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In game Napkins


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A bit of a story first:

2 days ago, I was playing as a chef, and after serving Captain LeChiffre (UnknownMurder), he asked me where was the napkin. Obviously, I panicked as the item simply doesn't exist aboard the NSS Exodus, a 25th century highly advanced research station.

Now, You'll ask "But Pyro, why the fuck do you want napkins in the game, and how the fuck will they work"

Don't worry ! I've separated the ideas in two parts, Primary ideas (AKA thing I really want to see if it get implemented), and Secondary ideas (aka extra bonus).

Primary ideas:

  • Mostly RP wise, using the napkin on someone or yourself in help intent would "clean him" with a message in the chat.
  • If you seen some movies with bad guys, a Napkin + Soporific could help you make people asleep against their will. (with harm intent, for exemple, while aiming for the head).
  • If you're holding a napkin (either active or inactive hand) while having a cold or any virus that make you sneeze, and you sneeze, the napkin would simply stop the mucus from going on the ground (and potentially making a biological weapon that you could harm-intent people with)


Secondary Ideas:

  • If used as a mask, or maybe activated while in active hand, it could cover your character's mouth, allowing to reduce amount of chemical going inside you if you were to walk in a chemical smoke, for example (It wouldn't totally protect you of course, but it could reduce the amount of shit going into your lungs, allowing you to get the fuck out of here.)
  • If wet, could be used to clean blood or any other stain (Would be one use and would soak up the said thing.)
  • If soaked in something flammable like alcohol, could be used as some kind of fire starter (or for molotov if that exist here.)


Now, where could it be found?

It could be found in boxes:

  • Inside the kitchen, or chef spawn with a box of napkins
  • Maybe in the custom loadout menu
  • In the janitorial closet or spawn with the Janitor
  • In break rooms / Locker room
  • Medbay of course, maybe in virology

  • If you seen some movies with bad guys, a Napkin + Soporific could help you make people asleep against their will. (with harm intent, for exemple, while aiming for the head).


You can, infact, already do this with a rag. Though the bar rag is the only one i know of in the game.

You can soak it in anything and force someone to inhale it

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