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Staff Complaint - Whoever banned me

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BYOND Key: Frances

Staff BYOND Key: Whoever banned me, yo

Reason for complaint: Poor management

Evidence/logs/etc: My poor, banned forums account

Additional remarks:

I was actually still under the invincibility period from my last warning when my forum ban was issued. I demand licenses for all forum mods be revoked pending an investigation.


This isn't the unban requests subforum. And you're evading a forum ban.

I'm not the one who banned you but, as a note, I had to bin about 5 shitposts from you in the complaints and applications subforums today, and issued a warning to you. Which... You responded to by reporting the PM it sent you as 'Off-Topic'.

Apparently, after that, you continued with this and that's why admins chose to dayban you.

And. Once again. You're doing it here.

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