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The Greatest Commander Ever Lived: Lysanuh Dilgan

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[b]BYOND key:[/b]You mean my key? NebulaFlare. The person this app is dedicated to? Nightmare00

[b]Character names of all involved:[/b]Lysanuh Dilgan


[b]Documentation of the event, Link to post/Screenshot in game. If multiple screenshots please compose an album:[/b] N/A (None available, sorry!)

[b]Have you read the application rules??:[/b]Yeap. Once before writing this, and again while writing this.

[b]Have you made sure this incident didn't result in administrative action?[/b]Pretty sure it hasn't.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a [b]paragraph[/b] each.


[b]Why does this moment deserve a spot in the Hall Of Fame?:[/b]

This is not dedicated to simply one incident, but the roleplay performed by one person: Lysanuh Dilgan. He's a long retired Head of Security, going all the way back since the start of our little community.


When he was in charge, nothing - and I mean mothing - could stand in his way. He was honest, fair, and a true beacon of hope in the dismal abyss of spess. A very well built character in every aspect - he wasn't snowflake, and he earned his damn reputation. No other Head of Security has ever been able to live up to his reputation, and none ever will. Some will come close, and there are many respectable Commanders, but none are on the same level as Dilgan.


He could untangle the most elusive plots and ploys by antags, working with the security team to take those syndicate criminals down. He truly gave antags a run for their money, and OOCly, it encouraged them to be more crafty. He trained the officers, organize them to specific tasks and duties, and (ugh) loved paperwork. The jerk. But there was always someone on patrol, someone on the cameras, and someone checking up on the crew. He really did make the station a lot safer than normal. He connected with each of his officers, forming a strong team. And if one of them decides to be smack about it, they regret it quickly. He'd grab them by the scruff of their collars and toss them out of the brig. He had authority, and he knew how to project it. Very few dared to cross him, and those that did, were quickly out of his department.


He was stern, yet underneath that armored trenchcoat, beat a kind and caring heart. If an officer was in desperate trouble, job burnout, he'd take the time to build them back up again. He never left anyone behind, and I remember this especially because he took my little officer, Rose Watson, a beaten up, forgotten, trouble-making person and gave her a place to stand in the glorious light of NT. And even when she was at her worst, slowly dropping into the pits of insanity, he was there for her regardless.


But he himself is not without flaws, and this is what kept him from being a total snowflake. For one, he hated coffee (what's wrong with him?) and would only drink tea. But on a more serious note, the big thing that kept him working was not the 'love' of his job, but the implant in his head. The moment that chip was out, he would succumb to his more human personality of wanting to give up. His job was truly difficult and draining, after all. Back then, when NT did executions, (again, he is REALLY old. This is long before we have our official Aurora lore established, and he was originally migrated from Apollo), he carried it out. But he did not do so willingly. He had to cope with himself, wearing a gasmask to hide his face so he can convince himself to be cold and heartless. A difficult task for him.


Lastly, he was proud, bitterly so. He would refuse medical treatment unless he was literally at the edge of death. Many times he would rush back into the fray, still injured, just to do his duty. More than once, his officers probably arrested him and dragged him to medical in cuffs just so he could get treated. I vividly remember when my CE Lori was annoyed at him, and punched him in the arm - her mechanical fist against his mechanical limb. He just sucked it up and went about the whole day with a pain in his shoulder...Lori never found out she actually hurt him. He told me OOCly.


He trained my character, Rose Watson, to take his place when he retired. Sadly, that never happened. She was more of a loose cannon than him, but that wasn't the problem. Try as she might, she couldn't handle the stress of the job, coupled with the demands of a loyalty implant. Slowly but surely, she spiraled down to a dark path. But, Dilgan never gave up hope on her. She got into trouble, loads of times, and despite it all, he never turned her in to authorities. Instead, he did his best to work with his apprentice, and yank her back out of the depraved void she had gotten herself trapped in.


But like all great legends, his story had to come to an eventual end. I'm not sure which ending Nightmare gave his character Dilgan. It was either he was rightfully promoted to a higher rank along the chain of command, or he was tragically murdered in an alleyway by some criminal after his wallet. Either way, the story of Dilgan lives on as a legend, and none can ever live up to it.


[b]Are you certain we are all laughing together are not shaming someone?:[/b] Oh, totally. No one's being shamed, and there was laughter along the way. But there was also emotional heartbreak and good stuff.


[b]Final thoughts/anything you want to add?:[/b]

I really enjoyed playing as Rose Watson during his time, and even if I go back into the security department, it's never the same. I still incorporate all the stuff Nightmare taught me in the security department, since he literally taught me how to play that role. The goal isn't to be stupid-robust, but to promote good arpee. Watch cameras, catch the syndies, chat with the crew, and actually help people instead of throwing them in perma. Too many officers are too gung-ho and want to be hero. I've played this department pretty extensively, it being my 2nd favorite (first is engineering) and it's simply missing an important element. Heroes aren't the ones who can gun down ten nukeops with a single carbine. Anyone can do that with fancy key binding. The true heroes are the ones that are willing to take their time to go the extra mile, and then fade away from their glory.

  • 3 weeks later...

Dilgan. The man, the machine, THE Commander The hero we didn't deserve. How I miss him.

He was also scared of needles I believe along with not wanting medical treatment. Him and Pond had an odd friendship. And on a few occasions, I would have to chase him through the halls until he paused to think or just plain keeled over so I had a chance to patch him up. The drinking, the yarns. The constant messing up of his first name by me. People mistaking him for a woman, with that glorious mane. The worrying senselessly about anyone not paired up with him when shit hits the fan. As he would still find a way to drag himself back to see Pond even with half a face, or one time, missing an arm. A plus one for history books if there ever was one.

  • 1 year later...
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