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[Denied] Ian The Corgi's Vaurca App

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BYOND Key: Ian The Corgi

Character Names: Lyall Donne, MOSSY, Courtney Fields, Alywine Christiandottir, Lavanya Wilson

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Zo'ra Bound Worker Maroon

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yez

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wizh to hav many more opportunity in play of zpace ztation zirteen, Vaurca iz make vhor role-play musch more, and hav is more opzionz vhor make kharakter ov new. I iz like vaurca, good zpezies and vhould like to play az zhem, I zhink I can vuvhill zhis pozizion, and iz loyal to non other raze, I vould like to helpz vaurca expand playerzbaze. alzo iz good at typing like zis.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Role-play ze Vaurca require 'hive-mind' zhought, Iz not zhink about indvziual, you iz think about many of your hive rathzer zan yourzelf, Vaurca iz alzo have many inzegame buffs and nervs, make playinz zhem require different game-playz aswell az roleplayz, i iz zhink I can do zis very well, bound karakter alzo have no pleazure, so musnt be vhound drinking avay zheir problem.


Character Name: Ka'Akiax'Klith Zo'Ra

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Ka'Akaix'Klith is 'Vaurcese' for Unbound Worker named Klith, Klith is an unbound of the Zo'Ra hive, and regretfully left VR about 3 years ago, after a period it does not know, after nearly 1 year out of VR, it finally made peace with its withdrawal, and made a journey across the stars on a refugee ship, hoping to savour the rest of its life in the confines of the universe, upon arriving at Tau Ceti, it quickly learnt what it needed to get a job that paid it enough for it to explore life in its free time, despite leaving, it still has a strong love for its hive, being a Vaurca.

It has a helpful nature, as so, it often grows K'ois in public areas for the benefit of its Vaurca crewmembers, and will almost always follow any order given to it by the crew, but over that, any fellow Zo'Ra. To ensure it can perform its work, it wears sunglasses to shield it from the burning light, while it can still work on what it needs to do, it works as a lab assistant in the R&D department, as that was the best job it could find without large qualifications.

What do you like about this character?

I dont. I really dont. the unbound bug me (no pun intended) to no end.

I like that it fills the hole in this app for me to play as a bound vaurca?

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10 Not Perfect, but getting there.



I found this picture online, I thought it might help

Edited by Guest

After encountering your other characters, I think its safe to say that your roleplaying ability is good enough that you ought to be able to make a vaurca



I'm relatively new to the current Aurora playerbase, but I've seen examples of your OOC conduct and IC roleplay, and you have gained the Girdo Honk of Approval. Your RP is good, and you're a decent and fun person OOC, mature enough to handle Vaurca correctly. Additionally, from my past experience on the server, there was a VAST overpopulation of unbound Vaurca chars in comparison to bound, so I fully support the addition of Mindslave Ant-Man to the team.

TL;DR +1


Lyall Donne frightens me, but that's a compliment to his character. I wouldn't mind seeing more bugs aboard!

There's one little thing I thing to point out, and that's just about your timeline. Unless it's been edited, first contact with hiveships was made in 2456, and NanoTrasen didn't start integrating them into their workforce until either laaaate that year or in 2457. Was his 2453 acquisition by NT intentionally meant to be before their public discovery as a species, or is this just a number that can be adjusted?


BYOND Key: Ian The Corgi

Character Names: Lyall Donne, MOSSY, Courtney Fields, Alywine Christiandottir, Lavanya Wilson

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Zo'ra Bound Worker Maroon

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yez

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wizh to hav many more opportunity in play of zpace ztation zirteen, Vaurca iz make vhor role-play musch more, and hav is more opzionz vhor make kharakter ov new. I iz like vaurca, good zpezies and vhould like to play az zhem, I zhink I can vuvhill zhis pozizion, and iz loyal to non other raze, I vould like to helpz vaurca expand playerzbaze. alzo iz good at typing like zis.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Role-play ze Vaurca require 'hive-mind' zhought, Iz not zhink about indvziual, you iz think about many of your hive rathzer zan yourzelf, Vaurca iz alzo have many inzegame buffs and nervs, make playinz zhem require different game-playz aswell az roleplayz, i iz zhink I can do zis very well, bound karakter alzo have no pleazure, so musnt be vhound drinking avay zheir problem.


Character Name: Ka'Viax'Klith Zo'Ra

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Ka'Viax'Klith is 'Vaurcese' for Bound Worker named Klith, Klith is a drone of the Zo'Ra hive, and was chosen to improve the Economic state of the Zo'Ra, by working at Nanotrasen, and donating a large portion of its profits to the Zo'Ra Hive, it has no drive but to serve its Hive (rhyming not intentional). In early 2453 it was shipped to Nanotrasen to get a job as a Maintenance Technician after extensive training in how to perform this job.

It has a helpful nature, as so, it often grows K'ois in public areas for the benefit of its Vaurca crewmembers, and will blindly follow any order given to it by the crew, but over that, any Unbound Zo'Ra. To ensure it can perform its work, it wears sunglasses to shield it from the burning light, while it can still work on what it needs to do.

What do you like about this character?

I dont think theres anything to like about this character, its a mindless drone, I like it as an opportunity to play this character, as I think I could fufill this slot perfectly, and as I have not seen a single bound vaurca, I think I could fill a hole in the crew manifest on many shifts.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10 Not Perfect, but getting there.



I found this picture online, I thought it might help


It is my expectation that all Vaurcae whitelists should be applied with a backstory of an Unbound Vaurcae. This does not forbid you from playing as a Bound Vaurcae, and you are by no means expected to play as the character you apply as. The reasoning for this is simple - a Bound application does not provide sufficient opportunity to allow an applicant to demonstrate their knowledge of the lore, due to the fact that Bound are mindless workers that do not deserve a long backstory. Unbound, on the other hand, provide a perfect opportunity to demonstrate lore knowledge. The primary purpose of a whitelist application is to test an applicant's lore knowledge, as such you may only apply as a Bound. I will be codifying this in an announcement shortly, but I thought you should know beforehand, since your application is already posted.

To clarify - you may play as a Bound as soon as you are accepted, but to be accepted your backstory needs to be written as an Unbound Vaurca. You do not need to play the character you apply with, as their only purpose is to test your knowledge of the lore. Whitelists are after all playerbased, and not character-based.

Due to this, I will be giving you two extra days, so that you may make the requisite changes. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask via a PM.


I never have the chance to play with you on the server, for different reasons, as we share different time zones and depratment intrests. But I can say this, you're well known to me OOCly, I've read the application and think it's well written. I have no doubts you'll do well with this species. +1


BYOND Key: Ian The Corgi

Character Names: Lyall Donne, MOSSY, Courtney Fields, Alywine Christiandottir, Lavanya Wilson

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Zo'ra Bound Worker Maroon

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yez

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wizh to hav many more opportunity in play of zpace ztation zirteen, Vaurca iz make vhor role-play musch more, and hav is more opzionz vhor make kharakter ov new. I iz like vaurca, good zpezies and vhould like to play az zhem, I zhink I can vuvhill zhis pozizion, and iz loyal to non other raze, I vould like to helpz vaurca expand playerzbaze. alzo iz good at typing like zis.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Role-play ze Vaurca require 'hive-mind' zhought, Iz not zhink about indvziual, you iz think about many of your hive rathzer zan yourzelf, Vaurca iz alzo have many inzegame buffs and nervs, make playinz zhem require different game-playz aswell az roleplayz, i iz zhink I can do zis very well, bound karakter alzo have no pleazure, so musnt be vhound drinking avay zheir problem.


Character Name: Ka'Viax'Klith Zo'Ra

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Ka'Viax'Klith is 'Vaurcese' for Bound Worker named Klith, Klith is a drone of the Zo'Ra hive, and was chosen to improve the Economic state of the Zo'Ra, by working at Nanotrasen, and donating a large portion of its profits to the Zo'Ra Hive, it has no drive but to serve its Hive (rhyming not intentional). In early 2453 it was shipped to Nanotrasen to get a job as a Maintenance Technician after extensive training in how to perform this job.

It has a helpful nature, as so, it often grows K'ois in public areas for the benefit of its Vaurca crewmembers, and will blindly follow any order given to it by the crew, but over that, any Unbound Zo'Ra. To ensure it can perform its work, it wears sunglasses to shield it from the burning light, while it can still work on what it needs to do.

What do you like about this character?

I dont think theres anything to like about this character, its a mindless drone, I like it as an opportunity to play this character, as I think I could fufill this slot perfectly, and as I have not seen a single bound vaurca, I think I could fill a hole in the crew manifest on many shifts.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10 Not Perfect, but getting there.



I found this picture online, I thought it might help


It is my expectation that all Vaurcae whitelists should be applied with a backstory of an Unbound Vaurcae. This does not forbid you from playing as a Bound Vaurcae, and you are by no means expected to play as the character you apply as. The reasoning for this is simple - a Bound application does not provide sufficient opportunity to allow an applicant to demonstrate their knowledge of the lore, due to the fact that Bound are mindless workers that do not deserve a long backstory. Unbound, on the other hand, provide a perfect opportunity to demonstrate lore knowledge. The primary purpose of a whitelist application is to test an applicant's lore knowledge, as such you may only apply as a Bound. I will be codifying this in an announcement shortly, but I thought you should know beforehand, since your application is already posted.

To clarify - you may play as a Bound as soon as you are accepted, but to be accepted your backstory needs to be written as an Unbound Vaurca. You do not need to play the character you apply with, as their only purpose is to test your knowledge of the lore. Whitelists are after all playerbased, and not character-based.

Due to this, I will be giving you two extra days, so that you may make the requisite changes. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask via a PM.


Done, thanks for the second chance.


BYOND Key: Ian The Corgi

Character Names: Lyall Donne, MOSSY, Courtney Fields, Alywine Christiandottir, Lavanya Wilson

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Zo'ra Bound Worker Maroon

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yez

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wizh to hav many more opportunity in play of zpace ztation zirteen, Vaurca iz make vhor role-play musch more, and hav is more opzionz vhor make kharakter ov new. I iz like vaurca, good zpezies and vhould like to play az zhem, I zhink I can vuvhill zhis pozizion, and iz loyal to non other raze, I vould like to helpz vaurca expand playerzbaze. alzo iz good at typing like zis.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Role-play ze Vaurca require 'hive-mind' zhought, Iz not zhink about indvziual, you iz think about many of your hive rathzer zan yourzelf, Vaurca iz alzo have many inzegame buffs and nervs, make playinz zhem require different game-playz aswell az roleplayz, i iz zhink I can do zis very well, bound karakter alzo have no pleazure, so musnt be vhound drinking avay zheir problem.


Character Name: Ka'Akiax'Klith Zo'Ra

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Ka'Akaix'Klith is 'Vaurcese' for Unbound Worker named Klith, Klith is an unbound of the Zo'Ra hive, and regretfully left VR about 3 years ago, after a period it does not know, after nearly 1 year out of VR, it finally made peace with its withdrawal, and made a journey across the stars on a refugee ship, hoping to savour the rest of its life in the confines of the universe, upon arriving at Tau Ceti, it quickly learnt what it needed to get a job that paid it enough for it to explore life in its free time, despite leaving, it still has a strong love for its hive, being a Vaurca.

It has a helpful nature, as so, it often grows K'ois in public areas for the benefit of its Vaurca crewmembers, and will almost always follow any order given to it by the crew, but over that, any fellow Zo'Ra. To ensure it can perform its work, it wears sunglasses to shield it from the burning light, while it can still work on what it needs to do, it works as a lab assistant in the R&D department, as that was the best job it could find without large qualifications.

What do you like about this character?

I dont. I really dont. the unbound bug me (no pun intended) to no end.

I like that it fills the hole in this app for me to play as a bound vaurca?

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10 Not Perfect, but getting there.



I found this picture online, I thought it might help


This application has a few issues that prevent it from really being acceptable.

The first issue is that when I instructed you to apply as an Unbound, you merely reworked your backstory to say "Bound" instead of Unbound, keeping it as shallow as possible. This appears at least to me to miss the point of my original instruction, and does not reflect a requisite understanding of the species or its lore.


it finally made peace with its withdrawal, and made a journey across the stars on a refugee ship, hoping to savour the rest of its life in the confines of the universe, upon arriving at Tau Ceti, it quickly learnt what it needed to get a job that paid it enough for it to explore life in its free time, despite leaving, it still has a strong love for its hive, being a Vaurca.


This is the first issue I have concerning your application - I may be misinterpreting the intent of the passage, but it certainly looks to me as if your Unbound left the hive of its own volition, presumably because it was disconnected from the VR systems. This is ignorant of a few things in Vaurca lore:

1: Disconnection from VR is not exile from the hive. Most Vaurca on the NSS Exodus happen to be disconnected from the VR systems (Although not completely, as their hivenet is a byproduct of this system) simply because it is not feasible to have so many Vaurcae in VR when the Zo'ra have a resource limitation.

2: Building on the first point, there is no reason for Zo'ra to "journey across the stars on a refugee ship" - they have their own ship, the arkship Titan Prime. While the Titan Prime may be a refugee ship by definition, it's journey did not begin 4-5 years ago, it began around 2,000 years ago.

3: Finally, nailing the point down, a Vaurca unbound would have no reason or capability to leave their hive. The education for it to "get a job" would be provided either by the Hive or the employer, and its paywage is almost certainly not going into a personal savings account. Its employment in NanoTrasen is, like many things in Vaurca life, probably not voluntary either.


It has a helpful nature, as so, it often grows K'ois in public areas for the benefit of its Vaurca crewmembers, and will almost always follow any order given to it by the crew, but over that, any fellow Zo'Ra. To ensure it can perform its work, it wears sunglasses to shield it from the burning light, while it can still work on what it needs to do, it works as a lab assistant in the R&D department, as that was the best job it could find without large qualifications.


This second passage outlines a problem in adaption - it'd work mostly well enough for a Bound character, and is in fact as far as I can recollect identical to your Bound backstory. While each one of these traits are acceptable in an Unbound, it just highlights what little thought went into reworking your character to fit application expectations. Finally, even if it were a Bound application, this second passage presents a very difficult attitude problem. It is simple a list of attributes that a Bound would be expected to abide by. You are listing off each trait one by one, as if to assert "Hey, hey! I know the lore! Let me in."

I will be very honest - I do not much care if you simply know the lore. It is very easy to read, and pretty easy to memorize. I am much more interested in people that can use the lore, people that can integrate it into their character backstory almost seamlessly, as if they were born into the lore, rather than people that can methodically list of the attributes of an ideal Vaurca.

The application is also very short. While a length application is not a guarantee of acceptance, it provides much greater opportunity to display your lore familiarity in an organic fashion. Your chances of acceptance are not unsalvageable, but they are highly unlikely with this particular application. If after this disappointment you are still willing to apply again, I highly advise simply abandoning this attempt and creating a new backstory and character, with a familiar appreciation for the lore. Thank you.

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