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SpaceBacker - Social Screeching

Guest XanderDox

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A site thats helps the financially challenged achieve otherwise unreavhable or longterm goals

Posted By: Arthur Curring - CEO and Founder of Social ScreechingTM

Recently, I put up a social networking site on the extranet, known as 'Social Screeching'

The service offers a safe location for all Biesel and New Gibson citizens to share their thoughts and opinions throughout the day, and also provides a place for companies such as Getmore Chocolate Corp. and Robust Soft Drinks to mass advertise at no cost.

However, recently I have encountered financial troubles, and I can no longer solely afford to keep the Social Screeching servers online. I had the dream of creating a FREE social media service, and refuse to charge for the use of the site, so I now turn to you, the public, to help pay for the costs through donations.


Basic Donation - 50cr

You will recieve a thank you letter from myself, with a plush screech owl

(Unlimited Backers)

Medium Donation - 150/200cr

You will recieve a month supply of Space Cola and a signed thank you letter from myself

(10 Backers)

High Donation - 500/1000cr

You will recieve all the previous benefits, and will also get a meeting with myself which will be videotaped and published on the extranet

(5 Backers)

Recurring Donater - 500/1000cr x 5+ months

Recurring donater status is achieved when you agree to donate any amount between 500 to 1000 credits for five months or more continuously.

You will receive a limited edition Social Screeching Owl plushie, a meeting with myself, a special Social Screeching Benactor tag added to any screeches, and a supply of space cola for each month donations are recieved.

(3 Backers)

Alternatively, I am selling two 25% shares of Social Screeching for 5000cr each.

OOC: Please include the name of the character that is donating. along with what they are donating, I will reply to confirm transactions


Name: Emma Godswood

Amount Donated: 250

Shilling Address for Backing Gifts: 27 Farsight Ave, Mendell City, Biesel

Alias: Stein has transferred 5000 credits for 25% of the company, if personal information is needed, email will follow.


Transaction Confirmed. Please drop and email with the following information:

Legal First Name

Legal Last Name

SIN Number

Current Address

Easiest Method of Contact

Available Dated for meetings/discussions

Welcome to the Social Screeching Team, Shareholder Stein.

Katelyn Hauser

Basic Donation

Address is Apt. 667, 22 Beta Court, Avalon City, Biesel


Transaction Confirmed. The Owl plushie and letter have been mailed now, you can expect them in 4-6 Biesel Buisness days

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