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[Accepted] Complete Garbage's Unathi Whitelist Application

Guest Complete Garbage

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Guest Complete Garbage

BYOND Key: Complete Garbage

Character Names:

Sandman(Scions), Corum(Medic), Taurus(Engi), Dallas(Sec), Proxy(AI), Kahal Nazkiin(Sec), Quilix'whatever Skrell'name(Cappy) and some other one-offs or incompletes.

Species you are applying to play: Unathi

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Dark green [#075e0b {rgb(7, 94, 11)}]

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

gotta catch 'em all

I'd like to be able to play Unathi for the new opportunities the species provides. Something fairly new and refreshing in the way of roleplay, that will hopefully allow me to interact with the community on a broader scale than I do now. The change of pace and the specific qualities and nuances of the species are the driving factors behind this application.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Well, there are the obvious things, like the way they ssspeak, their reactions to heat and lack thereof, their big hulking lizardbodies, tiny weak livers, ability to break cuffs, and the fact they get triggered when you call them by their first name. Aside from those, however, the most outstanding quality of the Unathi, I find, is their particular social structure; a system of ideals that, by any of today's standards,(at least in the Western world,) are fairly antiquated. Their clan-based political organization, subjugation of women, and codes of honorable stricture are what come to mind when actually thinking about the differences between Unathi and other species. The Unathi have never really been big on socially progressive ideas, preferring traditionalist values over reform, and despite the best efforts of humanity and the Skrell, many continue to vehemently resist change.


Character Name: Kasasarra Tazuka

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

The Tazuka Clan


In the mid-1600s CE, Kasasarra's great-(x34) grandfather, Kazaru Tazuka, living in a settlement not far from Skalamar, had come from a lineage of Sk'akh Healer-Priests. With the rise of Guilds, Kazaru took advantage of the opportunity and worked to become a Master Doctor. With the support of the guilds behind him, he founded a small clinic in his town. As Skalamar expanded throughout the centuries, the clinic, which had narrowly survived the fall of the guilds, became absorbed into the growing settlement. The line of Tazuka Master Doctors carried on and expanded through the ages, eventually building their clinic into a hospital. Despite the challenges brought by the rise of the Second Hegemony, industrial accidents became a new major source of revenue, and another Tazuka clinic was founded deeper inside the city. As the roots of the Third Hegemony took hold, and war casualties began to rise, the Tazuka were quick to swear loyalty to the Izweski, establishing field hospitals near the front to earn the favor of their new rulers.

When the Izweski ruled in favor of free trade, the Tazuka began ambitious endeavors to establish hospitals all throughout Skalamar, and beyond. These ambitions were laid to rest as other, better funded hospital chains began to edge out the new Tazuka developments. Having lost a large portion of their wealth, even the already-established Tazuka hospitals found themselves struggling. The original Tazuka hospitals remained a small chain in Skalamar, recovering slowly from their losses and working towards expanding what they already owned. Eventually, the Tazuka began to invest in the construction of many clinics in smaller cities and towns across the planet. This turned out to be critically unfortunate; as a result of this new expansion effort, the contact war left over 8% of the Tazuka clanmen dead. In the face of these losses, the Tazuka rode out the waves of refugees, capitalizing on the income they generated. Then, in a move that shocked the majority of the clan, half of the clan's elder council, with the support of the Clan Lord, began to liquefy all Tazuka assets on Moghes, uprooting the entire clan with plans laid out to move to Ouere.

This sudden decision invoked a schism within the clan, sparking infighting. Nearly one third of the remaining Tazuka clanmen either decided to remain on Moghes as Guwans, or form their own clan, which failed shortly after. Those who remained loyal to the clan's leadership used the money from the liquefaction of their assets and established a chain of clinics on Ouere. These clinics are presently faring moderately well, though the Tazuka have little capital for new investments. The Tazuka clan, now slowly regrowing in number, have begun sending their newly-educated Doctors to other systems to complete their medical internships and residencies under work visas, and taking a share of their income for the clan.

Kasasarra Tazuka


In 2425, Kasasarra Tazuka was born. He was schooled with the other youth of his clan, and followed the regimen set out for all Tazuka youth; 18 years of primary schooling, 3 years of study in the biological and anatomical fields, and 3 years of standard medicinal studies. When Moghes was discovered by the other species of the galaxy, little changed for Kasasarra. To him, the contact war seemed a looming but distant personal danger, despite the devastating effect it had on his clan. Kasasarra found himself too occupied with his studies to think much about external events. By 2449, he had nearly completed his schooling regimen, but his final year of study was cut short by the sudden splitting of his clan and mass-movement to Ouere. Kasasarra lost many friends in the transition, but he understood it was necessary for the clan's business to survive. After a resettlement that Kasasarra found particularly difficult to adapt to, he had finished his final year of study in 2451, and his medical internship by 2452.

By this time, the clan had begun sending their doctors to to other systems, and Kasasarra was among those selected to go to Tau Ceti. Due to complications with his educational background, however, it was mandated that he complete a two-year course to verify what he already knew and study non-Unathi humanoid anatomy. By 2453, Kasasarra, at the age of 28, was sent to Tau Ceti to work as a Doctor in a NanoTrasen hospital on Biesel. After 4 years of residency in internal medicine, there was little room for Kasasarra in his clan's clinic. He had his work visa renewed, in exchange for 5 more contracted years of NanoTrasen employment. Now, with the first year of his renewed contract completed, Kasasarra has recently received a transfer notice to a space station in the Romanovich Cloud, along with a modest raise in pay. Kasasarra graciously accepted the company's offer, and made preparations for departure to the NSS Exodus.

What do you like about this character?

As opposed to many Unathi who have left Moghes, Kasasarra has lived a fairly sheltered life. He had never seen any combat in person, but merely the result of it, and even his exposure to wounded warriors was limited while he was still on Moghes. The Tazuka clan is oriented towards honor through healing above nearly anything else, and despite their past failures, this ideal has kept the clan alive. These tenets reflect on Kasasarra, whose primary motivation is to one day work for his clan on Ouere.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I think I'm okay. When I look at players like Owen or Jackboot, I find myself woefully inadequate by comparison, but compared to your average greytider, I think my arpee holds to a decent standard.



I wrote this a while ago, but Hackie Mahn coerced me into posting it now, so it's probably full of glaring inaccuracies. Feel free to give me a scathing review on Yelp.


+1 Sandman is a pretty good IPC and Garbage's RP is Complete Garbage pretty good compared to others that like dirty mechanics speak for them.

Plus, his Unathi isn't the typical 'You call me by my firssst name and you get sstabbed with thisss pre-made Diamond Sspear.' Which is a nice change of pace, Pacifist Lizard inbound?

All in All, Good App ( I liked that you gave us your Clan's background information :^) Good Spice )


To be completely honest, Garbage's characters are completely boring and unmemorable to me, although they do not stand out to me for being bad, so, there is that, and I don't recall Garbage playing in-game in a bad way.

Likewise, Tazuka seems rather boring, although the writing doesn't seem contradictory to lore or anything.

TL;DR I don't see any reasons why Garbage shouldn't have the whitelist, a luke-warm +1.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello! Sorry about the delay in your application. This application is solid and your knowledge of Unathi is very solid. I enjoyed reading your backstories and will be happy to accept this application!

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