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Zen and the Art of Xenobiology (SPOILERS)

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I don't usually just give away data, but I'm really tired of Xenobiologists screwing up and causing mass outbreaks, so I'm literally just going to give away all my notes on the latest codebase's xenobiology system and how to not to release the slimes. You're welcome.

Step 1: Don't take risks. Be conservative. A xenobiologist can safely keep 2 pens of slimes happy and docile. I usually only run 1 pen to be safe and because I like to get out the lab sometimes. There isn't really much of a penalty to using a small number of pens anyways, due to the latest code update buffing the speed of slime breeding, as well as nerfing several techniques that made truly mass extractions common place. As a result, you will almost always have more slime corpses then you can safely extract from, even with just one pen.

Step 2: Minimize necessary risk factors. There are two major risk with running slimes. The first comes from when you have to cull the slimes in a pen. This is when you are most likely to be Gomp'd. There are a couple things you can do to make this less of a problem. First, don't use the fire extinguisher. While that has /some/ use for mass crowd kill, it doesn't transfer water to the slime with enough efficiency or constancy. The latest update changes the slime metabolism from taking damage from water, to treating water as a poison that deals Damage Over Time. So what you want is a way to deliver a *reasonable* dosage of water to the slime quick, so that it won't have enough time to get hungry and go hostile. Use beakers, you start with a box full of them. Fill it with some water, 40-60 units is fine. Grab a slime out of the pen and into the two tile door space. Splash it. Stand still so it can't move past you into the lab. Wait a few second for it to die. Done. Remember to carry medical supplies on you. You can get some from the nanomed dispenser by the surgery table. If a slime gomps you while in the door area, make sure that no other slimes can enter the door area to gang up on you, splash it with water, and start healing yourself. It'll die before you do, and you won't risk the other slimes escaping. If one slime has gomp'd you, then it's likely that the entire pen is hostile, so close the blast doors for that one and cut your losses.

Step 3: Make efficient use of time and resources. Try to kill all slimes in a pen on the same tile. There is an empty grey closet down by the bottom three pens. Pull it around and open then close it while on the tile with the pile of dead slimes. It will pick up two slimes corpses inside it. This is significantly faster then grab/dragging the corpses on your own. You can do multiple surgeries at once by alt clicking the surgery table to bring up it's turf tab, which nicely lists all the slime corpses on the tile, and lets you click on each in sequence with your surgery tools. You only need approximately .27 units of plasma to trigger a slime core. Take a syringe, take out 5 units of plasma, mix with a beaker with 50 units of water, take out 15 units of resulting mixture, and inject all into the core to trigger. There are force field generators in the telescience lab, which never get used. The telescience lab is all access to all research personnel. File a request to have the field generators installed in your lab for extra security. A good place to put it is in front of the airlock doors. In the event of an outbreak, stand in front of the airlock doors and engage the field generators. It should project a force field tile onto your position. Open the airlock, and back out. This will prevent slimes from following you through the airlock, and allow you to always have a safe way to get out of the lab.

That's all.

Please stop causing slime outbreaks.



I safetly manage all the cells normally. People just need to ensure to use the shutters to get the slimes to lock onto the monkey rather then you when you're attempting to purge them

Next. Xenobiologists cannot access Misc.

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry mate, but slimes are too OP.

Maybe if we can make some sort of claw to pick up dead slimes after a mounted..I dunno THING can take them out?All without ever accessing the pen in the first place?

By using "muh brain" i've deducted that SLIMES in any universe are virtually not killable via convenient weaponry, BUT fire/water/lightning could damage them.

Sorry mate, but slimes are too OP.

Maybe if we can make some sort of claw to pick up dead slimes after a mounted..I dunno THING can take them out?All without ever accessing the pen in the first place?

By using "muh brain" i've deducted that SLIMES in any universe are virtually not killable via convenient weaponry, BUT fire/water/lightning could damage them.


Just because a few incompetent xenobiologists let them out doesn't mean they're 'too OP'

The only issue right now is that if they do get out of control, changing the temperature in the room should kill them, but doesn't at the moment.

Getting slimes to like you is not difficult, feed them 4 times, and all the slimes in that pen will like you. Always have a monkey in the room JUST incase one gets out, and if it does, drag the monkey to another cell with the slime on it, so that it pops in the cell, and not out of the cell.


feed them 4 times,


You only had to feed them once to make them friendly to you on the previous codebase.

Apparently the only surefire way to never get eaten by a slime is to slimeperson yourself. I can count on my fingers the amount of people who would be up for that.

feed them 4 times,


You only had to feed them once to make them friendly to you on the previous codebase.

Apparently the only surefire way to never get eaten by a slime is to slimeperson yourself. I can count on my fingers the amount of people who would be up for that.


I haven't had issues in over a month dealing with slimes. I don't get how people are messing up so badly.


Same here, they are not op.

I played xenobio for the first time in a very very long time used all the pens and did not let a single slime escape.

(Even tough the RD, IPC, went into one of the pens and got sucked on quite good so I had 3 or 4 adult slimes in the pen after he ended his little experiment)

Just follow the guides, and you will be fine

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