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Mice Babies


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Give mice the ability to spawn mice mobs after a certain amount of 'points' a la aliens/changeling/vamp have been reached. Points gained by nibbling food.

Reason: Gives mice players a goal of sorts to achieve. At present drones can do a whoke bunch of drone shenanigans but mice are left squeeking futilely in the dark recesses of the kitchen. Also fun.



I completely disagree with the notion for a simple reason: mob spam. I KNOW that there will be some dumb fucks that, upon realizing this, will drop massive amounts of food at a discreet location (like the docks near arrival), manage to die, and respawn as a mouse to spam the station with baby mice causing lag.

And then there's the fact that even for mice who don't participate in the breeding, they'll be eliminated just like we eliminate spiders/lizards/mice who breed in areas and are announced.

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