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[Accepted] BygoneHero Synth Unban Request

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BYOND Key: BygoneHero

Total Ban Length: Permanent

Banning staff member's Key: Shameonturtles

Reason of Ban: Mimicking people as an AI on telecoms, poor synthetic play

Reason for Appeal: I'm aware that mimicking people isn't something an AI should do, and that my actions in the past were argumentative and law lawyery, I'm sure if given a chance to show how I play as now, it will be easily apparent to staff and players alike.


So, I'm not handling this complaint, but can I just clarify this. Are you the same AI that did this exact same thing and got told by every single person ingame to stop, the captain said you would be scrapped and not a single person agreed with your actions IC'ly. Am I correct in assuming this was you, and it happened over multiple rounds even after this one? If that's the case, that is utterly ridiculous.


Yes, that was the round when I first tried it I believe, but for the context of that round, I was mimicking people to get other people's attention when they were in trouble. As for being scrapped I am not sure if I was a traitor that round or not, or I was hacked.

EDIT- If the captain was a human I think it was a normal round, but if it was a skrell I was hacked. In any event, my reasoning was that people tend to ignore synthetics when they speak, even if they are trying to get someone medical help. I believe the round with the skrell captain I explained this, after asking him which he thought was more important when they speak, a synthetic or organic. In round he mentioned organics are more important when they speak, thus proving my point.


Alright. First of all:

after asking him which he thought was more important when they speak, a synthetic or organic. In round he mentioned organics are more important when they speak, thus proving my point.


I believe that yes, in many cases, an organic speaker would be prioritized over a synthetic speaker, theoretically.

There were two situations that you said over PMs were the only situations you used the mimicking telecommunications script in, which I later discovered was false through talking to the people you mimicked.

  • Medical Emergencies
  • With the person's permission


People will listen to calls about a medical emergency, or calls for medical regardless of whether the speaker is organic or synthetic, as they should. As for getting permission, that didn't happen from what I saw and was told.

Regardless, I'm prepared to accept this appeal fully, as long as you make sure to correct your behavior as a lawed synthetic. Additonally, try to no longer be aggressive/confrontational with staff. Sound good?

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