted


Byond key: Ickysoup

Character names:Syd Powers, Kelsy Huey, Zoah Roden, Jaydon Wood, Mark Hamelton

What times are you available? In GMT:12pm to 20pm

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer?

This is an opportunity to play a new role as something I have never played before.

How well can you handle stress?

I can handle it fairly well

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer?

It means to represent NT as a acting presence aboard Odin and Aurora witch would include paper work and

dealing with IC issues. Put simply they are to be IC moderators.

Anything else to add? nope


Byond key: SilentNight195

Character names: Zi Lung, Ana Baker, Vlasiin Klovern, Travis Stamos, Amber Koster

What times are you available? In GMT: Around 8.00 PM to 2.00 AM on weekdays, around 4.00 PM to 3.00 AM on weekends.

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? I feel like being a Duty Officer would add a new, fun, and interesting element into the game for me. Along with that, I think that it would be fun and interesting to interact with the crew in a different way.

How well can you handle stress? Fairly well, due to the fact that I am, most of the time, stressed. It's not really that different for me when I have a lot of stress on me compared to when I don't have a lot of stress on me.

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? Being a duty officer means, for one, dealing with issues that arise on the NSS Aurora. It means replying to faxes and keeping a certain situation under control and keeping it from elevating to a certain point. It also means dealing with things such as incident reports and other IC issues.

Anything else to add? Nope.


Byond key: XChrisUnknownX227

Character names: Chris Blade, Rayne Blade, Edmund Blade

What times are you available? In GMT: Typically nights EST and weekends EST. I'm self-employed so my schedule varies wildly. This means like 12:01 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. GMT weeknights and like 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. GMT weekends.

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? I think my RP experience can really help out, particularly with handling incident reports and meting out fair resolutions for IC situations.

How well can you handle stress? Pretty well. Generally a game like SS13 doesn't get under my skin.

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? As a NanoTrasen authority, the crew is the front line for taking care of issues. When they need direction, it's time for a duty officer to step up to the plate, that's been my experience with it. I see it as helping out the current DO staff too, considering the amount of daily activity on the Aurora.

Anything else to add? Edmund's the only one even remotely qualified for this, and obviously wouldn't handle reports made by or involving the other two characters. Quite honestly, I played on Aurora a long, long time ago, I have only recently returned and am trying to be more active, this seems like an excellent way to take part in the community. What I'd prefer, if I'm accepted/considered, is just a quick rundown on the exact rules/regs of a DO, so that I can RP correctly/accordingly.


Byond key: XChrisUnknownX227

Character names: Chris Blade, Rayne Blade, Edmund Blade

What times are you available? In GMT: Typically nights EST and weekends EST. I'm self-employed so my schedule varies wildly. This means like 12:01 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. GMT weeknights and like 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. GMT weekends.

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? I think my RP experience can really help out, particularly with handling incident reports and meting out fair resolutions for IC situations.

How well can you handle stress? Pretty well. Generally a game like SS13 doesn't get under my skin.

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? As a NanoTrasen authority, the crew is the front line for taking care of issues. When they need direction, it's time for a duty officer to step up to the plate, that's been my experience with it. I see it as helping out the current DO staff too, considering the amount of daily activity on the Aurora.

Anything else to add? Edmund's the only one even remotely qualified for this, and obviously wouldn't handle reports made by or involving the other two characters. Quite honestly, I played on Aurora a long, long time ago, I have only recently returned and am trying to be more active, this seems like an excellent way to take part in the community. What I'd prefer, if I'm accepted/considered, is just a quick rundown on the exact rules/regs of a DO, so that I can RP correctly/accordingly.


Byond key: SierraKomodo

Character names: Azaela Nejem, Miraj Zi'Ad, Katana Silvers, Rasine Ha'kim, Kylan Hadyara, Johnathan Rase, Sarah Wolfe, Jack Wolfe, Sean Zelios, Sairis Helosi, Zakiya Ahmad, Ziva Mo'Taki, Tali Mi'hil, Kunai

What times are you available? In GMT: Varying. My work doesn't have a set schedule.

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? I'd like to get back into helping get through these incident reports, handling in game faxxes, and doing a few things here and there to help spice up rounds every now and then like I had before as a duty officer. (Remember that revolution round I took over for?)

How well can you handle stress? I'm honestly not sure if this is the best way to handle things, but I tend to take a break for awhile if things get really bad - On aurora, that usually involves going SSD for about half an hour, or skipping a round that I otherwise would have joined in on. There are times where I'll throw a message out there I shouldn't have sent before leaving, acting without thinking.

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? It's a position of responsibility and some power, and means that we're the ones that ICly handle IC issues, particularly those from repeat offenders that are reported in the incident reports threads. The point of this being not to flex our power or focus on punishments, but to provide IC incentive and consequences for character's actions. Also, to fuck bitches and talk about Tajaran penises in dosay.

Anything else to add? I was a duty officer before, and resigned due to taking an extended break from SS13 and the server.


Byond key: SierraKomodo

Character names: Azaela Nejem, Miraj Zi'Ad, Katana Silvers, Rasine Ha'kim, Kylan Hadyara, Johnathan Rase, Sarah Wolfe, Jack Wolfe, Sean Zelios, Sairis Helosi, Zakiya Ahmad, Ziva Mo'Taki, Tali Mi'hil, Kunai

What times are you available? In GMT: Varying. My work doesn't have a set schedule.

Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? I'd like to get back into helping get through these incident reports, handling in game faxxes, and doing a few things here and there to help spice up rounds every now and then like I had before as a duty officer. (Remember that revolution round I took over for?)

How well can you handle stress? I'm honestly not sure if this is the best way to handle things, but I tend to take a break for awhile if things get really bad - On aurora, that usually involves going SSD for about half an hour, or skipping a round that I otherwise would have joined in on. There are times where I'll throw a message out there I shouldn't have sent before leaving, acting without thinking.

What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? It's a position of responsibility and some power, and means that we're the ones that ICly handle IC issues, particularly those from repeat offenders that are reported in the incident reports threads. The point of this being not to flex our power or focus on punishments, but to provide IC incentive and consequences for character's actions. Also, to fuck bitches and talk about Tajaran penises in dosay.

Anything else to add? I was a duty officer before, and resigned due to taking an extended break from SS13 and the server.

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