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Sierra's Character Records Template Thing 2: Internal Affairs Boogaloo


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Mmmmh. I was using it a couple of weeks ago without any trouble. I appreciate the bit of standardization, and as far as I know the accounts system wasn't linked to the one here, or BYOND's. That's too bad, though.


The way Skull explained it when it was first disabled after some security scare not even related to us, was that people use the same passwords too much and it was disabled because people used the same passwords for stuff and they didn't want it being stolen and used else where.


5/10 explanation, Jboy. "Not relevant to us," is not an excuse for an unsecure system. Nor is it something I'm willing to accept, regardless of your ignorance to the threat.

The system in question did not meet security standards. It was piss easy to get an actual password out of the tables, were the database tables ever leaked. So I nuked the entire password's column way back in January. Then I discovered, a few months ago, that people could still register accounts. And were still using it. Despite an old notice of it having been killed, and the system being left to fade to (presumed) obscurity. Obviously this didn't happen. So I nuked the passwords again, and pretty much disabled the login and registration systems.

Sierra did make an emergency patch, but it was not implemented due to me being busy at the time with other tasks, and at present, the patch does not match the standard set by our other interfaces.

The plan is to eventually roll this functionality into the https://byond.aurorastation.org interface. But first, IC emails.


Thank you for the explanations, both of you.

If it's coming back sometime, in some form, my jimmies are less rustled. Better safe than sorry!

Now, must go make pasteable copies of everything since records and flavortext don't seem to update when you change characters in-game.

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