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It's been a little while.

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Hey Aurora! Boy, it's been a little while.

Not sure if anyone particularly remembers me, as I was one of the numerous people who joined during summer. (My small 15 minutes of fame was being that idiot who accidentally ate a monkey cube on their first shift as xenobiologist)

But anyways, I've always had a NanoTrasen shaped hole in my heart since that summer, and I've been aching to come back. Would have come back sooner, but as they say, Life Happens. In other, more hilarious news, I now validhunt in real life. Yes, I work in... Security.

I even have a nifty baton!

Anyways, hope to see you guys on Aurora either this evening or this weekend, internet permitting. Peace!


Hi, I remember you! I remember the monkey cube incident too, I think I was one of the xenobiologists working with you and I didn't bother stopping you because I thought it would be funnier to just watch a bit.

Hope to see you around!

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