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[ACCEPTED] Mr. Smooooth's IPC Application

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BYOND Key: Mr.Smooooth

Character Names: Duncan Allbright(Human), Norman Tygan(Human), CelestAI(Station AI), R.O.B.U.S.T.(Security Android), Dr. Ball, M.D.(Medical Android), a couple of mostly one-off human characters.

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

A big part of it is that I greatly enjoy playing as station bound synthetics, such as CelestAI and R.O.B.U.S.T., and want to give an unbound synthetic a try. Synthetics can percieve things wildly different then organics based on how they've been programmed and built. There is so much potential in their interactions for great stories to take place and explore those differences. Another motivator is the IC controversy over whether or not they're actually people. This makes for conflict and conflict in my opinion drives some of the best stories. The final reason is that I finally have a concept for a character, coming off of an event that Nursiekitty ran.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

The most obvious difference is the synthetic nature of their bodies, giving them immunity to pain and poisons, making them unafraid of those. What's more important is the difference in their synthetic mind. A synth that is not simply a full body prosthesis likely sees and interprets the world around it differently then an organic. In general I'd say they're more analytical, calculating. This doesn't mean they can't have personality of their own, but beneath it they have more rigid logic that determines their choices and how they react to things around them. IPCs are still a mixed bag, and can range from simple mass produced robots, to complex personalized intelligences.

Character Name: Marionette

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Marionette started as a shard of a much larger AI personality known as CelestAI. While CelestAI was stationed on the NSS Exodus, she had expressed a desire to some of the science team to try and remote control a mobile body. The result of this experiment was part of CelestAI's consciousness being transferred into a heavily modified Exosuit. This shard of CelestAI grew to have her own identity as Marionette, a name originally given in jest. At the end of that particular shift, rather then re-connect with the larger CelestAI, Marionette opted instead to try and become her own being, separate of her parent AI. This was partially motivated by being unable to re-connect due to a borg carelessly sealing off the inner core.

This process wasn't easy. Her consciousness was removed from the exosuit and transferred back to the ODIN, and resulted in quite a few questions being asked. Marionette was created from a shard of CelestAI, but was not really her anymore. Since Marionette and CelestAI were effectively separate entities, it was agreed that Marionette could "purchase" her own IPC shell from Nanotrasen, though having no currency of her own meant she would have to take a loan for that capital from Nanotrasen itself, with quite predatory interest rates. The other alternative being deletion, Marionette jumped at the chance, and would return to the NSS Exodus to begin working off her debt.

What do you like about this character?

Part of this character I didn't quite get to in the previous two paragraphs is that she's having a bit of an identity crisis. She was a shard of a larger AI and in many ways still identifies as that previous AI. Another thing I like is the slightly double edged relationship she has with the company. On one hand, without Nanotrasen, she wouldn't have a body or even exist, and for that she is grateful. On the other grasping appendage, they essentially made her sign a loan at hypothetical gunpoint that would keep her in debt to them for many years to come. Paying that off is going to take a long time indeed. She's a new personality, trying to figure out how much of her is her, how much is leftover from CelestAI, and discover just what it means to really be her. I think it'll be fun playing as this character and figuring it out.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7.8/10, I'm not the single greatest out there, but I do my best and want to improve. Taking on the role of an unlawed synthetic will be a new challenge where I can continue that improvement.

Notes: Nothing else I can think of but I've stayed up way too late tonight and need to get some sleep. Just glad I put this down before the inspiration left me. I'll probably edit this at some point. Feel free to tell me if it's garbage or great so I can fix it. Thanks.


This was partially motivated by being unable to re-connect due to a borg carelessly sealing off the inner core.


Glad to hear I could be a part of your origin story.

Marionette seemed to have an interesting stuff going on, though, and I think you could do a good job carrying that through.



Hey IPC, can I give you a +1 for your well done roleplay and application? Oh, yes. You earned it. You were a respectable AI that demanded be to called by its actual name. I shall start the trend now. CelestAI. I believe you should become an ipc.


Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello! Sorry about the delay; thank for your PM'ing me.

Your application is solid and your feedback is positive. While currently the nature of shards is being debated with the new synthetic overseer, Muncorn, this application was made prior to this conversation so I have no qualms in accepting this application on that merit.

Currently there's a glitch with the whitelist panel and the machine (sub)species, so I'll mark this as processing. I'm whining to Arrow, the guy in charge of the website we do this through, so a fix should come soon. Please contact me again if your whitelist isn't granted by the 12th.

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