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Warhammer Codex Creation


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Well, I was reviewing the Necron Codex yesterday, after losing horrifically against Tau, and I don't think it has anywhere near the versatility or adaptability of the newer codices. I like making statlines, so I started making a homebrew Necron codex that my local club might let me use.

This hasn't yet been playtested, and currently lacks HQ, Destroyers, Night Scythe, Doom Scythe, Annihilation Barge, Doomsday Ark and Catacomb Command Barge; as I have yet to get round to them, having only spent a couple of hours on this; though I have good concepts for HQ and CCB, and the others are being left pretty much the same.

Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.




Warrior..................4... 4...4..4...1..2..1...9...4+

Warden..................4... 4...4..4...1..2..2...10. 4+

Akhefet Platform.......1... 4...3..4...2..1..1...9...4+

Warrior: Infantry

Reanimation Protocols

Guass Flayer

Warden: Infantry

Reanimation Protocols, Character

Guass Flayer

Akhefet Platform: Infantry

Reanimation protocols, System link

Two twin-linked Guass Blasters.

System Link: A model with this special rule may fire up to two weapons per shooting phase.

Four Warriors and one Warden for 60pts

Can take up to 15 more warriors for 12pts each

Can replace up to one model per five with an Akhefet Platform for 15pts each

The squad may take Adamantium Will for 2pts per model

The Warden can:

Take a Hyperphase Sword for 10pts

Akhefet Platforms can:

Replace their Guass Blasters with a Guass Pulsar for 10pts each.

Replace their Guass Blasters with two twin-linked tesla carbines for free.

One Akhefet Platform may replace it’s Guass Blasters with a Heat Ray for 15pts.

Guass Pulsar: R48” S9 AP2 Heavy 1 Guass

Flayed Ones


Flayed Ones ........... 4... 4...4..4...1..2..3...9...4+

Skinmaster..............4... 4...4..4...1..2..3..10.. 4+

Flayed One: Infantry

Reanimation Protocols



Skinmaster: Infantry

Reanimation Protocols




Four Flayed Ones and one Skinmaster for 60pts

Can take up to 15 more flayed ones for 12pts each.

The squad can take Hatred (Everything) for 3pts per model

The squad may take Adamantium Will for 2pts per model

The Skinmaster can:

Take a hyperphase sword for 10pts

Take a shadowloom matrix for 40pts.

Take Assault grenades for 5pts.

Shadowloom matrix: As long as the model with this item is on the table, the model and it’s squad have the stealth special rule.





Lychguard...............4... 4...5..5..1...2..2..10..2+

Prime....................5... 4...5..5.. 1...2..3..10..2+

Lychguard: Infantry

Reanimation Protocols


May not sweeping advance



Hyperphase Sword

Dispersion Shield

Assault grenades

Prime: Infantry

Reanimation Protocols


May not sweeping advance




Hyperphase Sword

Dispersion Shield

Assault grenades

Four Lychguards and one Prime for 200pts

Can take up to 5 more lychguard for 40pts per model.

The squad may take Adamantium Will for 2pts per model

Any model can replace their Hyperphase Sword for a Gauntlet of fire for 5pts each.

Any model can replace their Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield for a Warscythe for 10pts each.

Any model can replace their Hyperphase Sword for a Hyperphase Axe for 5pts each.

Up to two models can replace their Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield for a Akhefet mount for 10pts.

The Prime can:

Replace his Dispersion shield with a second Hyperphase Sword for free.

Replace his Dispersion shield with a Tombshield for 15pts.

Upgrade his weapon with an inbuilt Guass Flayer for 10pts.

A model with an Akhefet mount can:

Replace their Guass Blasters with a Guass Pulsar for 10pts each.

Replace their Guass Blasters with two twin-linked tesla carbines for free.

One model may replace it’s Guass Blasters with a Heat Ray for 15pts.

Hyperphase Axe: +1S AP2 Unwieldy.

Tombshield: A model with this item has a 3+ invulnerable save and the Dispersion special rule.

Akhefet mount: A model with an Akhefet mount has it’s attacks and initiative reduced to one; however, it gains two twin-linked Guass Blasters and the System link special rule.




Perpetual................4... 5...4..4..1...2.2...10...3+

Akhefet Platform.......1....4...3..4..2...1.1...9....4+

Immortal: Infantry

Improved Reanimation Protocols


Guass Blaster

Assault grenades

Perpetual: Infantry

Improved Reanimation Protocols



Guass Blaster

Assault grenades.

Akhefet Platform: Infantry

Reanimation Protocols

System Link

Two twin-linked Guass Blasters

Four Immortals and one Perpetual for 110pts.

Can take up to 5 more Immortals for 22pts each.

Can replace one model per five with an Akhefet platform for 5pts each

The squad may take Adamantium Will for 2pts per model

The Perpetual can:

Take a Hyperphase Sword for 5pts.

Take a Resurrection orb for 50pts.

Take Defensive grenades for 5pts.

Akhefet Platforms can:

Replace their Guass Blasters with a Guass Pulsar for 10pts each.

Replace their Guass Blasters with two twin-linked tesla carbines for free.

One Akhefet Platform may replace it’s Guass Blasters with a Heat Ray for 15pts.

Improved Reanimation Protocols: Reanimation Protocols are taken on a 4+

Resurrection Orb: As long as the bearer of this item is on the table, the squad gains Ever-living.

Triarch Praetorian



Praetor..................5...4....5. .5..1...2...3..10..3+

Praetorian: Jump Infantry

Reanimation Protocols



Hammer of Wrath

Rod of the Covenant

Assault grenades

Praetor: Jump Infantry

Reanimation Protocols



Hammer of Wrath

Rod of the Covenant

Assault grenades

Four Praetorians and one Praetor for 180pts.

Can take up to five more Praetorians for 36pts each.

The squad may take Adamantium Will for 2pts per model.

Any model may replace it’s Rod of the Covenant with a Hyperphase Axe and Particle caster for 5pts

Any model may replace it’s Rod of the Covenant with a Hyperphase sword and Particle Caster for free.

Any model may replace it’s Rod of the Covenant with a Voidblade and Particle Caster for free.

The Praetor can:

Take a gauntlet of fire for 5pts.

Take Temporal Detonators for 10pts.




Deathmark: Infantry

Hunters from Hyperspace

Marked for Death



Reanimation Protocols

Synaptic Disintegrator

Five Deathmarks for 100pts.

Can take up to five more Deathmarks for 20pts each.

One Deathmark can take an Akhefet mount for 15pts.

A model with an Akhefet mount can:

Replace their Guass Blasters with a Guass Pulsar for 10pts each.

Replace their Guass Blasters with two twin-linked tesla carbines for free.

One model may replace it’s Guass Blasters with a Heat Ray for 15pts.

Synaptic Disintegrator: R36” SX AP5 Heavy 1, Sniper, Pinning, Rending


Fast Attack:

Canoptek Wraiths


Wraith...................5...4 ...6..4...2..6..2..10...3+

Wraith: Jump Infantry


Hammer of Wrath



Phase Shifter

Tail and Claws

One Wraith for 35pts

Can take up to five more Wraiths for 35pts each.

The entire squad can take the furious charge special rule for 5pts per model.

Two Wraiths may take a twin-linked Guass Cannon each for 15pts each.

Canoptek Scarabs


Entropic Scarabs........2...0....3..3..3..2..3...10..5+

Flensing Scarabs........3...0....3..3..3..2..4...10..5+


Entropic Scarabs: Beasts



Entropic Strike


Flensing Scarabs: Beasts





Spyder: Monstrous Creature


Swarm Controller

Scarab Hive


A swarm of Canoptek Scarabs can consist only of one type of Scarab.

One Spyder and two of one type of scarab for 80pts.

Can take up to eight more Scarabs of the chosen variety for 15pts each.

A swarm of Entropic Scarabs can take the Tankhunter Special Rule for 2pts per model.

A swarm of Flensing Scarabs can take the Rending Special Rule for 3pts per model.

The Spyder can:

Take a twin-linked Particle Beamer for 15pts.

Take a Gloom Prism for 10pts.

Swarm Controller: A model with this special rule confers the Zealot special rule to any swarm bases in it’s unit while it is alive.

Hover: A model with this special rules moves like Jump Infantry, and ignores difficult and dangerous terrain, however, it does not gain the Hammer of Wrath Special Rule or the Deelstrike Special Rule.

Scarab hive: As codex, however, only the type of Scarab in the swarm can be produced.

Tomb Blades


Tomb Blade.............4.....4..4..5...1..2..1...9....3+

Tomb Glaive............4.....4..4..5...1..2..1...10...3+

Tomb Blade: Jetbike

Reanimation Protocols

Twin-linked Guass Blaster

Tomb Glaive: Jetbike

Reanimation Protocols

Twin-linked Guass Blaster

One Tomb Glaive and two Tomb Blades for 90pts.

Can take up to seven more Tomb Blades for 30pts each.

The squad may take Nebuloscopes for 5pts per model.

The Squad may take Shadowlooms for 10pts per model.

The Tomb Glaive may replace it’s Gauss Blaster with a Flare Blaster for 10pts.

Any Tomb Blade may replace it’s Guass Blaster with a twin-linked Tesla Carbine for free.

Any Tomb Blade may replace it’s Guass Blaster with a Particle Beamer for 25pts.

Flare Blaster: R24” S3 AP- Assault 2 Blind, Concussive.


Heavy Support:

Akhefet Walker


Akhefet Walker.........1....4...6..6..5...1..1..10..2+

Akhefet Platform.......1....4...3..4..2...1..1...9..4+

Akhefet Walker: Monstrous Creature


Reanimation Protocols

Two Twin-linked Guass Pulsars

Tachyonic Matrix

Akhefet Platform: Infantry

Reanimation Protocols

System Link

Two Twin-linked Guass Blasters

One Akhefet Walker for 200pts.

Can take up to three Akhefet Platforms for 35pts each.

Akhefet Platforms can:

Replace their Guass Blasters with a Guass Pulsar for 10pts each.

Replace their Guass Blasters with two twin-linked tesla carbines for free.

One Akhefet Platform may replace it’s Guass Blasters with a Heat Ray for 15pts.

Akhefet Walkers can:

Take a Field Matrix for 35pts.

Replace it’s Guass Pulsars with a Doomsday Cannon for 35pts.

Take two twin-linked Guass Cannons for 10pts each.

Field Matrix: This item gives the bearer a 5+ invulnerable save.

Tachyonic Matrix: At the start of each of the controlling player’s turns, they can choose to activate the Tachyonic Matrix. When it is activated, the controlling player must roll a D6, on a three or more, the Tachyonic Matrix activates as normal, on a two or less, the Matrix malfunctions, causing a wound on the Akhefet Walker, with saves allowed. If a Matrix malfunctions, it fails to activate that turn, however, it can still be activated later in the game.

When successfully activated, the Tachyonic Matrix gives several options to the controlling player:

Allows the Akhefet Walker to fire it’s Doomsday Cannon (If it has one) as normal, and still move.

Double the number of shots from it’s Pulsars OR it’s Guass Cannons.

Increase the save provided by a Field Matrix to 4+

Canoptek Artificer



Artificer: Infantry


Fabricator Claw Array

One Artificer for 40pts.

Can take up to two more Artificers for 40pts each.

Any Artificer may take a Guass Blaster for 10pts.



Monolith................ 4..14.14.14..4

Portal of Agrenem.....4..14.14.14..4

Monolith: Vehicle: Heavy Skimmer Tank


Living Metal

Power Matrix

Four Guass Flux Arcs

Portal of Agrenem: Vehicle: Heavy Skimmer Tank


Living Metal

Four Guass Flux Arcs

Portal of Eternity

One Monolith for 190pts.

One Portal of Agrenem for 190pts.

Any model can take Reconstruction Scarabs for 30pts.

Any model can replace up to two of their Flux Arcs with Guass Pulsars for 25pts each.

Portal of Eternity: Any unengaged non-vehicle necron unit may remove itself from the board and disembark from the Portal of Agrenem as if moving out of an open-topped Transport. In addition, any non-vehicle necron unit in reserve may reroll their reserve rolls if they declare that they are arriving through the Portal of Agrenem. Any number of units may attempt to arrive through the portal, but any models that cannot be placed within three inches of the base of the Portal of Agrenem are removed from the board with no saves of any kind allowed.

Reconstruction Scarabs: A model with this item has the It Will Not Die special rule.

Dedicated Transport

Ghost Ark


Ghost Ark...............4...11.11.11..4

Ghost Ark: Vehicle: Open-topped Fast Skimmer: Transport Capacity: 20

Living Metal

Quantum Shielding

Two Guass Flayer Arrays.

Warrior Repair

A Ghost Ark can be taken for any squad of Warriors for 130pts.

>Not just reverting to previous Necron codec that isn't Tomb Kings IN SPAAACE

I played 3rd Edition Necrons for quite some time, and I still play them from time to time in fifth and sixth, they haven't got any real chance anymore, other armies are updated to the point where they can counter the silver tide easily.


>>Not buying the Android codes and playing as that


No idea what that is.

Night Scythe

Night Scythe


Night Scythe.......4..11..11..11..3

Night Scythe: Vehicle: Fast Hovering Flyer: Transport Capacity: 15



Assault Beams

Living Metal

Twin-linked Tesla Destructor

A unit of Lychguard, Immortals, Deathmarks or Triarch Praetorians may take a Night Scythe as a dedicated transport for 100pts.

A Night Scythe may take Reinforced Armour for 20pts.

A model with Reinforced armour loses the Supersonic and Deepstrike special rules, however, it gains +1AV to all facings.

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