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Chaplain Suggestions [Please Read]

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Hey all, I think I'm one of the few players who enjoys playing the Chaplain role. I am pleased to see that the Chapel is now symmetrical, with a three tile Altar/Table. I suggested that a long, long time ago. Anyway, I would like to make playing Chaplain a more fun and engaging experience for everyone. A chaplains impact on the round often depends on three factors, being:


- The Crew's interaction with the Chaplain Physically and through Communications

- The Individual Effort of the Chaplain

- The Involvement of Staff/Admins (Answering Prayers, Enabling the Chaplain, etc.)


Unfortunately, despite the Chaplains many grave efforts to be engaged with the crew, it ends in the failure of the Chaplain. He is simply dismissed by other crew-members for being 'Annoying' or other lazy reasons, and his prayers commonly ignored. I simply wish that more players would involve themselves with the Chaplain. I also ask that the Administrative team try to work and enhance the Chaplain's role-playing experience. Undoubtedly, many prayers that an Admin receive are short, and simply ask for an item. I also ask that other Chaplains, please make your prayers more elaborate, meaningful, and role-play friendly. Now, we move onto the physical suggestions and desires I have for the Chaplain position:


- I would certainly enjoy the Chaplain more if we had access to minor healing abilities. In the old days, wacking someone with a bible could heal you. I am not asking for something as rudimentary as that, but rather, a ritual or something. Using the Bible on a Cup of Holy Water perhaps turns the Holy Water into Tricordrazine or something similar. Or, the Chaplain can create a healing circle with candles, holy water, chants, etc. and pray and hope an Admin notices and gives the player a little rejuvenation. But, like stated earlier many Admins would not do this currently, so having a IC ability for the Chaplain to heal would be great.

- Secondly, more duties for the Chaplain outside of Cult Rounds. One particularly exciting Idea I have is that crew that are exposed to space, whether in EVA suits or not, or just have a random experience with a spirit, have a chance of inheriting a 'Evil Space Spirit' or something. Like a demon that get's stuck in their head, simply copying the affects of Hallucinational Syndrome could have a good enough effect for the victim to seek the only option, spiritual help from the Chaplain. He can perform an exorcism or something like that to cast away the evil space spirit. This would give the Chaplain more things to do outside of the Cult Rounds.

- Third, more easily accessible clothing for the Chaplain would be great. Right now we have only the dark and spooky Chaplain Robe + Hood, the Holiday Priest, and the Nun Outfit. We also get a trophy rack backpack (kinda cool for evil Chaplains) and Wedding Dress for if someone wants to get married (slim chance). More variety of robes, headpieces, etc. would greatly further the options for the Chaplain to customize his/her Religion. More varieties of the bible would be great also.

- Lastly, a stone Altar that can not be removed or Altar-ed (haha.) with engravings on the sides, or encrusted with Gems (or both?). Sometimes I will enter the Chapel and all my chairs and table will be gone. This makes me sad. Who dares steal from the church?! Having a fancy altar would look great for Ceremonies and furthering the role-play experience.

Thank you all for reading this far, as you can tell I am passionate about the Chaplain role, and would love for it to be more accepted and loved by crew-members. A Chaplains shift depends nearly entirely on his/her involvement with the crew, and their response, so I ask all players to interact more fairly so the Chaplain can enjoy the round too. I also ask that any Admins reading this, please attempt to be a little more interactive with the Chaplain besides giving him the best cookie (I haven't even gotten that in a while.) I hope my suggestions are considered by our awesome development crew, and will be looking forward to the communities feedback to this Topic. Thanks again for reading all of this!



I like the clothes and healing abilities, but I'd say the 'evil space spirits' should only be a thing on Cult and Wizard rounds considering the supernatural flavour. Stone altar would also look terrible considering the chapel is currently using carpets and wood flooring, and not stone tile flooring.

I do agree the Chaplain needs a little more attention at times, but there has to be an understanding that the reasons he might not get as much interaction are more likely to do with location and people being generally busy. Want more people coming around? Host Mass for the crew or so forth, try and get them actually semi-interested in what you're doing. Being tucked away in a corner means people have to go out of their way to involve themselves with you, and you have to encourage them to do it in the first place by catching their interest.

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