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Vaurca stuff that will actually make me Abide the lore


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BYOND Key:mirkoloio

Character name:Za'Akaix'Ghul Zo'ra

Items name: Integrated Vaurca Tazer, HUDblinders, Vaurca Security Harness

Why is your character carrying said item to work? Because they, lore wise, would have these as a security vaurca. The blinders just being cool for RP and the Harness as a uniform because My 9 1/2 ft vaurca can't possibly wear normal stuff.

rYWJX.png (It says most. Not all!)

Item function(s): They would all be conversion kits. The Tazer just a normal tazer with a different wield sprite and different sprite in general. The Harness just a re-skinned gear harness and the blinders normal blinders with the same handicap as the normal ones, just with a SECHUD inbuilt

Item description: Integrated Vaurca Tazer: Thiz tazer looks like a long, reddish tube with a few cables and ports on the rear end. The front holds a small laserpointer to ease the aiming for the Vaurca.

HUDblinders: Specially designed Vaurca blindfold, designed to let in just enough light to see. It seems to have some additional electronics added.

Vaurca Security Harness; Tight fitting gear harness in security colors and with security emblems.

Item appearance: I suck at visualizing stuff. Just.. do your thang. Also, My vaurca is red, for the tazer.

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?

Additional comments: Well, It will provide RP and not make people ask me how I'm wearing the sunglasses on my four eyes. It'd give new room for emotes AND it'd fit the lore.


Indeed. Those do not give benefits. They are Security only. Conversion Kits. Means that I will have to have the item to apply them to. Also, the Vaurca blinders decrase your viewing range by one and blurr the rest .

No weapons. Let's make this clear, despite point one hinting towards this: no regular employee of NSS Aurora is permitted to take non-regulation weaponry, firearms or otherwise, aboard NSS Aurora whilist acting in normal capacity.


No weapons. Let's make this clear, despite point one hinting towards this: no regular employee of NSS Aurora is permitted to take non-regulation weaponry, firearms or otherwise, aboard NSS Aurora whilist acting in normal capacity.


No weapons. Let's make this clear, despite point one hinting towards this: no regular employee of NSS Aurora is permitted to take non-regulation weaponry, firearms or otherwise, aboard NSS Aurora whilist acting in normal capacity.


Application denied, there's your response. No weapons for the taser (it's with an s, not a z). Vaurca HUD and harness is more of a suggestion than a custom item because that's easily better off being made available to all Vaurca instead of a single Vaurca for no reason.

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