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Breacher suit.


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As I said, the best solution is just to apply any hardsuit related slowdown to wearing the module, don't matter what, instead of making a complex and needless system of what you can deploy or not based on the hardsuit status.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

This applies to the NT breacher and not the admin-spawned breacher? The admin-spawn breacher shouldn't be altered in this way.

This applies to the NT breacher and not the admin-spawned breacher? The admin-spawn breacher shouldn't be altered in this way.


If we are ever doing something to avoid people retracting the hardsuit chest-plate to deal with any slowdown, it should be applied to all hardsuits not only the breacher, because there is no reason to make an exception.

As I said, the best solution is just to apply any hardsuit related slowdown to wearing the module, don't matter what, instead of making a complex and needless system of what you can deploy or not based on the hardsuit status.


Nah this doesn't quite make sense imo.

Since slowdowns are cumulative, a good idea would be to have some slowdown on the module, and some on the chestplate. then no code is needed to change anything. You'd be slowed down with the module on and slowed somewhat more with the suit deployed

  • 2 weeks later...

The main arguments of defending the Breacher suit are either "there's only one guys", "meh it's nothing comparable to TRUE unathi breacher", "just use EMP" or "it's slow"

There is usually one or two security unathi each shift, too.

The "True" unathi breacher is an admin-spawn only and gives people a reason to cryo.

"Use EMP" is an excuse used in almost every single situation on why the breacher shouldn't be nerfed. People who use this argument tend to believe that every single antagonist carries with them an electromagnetic-based weapon, but from what I know (correct me on this if it's wrong), each electromagnetic pulse (aside from the wizard's EMP) consumes roughly 7500W, half an APCs power. With the breacher's suit weakness of 20%+ damage taken from EMP, that'd be 9000W consumed on a breacher suit. Not enough to deactivate it, and requires 2 EMP grenades or 2 ion rifle shots to deactivate a breacher suit. But no one carries a ion rifle on them, due to taking a critical part of the inventory and being essentialy useless against every single other type of opponent save for robots. On top of that, the battery can be upgraded easily.

The slowness is negated in space, and the unathi can just deactivate the chest piece to remove all of the movement speed penalties, then quickly be able to re-deploy it.

It's easy for individual unathi to pick a breacher suit then solo handedly kill an entire enemy squad because of 60% or higher damage resistance to everything except radiation.

The vision sight penalty is too negligible to be even considered to be brought into the argument of why the breacher suit should not be nerfed.

Should the breacher suit be removed? No.

Should the breacher suit be nerfed? Yes.

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