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[Declined] Tekoro's Industrial IPC application

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BYOND Key: Tekoro

Character Names: Coly Asher, Gregory Weinstein

Species you are applying to play: Industrial IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I feel like out of all the species that you can play, IPC are the most interesting ones because you have to try and keep yourself from having a certain personality, unless the IPC is programmed to have a precise one, and if it is done correctly it creates very entertaining roleplay for everyone. I'm really enjoying how most of the IPC players roleplay, so I was interested in giving it a try and see if I could manage to create a good rp atmosphere for who is near me in-game.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Since I've been playing only human, I feel like how the interactions between other non-robotic players would be really different. Having to play as a cold IPC, sarcastic IPC or a really gentle IPC is a complete other thing from having to play a human who can be both gentle and sarcastic, so you focus on that one characteristic you want your IPC to have and you try to perfection it tnd make the best out of RP'ing as a cyborg. (Also no pain RP might make for really funny moments)


Character Name: Creatively

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Creatively was an IPC which originally was designated as ScoutBot-023 and worked for a group of researchers who stationed on Luthien to gain further knowledge of the planet's resources and materials. The date of it's construction was approximately 50 years ago. It was bound to it's research team and helped them in every task, was it scan for materials, build structures or repair whatever was malfunctioning but must of all it was used as a beacon. This team, used to leave their assigned biodome often and Luthien being the planet that it is makes expeditions really dangerous and so in case the team lost themselves in the massive desert, they used ScoutBot-023 as a way to be rescued. One day, after 20 years of fulfilling this task, they headed for another expedition but this time trying to cover more ground from the biodome. So they did, they took their research vehicle and went as far as they thought was necessary, someone's calculation were wrong, though. They had done more distance than they were supposed to do, because on they way back the vehicle's batteries died, they were still really far from the biodome so they had to take two chances, one was wait some days in the desert under the burning heat of Luthien's atmosphere and try to survive on the few rations they had, or connect ScoutBot-023 to the emergency port and try to make it back with what they could take from the IPC's charge.

They took the second option. ScoutBot-023 was left with little to no battery, but enough to keep it's beacon alive. It saw them heading off, one of the team, Jerry Column, promised to it that they were going to come back. So the IPC waited, couldn't move because the battery wouldn't permit it. It waited and waited. One day, it's monitor turned black. There was no more power to sustain Creatively's systems.The team had either forgotten about the IPC, or they didn't make it to the biodome. It looked like it was ScoutBot's end, left to rust under the sand of Luthien.

Years had passed, now that NanoTrasen had more influence in Tau Ceti a scouting ship was scanning Luthien from above the surface of the planet, but near enough to gather information. The crew who was monitoring the scanner had noticed that something metallic and electronic was laying under several layers of sand, so they sent a smaller ship to investigate. After a few days from the discovery they found the site and started removing the various layers of sand, excavating trying to find the source of that signal. They thought they'd find salvage of some random ship or vehicle, but instead they found a small IPC that was laying there coated by the sand which had sticked onto it's chassis. Who had found the IPC decided it was worth it to bring it back up to the main ship and see what they could do, they could've used it's materials maybe.

Once on the main ship, they handed the IPC to a team of skilled roboticists who took upon themselves to try and salvage what was possible from it. They noticed however that ScoutBot wasn't damaged at all and it was only deactivated, so they changed it's battery into a new one and hooked it up. Once fully activated, it came to their attention that this unit was very old, so they decided to remove all of it's past memories and do a complete reset, installing instead a brand new positronic brain.After a few hours,

So ScoutBot was left on board of this unknown ship with a couple of roboticists who took care of it, day passed and they kept explaining the secrets of biomechanical engineering and robotics, one of those roboticists in particular, Toe Sannoe, took it under its wing and taught it daily how robotics worked, he also had the passion of art and from time to time made little mechanical machines that he called "art". Having all this company and friends around it, ScoutBot did not notice but a couple of years passed and the scout team that went to look for the biodome n°23 didn't report to the IPC, but it didn't care anymore because the reset had wiped all it's memories. One day, Toe Sannoe approached ScoutBot together with the robotics team and decided to rename it, marking a new name upon it's chassis. "You'll be Creatively, from now on!", Joe said. Creatively could not process the situation really easily because of it's small and limited vocabulary, but with time it started accepting the name and started working with the robotics. New system were installed to it to help with duty related to robotics and biomechanical engineering. After some decades, Creatively was still there doing it's job, on the ship it came to know being property of NanoTrasen. One day, one employee entered the lab and sais to the IPC and it's colleagues; "It's time to go, we're transfering over to the NSS Aurora." Creatively had to comply, not knowing to say no. So it just left and headed towards departures, prepared to start it's new job on another space station, even though it's systems weren't advanced enough to process emotions, it felt some curiosity. It had never left that ship for a lot of years, and now it was happening, so it wondered "This unit hopes it can make art on this new station. They would not let this unit do it on here."

What do you like about this character?

I decided I want Creatively to not be advanced on the language aspect, so it would talk exactly like a robot does, but I want it to have an accentuated side where it is actually really curious in whatever involves robotics.

So kind of an IPC with a personality that focuses more on being curious and friendly, which is limited by a rudimentary communication system.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I've been playing only around two months, so it's hard to say. I've been trying really hard to roleplay well my last two active characters, and I think they are a 7/10? But I don't know, I can't really rate myself since I'm kinda new.


I've had a few warnings when I started playing, but now I'm trying my hardest not to break any rule and to interact with other players as much as I can, so there's always something to do/ talk about.

edit: Decided to change the whole story since now I had more time to think about something and write it down.

edit 2: fixed some things

Edited by Guest

I've only had one interaction with Coly Asher, where i had arrested them for stealing a gun, they RP'd the consequences properly (albeit a bit snowflakey to my taste), so that's a positive thing in my opinion.

into the app itself:

to start off, the character's story is too short, it's only one paragraph.

secondly, the character is just bland. way too bland for a whitelist character, the whole story can be summed up with "some guys make a robot for some work and then he is engineering robot and then he goes to work"

you should at the very least give your character an actual character.

I've only had one interaction with Coly Asher, where i had arrested them for stealing a gun, they RP'd the consequences properly (albeit a bit snowflakey to my taste), so that's a positive thing in my opinion.

into the app itself:

to start off, the character's story is too short, it's only one paragraph.

secondly, the character is just bland. way too bland for a whitelist character, the whole story can be summed up with "some guys make a robot for some work and then he is engineering robot and then he goes to work"

you should at the very least give your character an actual character.

That moment when Berry complains your character isn't snowflakey enough.

I'm dying.

That aside, we really want to know more about this character, how its personality interacts with others, and why this character should exist. We want to know how your personality will fit in with the rest of the crew. No, you don't have to be goody-goody two shoes, but we want to know More about the character than just sprinting past you in the hallway. What makes this character tick? What's their personality? Why is it that way?

I've only had one interaction with Coly Asher, where i had arrested them for stealing a gun, they RP'd the consequences properly (albeit a bit snowflakey to my taste), so that's a positive thing in my opinion.

into the app itself:

to start off, the character's story is too short, it's only one paragraph.

secondly, the character is just bland. way too bland for a whitelist character, the whole story can be summed up with "some guys make a robot for some work and then he is engineering robot and then he goes to work"

you should at the very least give your character an actual character.


I get what you mean when you say that what I wrote down before wasn't giving it character, so I decided to make up a background and give it some more of a personality at least.

[Also, I remember when I got arrested for that gun and, but I was roleplaying a mentally unstable cargo tech who needed it's meds to stay focused and not do stupid stuff and at the time I was not given my prescription. (I also think I was drunk IC at the moment)]

The date of it's construction was approximately 100 years ago.


This would be no problem if it weren't for later on in the backstory. Humanity in our canon has only had artificial intelligence for about 22 years, roughly. This would mean that Creatively would have had to have been a robot with or without a virtual or simulated intelligence. That makes sense, also, until I continued to read and noticed that it acts like an artificially intelligent robot and also possesses a positronic brain despite being constructed long before positronic brains existed, and spent its time buried in the sand for the duration that any non-positronic synthetic was being upgraded.

Another thing; why are they 100 years old, but 80 of those years are spent doing... nothing? Why are they so old but only worked for the research team for 20?


What if, during those twenty of years of work for the research team it was a simple robot they used to do heavy duty tasks, then when left in the desert it was shut down for around 60 years but then discovered and brought back on a nanotrasen ship, where they installed a positronic brain and rewired by the roboticists? Would that be a better way to put the story?

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello! Sorry for the delay.

Unfortunately even with this rewrite of the character, it's incredibly unreasonable. It would be hamfisted to say that they were left in a desert for 6 entire decades and then brought up to NT and rewired - as someone who lives in a desert, there are machines from only 2 decades ago sitting out there which have been stripped down and rusted to bare husks. It's still not reasonable, so unfortunately I'm going to have to decline this application.

Feel free to reapply when you feel ready!

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