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Paperwork of the Mind: A Comprehensive List of Psychological Papers for Psychiatrist/Psychologist Characters

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Hey all. I decided to recently try and start playing again, and I wanted to really get into the good old RP focused roles, and more importantly, one that is in regards to my major. I currently only have three (a consent form and two assessment tools), but if the feedback is good I will add more assessment tools since I am basically just transferring public domain tools to SS13. This may be too complicated for some people, but seeing how heavily this role focuses on RP, I believe adding more options will give people more room to work and add a starting point instead of having to come up with things on their own on the spot.

How do we use these?

Awesome question. Assessment tools, if you aren't aware, are usually short questionaries that are given to a client either verbally or through a paper, they fill out. There are cutoffs, which is basically the maximum score one can receive before concern is raised for their wellbeing. A lot of times, cutoffs are done by a really in-depth look at the participants and the percentiles buuuut, we don't have time for that. Instead, there is just a generic cutoff for each tool. If a character has a score higher than the cutoff, go from there. Do not tell the character that they have a certain disorder because of the test, but instead, use it to start more investigation into the situation.

Consent Form

The consent form can be given to your patients when they come in or before so. It basically is there to create an atmosphere of professional and ensure the player that you're not just some rando who decided to pick psych. From an IC side, this form (if a character decides to ask) is basically there to inform them of what they're protected from, what can happen, and basically what's going to happen. A few things I added in can be removed if you desire, such as the Credentials section and the Contact Information (although, I would suggest leaving some form of contact just for realism sake.

It would look like:




And the code for it is:


[center] [logo] [/center]
[center][b] Professional Disclosure Statement and Informed Consent for Receipt of Psychological Services[/b][/center]

[br] This form is to document that I, [field] give voluntary permission and consent to receiving psychological services from [field] [br][br] [u][b] Purpose and Background [/u][/b] [br][br] The purposes, goals, and treatment procedures of the psychological services to be provided have been explained to me. Where appropriate, I have also received information about the techniques and methods of treatment used by [field] as well as any diagnosis. I understand that [field] is licensed in [field] to provide counseling services. Furthermore, I have been given the opportunity to ask any additional questions regarding [field] credentials and expertise. [br] [br] 

While I expect benefits, I am aware that the practice of counseling and psychotherapy are no an exact science are effects are not guaranteed. I acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me regarding the results of treatment provided by my therapist. Potential benefits, risks, and limitations of psychological services have been explained to me. [br] [br]

[br] [u][b] Confidentiality [/b][/u] [br] [br]

I understand that conversations with my therapist will almost always be confidential. However, there are some important exceptions to this. I understand that by Nanotrasen's regulations, my therapist must report actual or suspected child, elder, disabled person, or spouse abuse to the proper authorities. In addition, the therapist has a responsibility to report to the proper authorities or other persons when a client is a threat to his/her own or someone else's wellbeing. Other reasons that information may not be kept confidential include (but are not limited to) when the client consents in writing, or if security issues a warrant and information is required to be released by regulations. [br] [br]

 [u][b] Attendance [/b][/u] [br] [br] 

  I understand that regular attendance, a willingness to be open and honest and follow through on treatment suggestions will produce maximum benefits, but that the final decision on what to do is always up to me. In addition, I understand that I am free to discontinue treatment at any time. [br] [br] 

  [u][b] Contact Information [/b][/u] [br] [br] 

  The office address for [field] is [field]. I understand that for routine appointments and information I may contact [field] at [field]. [br] [br]

   [u][b] Education and Credentials [/b][/u] [br][br]

    [field] [br][br] 

    [u][b]Services Offered [/b][/u] [br][br]

     Services offered include [field] [br][br]

      [u][b] Complaints Procedure [/b][/u] [br][br]

       If I am dissatisfied with any aspect of the services I receive, I understand that I can and am encouraged to raise my concerns with my therapist immediately. [/b] [br][br] [b] Client's signature: [/b] [field] [br][br]

        [b] Witness' signature: [/b] [field] [/small]


Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)

This is used to look into patients with alcohol dependence. It's given verbally, meaning you will be reading the questions to your patient and using the fields to record their scores. A cutoff of eight is a baseline, but again if they score above this, don't say "you're an alcoholic." At the very least, use some tact.

This form looks like this ingame:




The form's code is:


[center] [logo] [/center]
 [/small][hr] [small]
[center][b] Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test[/b][/center]

[small] [i] This test is to be given verbally to your client. Tally their answers at the end, with a total of eight as a baseline for cutoff. A higher score should be cause for concern.[/i] [br][br]

[b]Question 1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? [/b] 

[list] [b]0[/b] Never (Skip to Qs 9-10)
[b]1[/b] Monthly or less
[b]2[/b] 2 to 4 times a month
[b]3[/b] 2 to 3 times a week
[b]4[/b] 4 or more times a week [br] [field][/list]

[b]Question 2. How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking? [/b]

[list] [b] 0 [/b] 1 or 2
[b] 1 [/b] 3 or 4
[b] 2 [/b] 5 or 6
[b] 3 [/b] 7, 8, or 9
[b] 4 [/b] 10 or more [br][field][/list]

[b]Question 3. How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion? [/b]

[list] [b] 0 [/b] Never
[b] 1 [/b] Less than monthly 
[b] 2 [/b] Monthly
[b] 3 [/b] Weekly
[b] 4 [/b] Daily or almost daily

[br][field] [i] Skip to Questions 9 and 10 if the Total Score for Questions 2 + Questions 3 = 0 [/i] [/list]

[b] Question 4. How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started? [/b]

[list] [b] 0 [/b] Never
[b] 1 [/b] Less than monthly
[b] 2 [/b] Monthly
[b] 3 [/b] Weekly
[b] 4 [/b] Daily or almost daily [br][field] [/list]

[b] Question 5. How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking? [/b]

[list] [b] 0 [/b] Never
[b] 1 [/b] Less than monthly
[b] 2 [/b] Monthly
[b] 3 [/b] Weekly
[b] 4 [/b] Daily or almost daily[br] [field] [/list]

[b] Question 6. How often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?  [/b] 

[list] [b] 0 [/b] Never
[b] 1 [/b] Less than monthly
[b] 2 [/b] Monthly
[b] 3 [/b] Weekly
[b] 4 [/b] Daily or almost daily [br][field] [/list]

[b] Question 7. How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? [/b]

[list] [b] 0 [/b] Never
[b] 1 [/b] Less than monthly
[b] 2 [/b] Monthly
[b] 3 [/b] Weekly
[b] 4 [/b] Daily or almost daily [br][field] [/list]

[b] Question 8. How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened hte night before because you had been drinking? [/b]

[list] [b] 0 [/b] Never
[b] 1 [/b] Less than monthly
[b] 2 [/b] Monthly
[b] 3 [/b] Weekly
[b] 4 [/b] Daily or almost daily [br][field] [/list]

[b] Question 9. Have you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking? [/b]

[list] [b] 0 [/b] No
[b] 2 [/b] Yes, but not in the last year
[b] 4 [/b] Yes, during the last year [br][field] [/list]

[b] Question 10. Has a relative or friend or a doctor or another health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down? [/b]

[list] [b] 0 [/b] No
[b] 2 [/b] Yes, but not in the last year
[b] 4 [/b] Yes, during the last year [br][field] [/list]


Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation

This (currently) last form deals with social anxiety. To use it, your client will need to fill out the form on their own with accurate feedback, and return the paper to you. For this, the cutoff is considered to be 25. A client who scores higher than this could have possible social anxiety and steps to deal with this will need to be done ingame.

It would look like this ingame:



And the code for this one is:


[center] [logo] [/center]
 [/small][hr] [small]
[center][b] Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale [/b][/center]
[i] Read each of the following statements carefully and indicate how characteristic it is of you according to the following scale: [br]
[list] 1: Not at all characteristic of me
                                         2: Slightly characteristic of me
                                         3: Moderately characteristic of me
                                         4: Very characteristic of me
                                         5: Extremely characteristic of me [/i][/list]
[field]  1.  I worry about what other people will think of me even when I know it doesn't make    
                any difference.

[field]  2.  I am unconcerned even if I know people are forming an unfavorable impression of me.

[field] 3.  I am frequently afraid of other people noticing my shortcomings.

[field] 4.  I rarely worry about what kind of impression I am making on someone.

[field] 5.  I am afraid others will not approve of me.

[field]  6.  I am afraid that people will find fault with me.

[field] 7.  Other people's opinions of me do not bother me.



Again, I'm really unsure if this is something people will use, will need, or even look at. If people do want it though, I am more than willing to continue pumping these out. Please let me know what you think through constructive criticism, because this actually took a decent amount of time to do. Furthermore, I am only a sopohmore with a Psychology major. Do not take any of these forms for gospel, or as a be-all-end-all. I am merely attempting to apply my limited education to the public.


I like this, this is really nice.

The questionnaires seem like a really simple way to help people think about some of the smaller qualities of their characters, even if they aren't meant to have disorders of some kind. Plus anything that gives psych something extra to work with is a welcome addition.


This actually seems very legit, and Psychiatrist is really the only part of medical that truly interests me to make a character for. I would love to see some form of this used for the role.

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