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Incident Report - 28/11/2457


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Reporting Personnel: Hypatia.

Rank of Reporting Personnel: Assistant.

Personnel Involved: Walter Brooks, Head of Security.

Time of Incident:

Real time: 28/11/2015, nearly 2200PM GMT.

Location of Incident: NSS Aurora, Central Primary Hallway.

Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____

Overview of the Incident:

It began somewhere near two to three minutes as soon as we had arrived to the NSS Aurora. I headed right for the equipment storage, where I began to gear up. As I was doing so, Commander Brooks walked by and stopped at the window to look at me. After mere seconds, he spoke in a hostile tone something along the lines of "Great, another machine." Swallowing it down, I proceeded to finish gearing up, dismissing such. I fetched the gas mask I use daily, whatever my rank is, and thus went off for patrolling.

Five minutes into my patrolling, an assistant wearing insulated gloves began inquiring why do I wear the gas mask, and repeating over and over that I looked creepy in it. I dismissed it and continued patrolling - while this assistant followed me, of course, repeating the same thing - until Commander Brooks walked by and halted me. He ordered me to take the mask off, to which I asked why, since it's not against any regulations (checking with the regulations, wearing a mask does not seem to fall under Suspicious Conduct as a cadet said). He ordered me once more, in a more aggressive tone, to take it off, to which I replied that I would if he asked me politely and he had some respect for me. To this, he replied three words. "You are fired." Thus, I was forced to take my gear off, which I left on the ground before the Commander along with my identification card. I went into isolation from there on, unwilling to see his face. With the headset still on, I heard the Commander talking to an officer about my firing, to which I interfered by stating I was fired for wearing a mere gas mask. The Commander began calling me names (insulting, of course), referencing the fact that I'm an integrated positronic chassis, along with some others such as "Idiot."


Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?:

Valorallen Vitellia, Head of Personnel.

Jester Stamos, Captain.

Additional notes:

I have the demotion paperwork with me, should it be needed. The reasons for my demotion seem to be the following; "Extreme disrespect. Refusal to obey orders. Open want to disturb crewmembers." If needed, I'll gladly fax it to the office you require me to. If possible, I would like to get my job in Security, given that I'm unwilling to lose what I've worked for over such a petty reason.

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TO: Hypatia, NSS Aurora

FROM: DO Corps Secretarial Department, NMSS Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and logged, and placed within a queue for the Duty Officer corps to review.

You will be contacted, if necessary, by a Duty Officer when and if an investigation begins.


DTG: 29-09:08-TAU CETI STANDARD-11-2457


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  • 2 months later...

TO: Hypatia, NSS Aurora

FROM: Greg Ashcraft, NMSS Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is a courtesy message to inform you that I will be taking over your report. I will begin contacting the involved personnel to receive their statements regarding the incident.


DTG: 10-09:08-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2458

SIGN: Greg Ashcraft

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  • 2 weeks later...

Due to one week of inactivity from the complaintant this is being closed.


TO: Hypatia, NSS Aurora

FROM: Greg Ashcraft, NMSS Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is a courtesy message to inform you that lack or response from various parties of this complaint have delayed our investigation. In light of this, and with what information I have managed to gather, I am closing your report with no punishments handed down. Have a wonderful day.


DTG: 19-02:25-TAU CETI STANDARD-02-2458

SIGN: Greg Ashcraft

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