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[Accepted] Spectrosis's Unathi Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key: Spectrosis

Character Names: Aldren Mekti

Species you are applying to play: Unathi

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Deep, forest green yellow markings and golden irises.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: If by 'our' you mean the one on the generic Bay wiki, then yes, thoroughly.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I find Unathi, as a whole, far more interesting than humans. Their behavioral patterns, such as the way they chuff or thump their tails against the floor when angry, allows for a an easy, accurate display of their current emotions. In addition, I find 'culture clashes' quite interesting to both watch and roleplay, and Unathi have some of the most varied customs among the xeno races. While humans may refer to each other by their first names right off the bat, Unathi won't (in most cases) even get physically close to each other, and will only refer to strangers or acquaintances by clan names until formal introductions have been made and they're familiar with each other. They have an honor system that I find intriguing, and hold others to higher standards than other races do. Also because Hisslord master race.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Unathi have a few more habitual displays in response to their surroundings than humans, such as swaying from side to side when worried, beating the ground with their tails when angered, and frequently sampling the air in general. I've mentioned numerous other Unathi habits throughout this application, and I doubt re-listing them here will provide any benefit. Just keep reading.


Character Name: N'vas Ves'aren

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

N'vas Ves'aren, born as G'sik'gi (pronounced 'Guh-seek-ghi', but very quickly) Nels'thar, spent much of his childhood reading chemistry and medical texts from offworld, gained through bartering with traveling space merchants. He's become or less familiar with human biology, but gained a much better grasp on that of his own race between his reading and a good bit of hands-on practice. From the ages of 10 to 19, he worked as an assistant, then 'doctor' equivalent in a small clinic, pursuing chemistry as his main hobby outside of work. Upon reaching adulthood, he took the name 'N'vas' (Nn-voss), largely due to its ease of pronunciation with offworlders, whom he frequently met and bartered with. At the age of 20, he found himself simply tired of life on Moghes, and, using a good chunk of his life savings thus far, bought passage on a merchant ship set out for Tau Ceti. At that point, he deemed it a good idea to sever ties with his clan and changed his last name to 'Ves'aren' (Vess-are-en).

After spending roughly a Moghes year travelling among various worlds, he signed on with Nanotrasen, easily passing the entrance examinations for most medical roles due to his focused background. For roughly a galactic year each, he served on the NSS Horizon, NSS Aphelion, and NSS Exodus as a chemist, medical doctor, and, when needed, stand-in for the Chief Medical Officer, before finally being transferred to the NSS Aurora. As his job led him to being in the presence of more humans than other races, he, over time, became fairly well adapted to their lifestyle and customs, although he's had more difficulty ditching certain habits than others. In particular, he still refers to casual acquaintances by their last names, and authority figures, as much as he may dislike certain ones, by their full titles. Keeping with other Unathi traditions, he very much dislikes being touched by strangers. He also tends to salute his superiors on sight, a habit he picked up from reading a few military texts. He is generally disinclined towards violence (compared to most other Unathi, although he's not quite as pacifistic as most humans), well mannered, and sociable. In addition, he's done a half-decent job with curbing the natural hissing when he speaks, although it tends to return in full force when he's stressed or otherwise upset.

What do you like about this character?

I created N'vas as an alternative to the common 'black scales, red eyes, ANGERY SPACE LIZZURD who tears limbs off and doesn't afraid of anything' stereotype found on non-whitelisted servers, and greatly enjoy using him as an example of a more realistically behaviored Unathi. He'll (more or less politely) speak up before he's angered to the point of violence, and due to his background, has an exciting blend of familiar and exotic traits. All in all, I think he's great fun to play as, and I get the feeling that other players enjoy him as well.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? gr8 m8 i r8 it 8/8 no h8.

Joking aside, I'd give myself a solid four out of five, compared to the levels of competency commonly seen in-game. I emote frequently to display idle behaviors, tics, and habits, have an excellent grasp on creating realistic, hireable characters, and make consistent efforts to stay well within the confines of my character's knowledge and behavior. My only real downfall, in my opinion, is that I have a bit of difficulty paying attention to both the screen and chat secton, which leads to my characters occasionally seeming a bit unaware or absent-minded.

Notes: Although I've only been on Aurora for a handful of days, I've been playing SS13 on and off for about three years now, and I've been playing Unathi for over half of that. This ain't my first rodeo.

Alright, looks pretty similar. Consider it read as well.

No, Aurora lore is different then bay lore, I suggest reading the entire page(s)

Other terms, you have the emotions down, but I don't see anything showing a understanding of the main lore topics like the contact war, the spreading of the waste land, what he thinks of the contact war, etc.

Well! Seems I'll be doing a rewrite, then. Is it good enough to edit my original post, or should I send in a second application?
It seems close enough that just editing the post'll do.
Guest Marlon Phoenix


Sorry for the delay in your application; I read it previously and was waiting for the rewrite, then it dropped off the radar. I've picked it back up now, and will cherish it.

You've put a lot of thought into your character and I appreciate that you redid your original backstory to fit Aurora's take on Unathi. You show good intentions and a genuine eagerness to play the race in an interesting way. With this in mind and your response to the feedback I will be happy to accept this application.

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