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Roboticist (20/37)
Reporting Personnel: Chase Carton Rank of Reporting Personnel: Gardner Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey)) - Paul Guess - Denton Fitz - Jan Fisher - Kazu..Kazuco? Kazuo Kawa...Kazuo Kawasan....His name was Kazuo K. Time of Incident: Real time: ( 6pm EST, 10/14/2016) Location of Incident: Departure Shuttle Nature of Incident: [x]Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment [x]Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Jan Fisher, Unknown rank but when I called for help from the heads she responded and said she would deal with it when she woke up. Actions taken: When we were boarding the departure shuttle, Security office Paul Guess removed his taser from his bag and stood in front of a large crowd of people, declaring himself "The captain now". When Mister...K told him to "Fuck off" and a assistant approached him, he turned and actually fired at the assistant. Luckily, his taser was empty but he then reached back into his bag. Seeing that this man could possibly be a danger, and being a cadet in training, I quickly put the man into a joint lock and called for a officer as the Detective, Denton Fitz, watched on and did nothing during this ordeal. I called for a head or for a officer to come and deal with this man, when the detective came back up and flashed me. They both then cuffed me and dragged me off, before Paul returned to his spot at the front of the shuttle and asked if "Anyone else wanted to be a hero?!". The Detective then did not stop Paul as he continued to stand at the front of the shuttle, throwing insults. I asked for help from the heads, as the rest of security seemed to be asleep or did not care, and Jane Fisher told me she would "Deal with it after this shift". This is unacceptable of both a officer and a Detective, to threaten people. Even if this was a joke, actually pulling the trigger (( even if it was empty)) on a assistant that approached a officer shows a lack of self control and that he is a danger to the station. The fact that the Detective allowed him to do this, and stopped my attempts to have him arrested for threats shows that the Detective would allow a officer to threaten civilians and even help him in being a threat to the station. Many people have trust issues with Security, and with behavior like this, and with a head allowing this to happen, I can understand why. This needs to be addressed, people need to be able to trust that Security are not trigger happy, power hungry maniacs....or very bad comedians who are willing to shoot a taser point blank into someones chest for a joke.
Honestly? I don't feel like its my place anymore. Sorry Skull. Im not staff, I'm not even a player here anymore. I tried to keep my post as non offensive as possible to avoid stirring up any trouble. If you would truly like, and I have permission from at least Covert or you, I be happy to express myself with slightly more freedom. I could explain why I, personally, found myself in the position of "I quit if he comes back" and why I disagree with Soundscopes and Ten so heavily. Edit: Permission Granted! I apologize if this offends anyone...But its a Opinion on what happened. I will be blunt with you, Soundscopes and Ten can say we were stupid and we didn't belong on staff, but I don't believe either really has the right to say that. But Im not here to start a fight, I will explain why I was so against you coming back that I was willing to quit a job along with four other people and why I was more then willing to cut all ties with Aurora if they allowed you back. I remember watching you as a player, long before I was a mod, and I could always feel that something was...off. I, for a very long time, thought it was just me. I saw you spawn things, I saw the way you interacted with certain people and I saw how you seemed to be loved by so much of the server despite certain...actions you did. It confused me, why someone who was a admin was doing these things and for whatever reason, we just never clicked. I don't know if you felt the same way about me, but for a very long time I just saw you abuse your powers but seeing that you seemed to be so popular, I kept my mouth shut and my head down. I was new, who was I to say anything against a Admin? I eventually brushed it off, it was a game after all, why should I care? But after quite some time, you started to affect my personal life in a variety of ways. Ways I don't want to share in great detail both for your sake and my own. But because of actions you did, I had fights with players and have still not made amends with them today, I had to convince friends that everything was going to be alright because you hurt them in very, very bad ways. Most people only saw what you did to Hive, but I saw quite a bit which only made me resent players when I logged on and caused many of my friends to be driven away from the server. You caused fights in many friendships which had been going on for years and had caused just enough chaos in my life alone, that I just simply was happy to see you gone. You manipulated people, people looked up to you and thought all these things about you that were simply not true. Its quite hard to talk about these events without going into detail, so I may have to cut it short. Basically, you lied....it spread out like a spider web kind of thing, you caused lots of fights amoung the community and you were banned. Then you appealed, and old wounds were re-opened. I personally fought with two admins over your appeal, I was fighting for hours over how you had caused quite a few players to leave...How you caused so much trouble in a game that is suppose to be a past time. I shouted, screamed and fought because...as a mod that is all I could do. I didn't have any /real/ power compared to the admins, and I remember that when they were prepared to accept your appeal, I was the first one to threaten to quit. Was it Childish? Yes. But I just felt like your entire appeal was just another lie. A few of the other mods who had seen you when you were a admin quickly stepped up behind me, while the mods who were not around during your time quickly fought for you to get a second chance. I just like to point that out, that none of the mods that had seen you as Admin or as a Player fought to let you come back to Aurora. I am not saying that to make you feel bad, I am just pointing out how bad it had gotten. We were afraid of it happening again, the players fighting, the headaches that would come with the many fights. Even before you were unbanned, half of the mod team and the rest of staff were fighting over you and it just reminded me of my early days on Aurora. Getting into a fight with one of my best friends because of my refusal to give you a second chance led to us not talking to each other for a good amount of time once again. Im mostly rambling but Im just describing the events of what happened through my eyes, I apologize. Apparently this caused quite a rift as the mods no longer trusted the Admins, and the Admins no longer trusted the mods. The only reason you were not unbanned is because the older mods did not cave, and we were truly prepared to move to a entirely new game if they accepted your appeal. We had accounts ready, we were set. Even after that though, the situation never truly went away, but you cannot be blamed for that in reality. In our attempt to make a move to show how serious we were, we apparently caused Scopes to believe that something was amiss. I don't remember if he interrogated me or not on my reason, but I remember I did not tell any admins my exact reasoning, which in the hope this does not offend them, was Tain and Aqy. Sadly that is not my story to tell, but Im sure you are aware of what happened. I did not tell the Admins my exact reasoning, as it was personal to the two of them and I had no right to share that with people, so I guess that is a "Stupid" reason as Scopes describes. Im mostly rambling, again apologies. But to sum it up. I saw you abuse your power as a Admin, I saw you manipulate quite a few people and stir up enough trouble as a player that the moment I saw your appeal, my vote was casted. The simple fact was the admins were completely ready to brush us off and allow you to step in, prepared to "Keep a close eye on you". Its quite hard to keep a close eye on someone with a rap sheet like yours though, and during our time as staff we weren't exactly the best at "Keeping our punishments" so it, at least in my mind, a very real possibility that you would quickly get back to lying and manipulating and simply receive a slap on the wrist as you didn't have any powers to abuse. So, I made my choice. To sum this up even more. You lied and abused power. I didn't want to deal with that again. Admins were ready to brush off and forget everything you had done despite it being a likely chance that you were going to repeat the process (( You might not have, again my opinion, I apologize)), we did the only thing we could do to prove how serious we were since we have no powers over the Admins. Six months later, we are all gone because rift between Admins and mods never really settled, I mean, the mods had to make a secret chat because all our chats were being monitored by at least two admins. Long story, but huh...Kind of a interesting butterfly effect it had?
Mm, I apologize for popping back up. In fact, I guess its not really my place to speak at all since Im not around much...or at all anymore. But, being one of the Moderators that threatened to quit if Covert returned, I feel like all parts of the story are needed here. Im a little offended by your last line Ten, but you have the right to your opinion and Ill let you have it. Im not here to say "He shouldn't be let back in!" because I don't play here anymore and if I came back to say that, I would be a pretty disgusting person. Let him, Don't let him in, its not my problem nor is it my concern. What I am here for, is to simply share what me and the other mods that were packing our bags and saying "If he comes back, were going" had in our minds when your last appeal came up. Im mostly rambling at this point, so let me start. The mods were approached and asked about our opinion on your appeal, and me and several other mods quickly said we would not like him to come back. From what I can remember (( If I remember wrong, I am sorry. Im not perfect)), a fight broke out and lasted a few hours with half the mod team being "Give him a second chance" and the other half being "No". Eventually, the half of the mod team felt like they were being dismissed despite some...rather serious issues that we felt were just being brushed under the carpet. Its not my place to share some of those issues, so I will not do so here. My issues involved more of what you did to players outside of the server, as quite a few players had expressed how unsettled they would feel had you returned. So, we felt backed into a corner and we did the only thing we felt we could do to show how serious our point was. Was it exactly the right thing to do? Probably not. We had good intentions though, at least from our point of view. We likely should not have put the admins in a corner like that as it kind of hurt the relationship between certain mods and admins, but live and let learn. Sorry, I just thought it be best if someone shared the mods side of the story instead of us just sounding like we went "If he comes back we quit" right away. Im not saying that our actions were justified because it wasn't our first resort, but I just thought I share everything so you could know what happened.
First time back on the forums, see this. Being a former mod myself, besides multiple things being wrong with ...all of this. I just want to point out that you put all this effort in a complaint about not getting a fire axe from staff after you lost one. You could have called for help, I saw you said that you didn't get a response. Im assuming thats just from the officer, but if its from everyone then I somewhat understand. But Im curious how long you were out of the round for? How long were you trapped? Even after all this. This is over /a fire axe/. You weren't ganked, you werent banned, you weren't screamed at and embarrassed. You just didn't get a fire axe. Dont put this much effort into something so...pointless.
Aurora Hunger Games 2: Electric Boogaloo
josh1133 replied to Rusty Shackleford's topic in Forum Roleplay
Winston Carton! I volunteer him as tribute! -
Reporting Personnel: Winston Carton Rank of Reporting Personnel: Security Officer, (( Was assigned the job of chemist by mistake during this shift, was not able to get my ID changed)) Personnel Involved: (Anyone involved in the incident and their rank at the time of the incident) Ickthar Slithiss, Warden Drew Valstrom, Captain Astor Shaner, Surgeon Mrrazuraghran Halmrrdynh, Security Cadet Mike Hernandez, Detective Time of Incident: (I 13:10 Station time - End Shift Real time: 0430 AM GMT Location of Incident: Holodeck, brig Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment [X]Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: I had arrived on station with the job Chemist, which I informed the CMO that I had no training in and would need a transfer to Security. She explained she could not do it and to have the CE, who told me to have the CMO do so. With both refusing, I instead took the job of secretary for medical during the shift and simply worked the front desk and did whatever I could to help medical without getting in the way. Eventually, during the break I was given, I went to the holodeck to see if anyone would be interested in boxing. Officer Merkel arrived and agreed to box with me. I quickly dispatched , much to her frustration I assume because each time she rose she only rushed at me. After about the fifth time I had knocked her out, I reached down to help the woman up. Instead I was met by a punch to the jaw and stumbled back, where the officer took off their gloves. I removed mine as well and the officer claimed I had only won because I was not using my gloves. I informed her this was not true and instead asked her why she attacked me. She did not respond, instead rushing me and slamming me into the wall in a attempt to knock the air out of me. She then threw me to the floor and began to stomp on my head before trying to pin me. Dazed, I was able to throw her off and put distance between us for a moment, but she quickly was back on top of me. Reacting as anyone would, I began to fight back and was able to knock her down. I believe this is where I fractured her skull as she did take a nasty fall. At this point, I backed up and was about to call Security when she sat up and grabbed her pepper spray. I guess in the confusion she had it backwards and ended up spraying both herself and I. Luckily I was near the door and hoping I could get away, closed the door behind me. From there, I tried once again to call for help but was instead met with being throw into the wall, another stomp and then cuffs being placed on me. Being led to Sec, I was immediately dismissed by the warden who refused to hear my side of the story, instead assuming that Officer Merkel was telling the truth and dragging the both of us to the brig medbay. Scanning over us both, he reported that Merkel did have a skull fracture, while besides a few bruises and scrapes, I was relatively fine. He then determined since I wasn't seriously hurt I was in the wrong, despite me telling him that there was plenty of evidence in the holodeck to prove my innocence. He refused to listen, and only when I called the captain and talked to the cadet, who I have worked with before, was I able to have any members of sec listen to me. The warden put me in processing and went with the Captain to "explain" the situation, while the cadet went to the holodeck to collect evidence. Originally security had attempted to charge me with Assault and a list of other charges, but with the evidence of my blood being on the holodeck from when Officer Merkel /stomped on my face/, I was brought down to "Severe use of excessive force" and was instead informed that I should have just called Security. When I tried to explain to multiple people I had tried, I was ignored. The Cadet eventually listened to me and with further investigation I was released a few moments early and the Officer was only charged with a small fine instead of serving time for /assaulting me/. I then returned to medbay and refused to leave for the rest of the shift until the shuttle arrived. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: (Name and rank) I did during my arrest, I had called for Captain Drew Valstorm though we did not talk in person. Additional notes: (If there are none simply leave it blank) Having usually worked Security, I tend to dismiss the accusations of bias from the crew. But during this incident, I was on the receiving end as the Warden only listened once the cadet made him. Before that, he was prepared to throw me in for over thirty minutes and was content with adding a assault to my record. Not only that, but while I had to serve a entire sentence, the officer who was charged with excessive force only had to pay a small fine instead of serving time or being demoted. Why would this be allowed?
It is late, but I have heard my name. The name not spoken in a while! One has requested a story about Stein! Or it was a honest mistake, but if a Stein story...or stories is wanted. I be happy to provide. Edit: You forgot me Rec, you should know Stein is me ;^; You hurt me baby.
Frances - Moderator Application
josh1133 replied to Frances's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
I think I'll comment, though my opinion should be very clear. I will not, nor will I support this application until a drastic change in attitude changes. On the forums, the applicant is a fantastic writer, though it seems they try to spark fights by some of their post. On the server, they play silly characters round after round it seems, not just a couple of times as they seem to claim. Maybe I'm just anti-fun and joy though, and simply a bunching multiple incidents into a short time span. But the problem of them having multiple incidents still is there. They, at this point, seem more like a very clever troll in multiple ways instead of the player many of us know them as. So until there is a change: -1 -
Serv's Moderator Application
josh1133 replied to Serveris's topic in Moderator Applications Archives
I support this, for obvious reasons already stated. +1 -
I didn't make one thing clear, which Frances pointed out so I feel like I should, as I owe you that much. I understood why you shot, but its still gank, bad choice in a situation and we all make those. But like I told you last night, had it not been for previous incidents and your IC/LOOC attitude after, it would have been a simple warning. But things add up, which resulted in your ban.
You have no idea how hard I was laughing when I saw this, because its the first post you have ever taken seriously on the forums in quite some time. I don't even know where to start, though I admit I'm a bit surprised as it's usually Ffrances defending you, so I was shocked to see she didn't make this unban appeal for you. But Ill share my side of things. For quite a period of time, you and FFrances have been a rather big pain in staff's side. It use to be the occasional shift where you would both jump on as bald characters, cause some sort of problem and then get talked too. It was rare enough though that we would do just that, a warning. But as of recent, you have decided to log on every day but continue to play the way you always have, and staff simply decided it was best you actually be punished instead of getting another talk to. I'm not going to waste a huge time defending my choices, because it comes down to this. Both me and Sleepy explained to you in pms exactly what you did wrong, you ignored us and kept asking us to tell you what its wrong. So Im going to make a list here again, and this will be the final time: -The nation of Funk -Playing stereotypical/borderline racist characters -Chuckle fucking -OOC attitude: I believe other staff members are going to post the logs, but the one that stands out in my mind would be: You happened to get in a debate with Tish after spamming OOC, and your first message after being told to drop the subject was that? Sure, you could have found it funny, but how strange that you posted that right after being yelled at by Tish. The final straw was not you shooting Aquila, I understood that at times you have to do what you had to do. But the reason I was so harsh on you, the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak, was the fact that you kept writing in LOOC and IC "Why you so salty". Clearly, you don't take this seriously, and while I dont want this server to be "WORK STATION 5000, NO FUN ALLOWED", were suppose to be a heavy roleplay server. I had Sleepy talk to you, and you decided to keep arguing with them and caused them to ask me to take over. I informed you of staff choice, you kept arguing, I told you to appeal on the forums. That is all I have to say about the matter. You have shown me and other members of staff you seem to struggle with the concept of heavy roleplay. So we dealt with it.
General Staff Complaint - Handling of OOC
josh1133 replied to Frances's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Nogo breaks onto the scene! Probably breaking rules, but given the circumstances of the complaint it just 'really' was bugging me to give my own two cents on what I'm seeing here despite not really having been there. First, in comment to the post in mention. While I can see there is some passive aggressiveness from the players in mention when they are talking, it seems much more a thing that could have been settled by talking to aggressive chatters directly rather than the shutting down of OOC. I recognize the confusion that must have been going on but that seems like all the more reason to be vigilant against those people who really 'are' causing trouble. I agree with the incentive to shut down OOC for a short time to get things figured out and then turn it back on, provided ample reasoning was provided before shutting it off, but that's a means to an end rather than an end in and of itself. Secondly, I feel the need to pop in and say the same thing time and time and time again. Characters are characters, players are players. I don't understand what the issue with insulting to characters is, because they are not supposed to be representative of the people they play. Too many people see insult to characters and immediately jump to insult to players. It's just...Jeeze. (EDIT: This passage above is about 75-80% of my post. Jaysus Kriste~) Thirdly, the button isn't there for stopping something before it starts. It's there to stop something that is happening. It's like shutting off OOC because someone could spam the entire thing. It's difficult to read the future, so I don't see any reasoning for that. Finally, oh thank god finally, in response to what's been said from my friendo that I've quoted. This is-...I just-...I have to find proper words to address this. That quote is mostly why it is that I've decided to work up a spine and maybe tippy toe about the conversation like I am now (Let's hope I don't get deleted!), but there are distinct differences between being firm and being aggressive. I understand the need for admins to be firm in their actions completely and the need to enforce something they say that they will do. Typically you don't ask over and over again if you're being firm. You ask, and if it continues, you then shut down. The problem isn't that, though. There are 'so so so so so' many ways to moderate and administrate without having to become aggressive and that very attitude is something that drives people away. Seeking and destroying isn't doing a job, and it's something that can result in lots and lots of admin complaints. The person who can best do their job is someone who is able to actively enforce what it is they are supposed to uphold while still being open and able to communicate and express their own reasons as to what it is they're doing. You can moderate with an attitude like that, it's true. But it's not the best way to go about it. If you're looking to "Just do your job" that might be how you do it, but if you're looking to be a positive driving force in the community you can't take up an attitude like that. As pertaining to this complaint, I'm happy to say at the very least that this does not look to be one of those cases. It is not so outright aggressive an action to mute OOC as it seems to be more relating to confusion and the attempt to help with something, which is honestly understandable. Given the situation (And my general confusion), I can easily see myself doing the same thing in their place. The only lack thereof is a reasoning behind what it is that they did and the way in which they did it. This isn't a "Just doing our job" attitude that I see from them instead of just a differing opinion on how things should be done from players. I'll call unprofessionalism on both sides as to what went down, but that's a minor gripe I feel when its between players and volunteers. So, in short, I'm not for the action, but this seems like one of those things I would do myself then look back on and say "Oh jeeze, I could've handled this slightly better". I hope what I said was in some small way constructive to the topic at hand and might build a bit on the understanding of stuff. It's too easy to forget that player or staff, no matter the expectation, are still human, and might do so and so every now and again. Welp. Here's hoping I'm not deleted and flagged. Enjoy the big wall of text! I just did a quick skim, and if I need to reply further I will. But, I dont know why you think it will get flagged and deleted? You have the right to speak your mind, and I have the right to disagree, but I won't be like "NO TALKING OUT AGAINST ME". So...no worries? -
To make a small post for the one I posted on Ffrances. Don't agree with Chris, dont understand why he did what he did and same reasons as Jackboot. Do agree with Aqy.
General Staff Complaint - Handling of OOC
josh1133 replied to Frances's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
I am somewhat at a loss for words at well, while Im not so sure about muting the whole OOC thing, I understand and agree with Aqy's point. What shocks me the most is that she /got a complaint against her for this/. >She told players not to call out other players in OOC >Was just doing her job >Gets complaint against her for doing that >Players get their feelings hurt for staff doing their job >its like we have to sugar coat everything >Not gonna happen Im sorry if you find us "Too aggressive?", but as of late, its been decided by a number of staff that this whole "Slapping someones wrist when they do a no no" and asking nicely over and over "If you could please stop, because we really need you too". So, if you find staff having a backbone being "Too aggressive", My answer is. Too bad, because its really not. Its us doing our jobs, -
Reporting Personnel: Winston Carton, Centurion Rank of Reporting Personnel: Security Officers Personnel Involved: Winston Carton, Fell Lansden, Corrine Edwards, Aldabert Von Krieger, Centurion. Time of Incident: Location of Incident: Bar/Brig Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: The Incident began when Fell began speaking over comms in a slurred pattern, when asked if he was drunk he said that this was his accent. This was followed by Aldabert claiming that this was "A detective thing". I informed him that he has a deadly weapon, the revolver given to detectives, and that if he became intoxicated that he would be arrested. In which he told me to "Shut my trap", and told me that he did indeed have his weapon on him. I informed him that if I went to the bar and witnessed him drinking, he would be placed under arrest. I arrived at the bar, and saw him drinking from a flask as he turned towards me. I gave him a few seconds to put it down, and instead continued to drink as Officer Centurion approached. I then flashed him, where he began calling me a cheeky cunt as I placed handcuffs on him. Centurion took his gun, and we both brought him back to the brig so he could serve his time for neglect of duty and insulting a office multiple times. The sentence was only going to be a moment or two, but when we arrived both the warden, Edwards, and Krieger stopped us. Krieger released the prisoner, with both the warden and Krieger claiming we were abusing our power. The warden then took the gun from Centurion and handed it back to the detective, who claimed he was /going to go back to drinking/. She then told me and Centurion off for arresting a potential threat and that we had no right to do what we did. When we pointed out it was against regulation and that many other officers had even been demoted and fired for such actions, she walked away. She then threatened to arrest Centurion and I if we kept up our argument. At this point, there was little we could do, so Krieger and Edwards let him leave. He was later drunk, in which case Krieger brought him along for a investigation against the CMO, while the Detective still had his weapon on him. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: (Name and rank) There was no head of staff or IAA around. Additional notes: (If there are none simply leave it blank) They allowed a officer with a deadly weapon to become intoxicated, returned his weapon to him and ignored regulation. The fact that this is not the first time Security has allowed this to happen is appalling.