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Staff Complaint against TishinaStalker

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BYOND Key: ClearThoughts

Staff BYOND Key: TishinaStalker

Reason for complaint: Alright so I made this app a month ago, spouted it in links like i was praising the sun trying to get it bumped or supported, and it just gets denied with four supports and a page of text because "It lacked constructive criticism" Wat. http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=6126 There are people that vouch for my roleplay and the app is well-formatted. Why is that not enough to be accepted?? Tishina formerly posted on that app that it "Needed more support", so I begged for some support but lo and behold, people on the server want to play 2d spessmen and not trawl forums giving +1s.

Evidence/logs/etc: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=6126

Additional remarks: An application, and those who support it, are two different things. I made an application because i wanted to get the head whitelist, not because the community did or did not support me, but because I made an application. You can't simply turn it into a contest of "who gets the more thumbs ups" because then the likable out-goers of the community have a clear, decisive advantage over people who are shy, but are forthright good roleplayers. Not to say I fall into either of those categories as that would be "Tooting thine horn", but the thumbs-up situation that applications have fallen into is a bad currency system. It's unreliable, and my application being denied for, basically, "Lack of thumbs-ups", is very disappointing and I feel mistreated because of it.


It lacked constructive criticism


I'm not claiming to speak for Tishina, but I think he meant that if there wasn't any real detail in endorsement for applications, then it's not a good baseline to accept applications off of.

We've made mistakes before in this regard and we've paid for it in funny ways.

What time are you normally on the server? Timezone, estimated play time, etc? Because I personally do not recognize your characters and none of their names really ring an active bell.

I actually think I might've met you on ERT once but that was weeks ago.


Alright, first off


And yes, it took a month of booping admins to get a judgment on the app.


That is a complete lie. If you consider posting "BUMP" on your thread as notifying admins, then you are sorely mistaken. Never once did I receive a PM or any form of message from you until today where you asked in an admin help for it to be resolved.

Second, lets compare some feedback:

Feedback on your thread


"I've played with you on other servers and you've always been awesome!

I'm not sure if that counts buuut I'll give a +1 anyway!"


"Alright I haven't actually met your characters so this is neutral for now, but I just wanted to say your fiance has an amazing skill, talk her into coming to sprite for Aurora ;)"


"I remember ClearThoughts being very chill from AA. I'd gladly give him at least a shot at being head on Aurora, since I remember him a someone who RPs when others usually jump into deathmatch mode."


Feedback on other people's applications


I have appointed Aerianna Blackthorne as Interim CMO as Acting Captain Alex Graves to 'test' her during emergency situation.

Portrays Leader skills to get people going and hyped during Emergency Situation (Heist Invasion).

Good Grammars.

Is involved in Roleplay Organization, "Health Advisory Board" and is active.

Well Matured. Can keep her tongue to herself often.



He's probably ythe longest running friend i have, and the longest serving officer i can recall on aurora. He's served as interim many times, done very well and is pretty likeable. He's also managed to reduce his death rate. The artificial heart makes him rather vulnerable to EMP, but he seems to cope with it pretty well.

And i know for a fact, with dylan as HoS we will see more combat exosuitts built, and i'm very excited about that

He's good at knowing what needs to be done in crises, and is a pretty good judge of people


Dylan is an incredible leader when he needs to be. I'm not kidding, you look for qualities you'd want in a leader, Dylan's got those. I've been legitimately baffled in how efficiently he's been able to unify security and issue intelligent and safe orders. He took charge, he maintained empathy, he was, and is, a relate-able leader, one who people can actually want to follow, and look up to. It's amazing seeing what he can do.


The clear distinct difference? Your feedback was basically "Uhhh, I guess he's good. Sure?" The feed back to the different applicants I showed are constructive feedback, telling me what to look out for, telling me what you are good at, telling me why it's important for you to have a white list, telling me that you are *genuinely* a good choice, and all of that is evidence that they've proved here on Aurora. I don't care what you did on other servers. I care what you did HERE. Word from yourself can mean little because I don't know you in the slightest, and I most certainly do not keep tabs on every, single person on the server. The only thing I know is that you put in effort in your application, but effort is not enough. You make something memorable on the server, you show me the people that would back you, and we work from there. You had none of those.


because then the likable out-goers of the community have a clear, decisive advantage over people who are shy, but are forthright good roleplayers. Not to say I fall into either of those categories as that would be "Tooting thine horn", but the thumbs-up situation that applications have fallen into is a bad currency system. It's unreliable, and my application being denied for, basically, "Lack of thumbs-ups", is very disappointing and I feel mistreated because of it.


FYI, this is how we've been doing this in Aurora for over THREE years now. You're the only person to complain about the matter. This complaint basically boils down to "Well, I didn't get my whitelist. Maybe this will give me a better chance?" What you call "unreliable" is what has worked for us for ages and continues to work for us. It's literally not even that hard to impress people on server. If you are a good player and prove it, then that is super easy. Frankly, it's only disappointing for you because you seemed to have expected victory without anybody giving tangible evidence. That ain't how it works. If you feel mistreated, then that's, honestly, your personal problem because it implies that I'm *trying* to push you down and keep you down because I can, but it is the EXACT OPPOSITE. I would prefer you succeeding as opposed to failing, but you wound up failing. That is not my fault in the slightest.

What this complaint shows me instead, is that you saw your failure, you didn't stop to think "Well, maybe I could make something better?", and you went straight to thinking "I'm not wrong. The staff member is wrong." I will not be overturning my decision on your application. Take time to mingle with other players. Make yourself better known. Reapply. One of the important factors in head of staff whitelists is that you have to SHOW me your drive. Not simply go "I'm going to try once. Failing that, I complain" because that does nothing but lower my opinion, and I would prefer to continue thinking that you are a rational, well behaved adult. When you fail, you don't point a finger. You learn why you fail (in this situation, talking it out with me) and then you try again.

And that is that. I will not be overturning my decision. I do not give because you decided to file a complaint. I give to people who deserve it and can show me other people that genuinely believe they deserve it. If you need help, then you can send me a PM on the forums. I will be more than happy to lend a hand if I can.

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