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[Accepted] AllyBearsley CCIA App

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CCIA Staff Application


Basic Information

Byond key: AllyBearsley

Character names: Francis Martonis, Sheila Mortiz, S.A.K.E, KESA, Ker’los Dyroshi and several others I barely have two rounds with.

Age: 23

Timezone: CST

What times are you most available?: Usually from 3pm-12pm weekdays and virtually all day on weekends while classes are going. Basically whenever when I’m on break from classes. I will be on break from classes from 6/12/2017-08/01/2018.

Experience I have acted as moderator and administrator for several RP groups. I will admit most of them were related to Warhammer 40,000 and have fallen through due to my inexperience at the time. I have used those issues and failures as a chance to learn. I’m absolutely not perfect and can lose my cool, but I am able to remain calm in most situations.

How long have you played SS13?: Going on 8 months solid. I did play a few rounds on a random server with some friends I don’t even know how many years ago, but that was just goofing off.

How long have you played on Aurora?: For about 8 months as well. Aurora is one of the first servers I tried out in around February and I’ve stuck with it since.

How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? I may not post too often, but I do check the forums frequently. When I do post I am mostly looking for suggestions on wiki page updates. I post infrequently on the discord but I could absolutely be more active in there if I need to.

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No.

Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: I have run RP groups and acted as admin, but not anything relevant to gaming.

Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: None that comes to mind.

Personality: I’d honestly say pretty rough. A lot of people seem to think I’m alright and I don’t think I’m the worst person ever, but I definitely have my problems. I am working on it and openly asking people to help me curb any negative behaviour.

Why do you want to join the CCIA?: Really I just want to help out. Handling IRs, sending faxes, doing whatever is necessary to give the group a hand.

What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: The ability to remain unbiased no matter the situation.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: To send faxes and act as Central Command when the station needs them, and to almost make NanoTrasen feel like tangible character with which to maintain a presence within the narrative. They also are expected to conduct interviews with people on station.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: To be a source of guidance when it comes to regulations and understanding of how to act In Character to avoid conflict with with NT.

How do you handle stress?: Fairly well all things considered. I am able to combat stress pretty well, but I will admit I sometimes get swamped and am slow to get through problems.

How well do you work autonomously?: Again, fairly well, if I’ve had enough training and preparation to act alone. I’m sure with a trial period I’ll be good to go.

Additional Notes: None at this time.


Interview with Allybearsley:

[11:59 AM] Whiterabit: 1. During a round of Ninja, you are faxed by the Station Command inquiring about an “inspector” who claims to have been sent to evaluate each of the departments. How do you respond?

[12:06 PM] AllyBear: I would give it some time, maybe around 10 or 20 minutes, so if this is the Ninja they can come up with backup plans/escape plans in case this doesn't go their way. Then I would send a fax with something along the lines of "We have not sent any Inspectors at this time. However, the NSS Aurora is reaching a safety inspection deadline. Please double check their credentials and give them basic access for now." I believe this would allow the Ninja chances to escape if they weren't prepared for n answer like this or give them a chacne to continue with an Inspector gimmick while the command is now more suspicious.

[12:07 PM] Whiterabit: 2. During a round of Crossfire, you are faxed by the Station Command about a team of mercenaries who have reported a band of pirates operating in the area and wish to offer their services as additional security. Command wishes your advice on the situation. How do you respond?

[12:12 PM] AllyBear: I would respond with, "Pirate sightings have increased in the area, but this mercenary team has no past experience working with NT. If the pirates are looking to make a move on the station, extra hands to drive them off would be appreciated. Confirm the mercenaries' terms and check with your ISD department. Use your best judgement to see if the terms are fair and if ISD needs additional hands."

[12:12 PM] Whiterabit: 3. You receive an emergency message from the station’s Artificial Intelligence. It claims that there is an emergency situation and requests an immediate ERT deployment. How do you respond?

[12:16 PM] AllyBear: "Before an ERT team can be sent, we need at least a brief situation report. We also would like to know why a station AI is sending this message and not a member of Command." If the station isn't currently under code red or any status above green, I would like a good explanation before sending ERT. Sometimes people panic over small things and think they need to be saved, when really they just need guidance. If the situation sound significantly dire I would send an ERT. Otherwise I would look to advise the station through messages on how to properly handle the situation on their own.

[12:17 PM] Whiterabit: Last of the serverside questions

[12:17 PM] Whiterabit: 4. You receive a fax from the Internal Affairs Agent, he claims that the Captain has been abusing his authority by removing all of the vending machines from the station and has demoted an engineer for littering. How do you respond?

[12:21 PM] AllyBear: "If there is a chef and gardener onboard the station, then the removal of vending machines is an acceptable punishment for excessive littering. Excessive littering can be considered Vandalism and repeat offenses can be punished with a demotion. If the Captain is not doing anything more extreme than this, we do not see a problem with their actions. If you or others feel they are truly abusing their authority, please fill out an after shift Incident Report."

[12:21 PM] Whiterabit: 5. In your own opinion, how much of a role should Central Command play in the affairs of the station? When is it appropriate for them to intervene and by how much should they attempt to shape the round?

[12:25 PM] AllyBear: It's hard for me to say really. I think CC should have a lot of liberties when it comes to help shaping a round; however, it should not take the power from the crew or antag players to do that themselves. I feel it's more of a reaction on CC's part. If they get bombarded with a ton of emergency faxes they should probably load up an ERT and help the station in anyway. The station is a valuable piece of NT property, damage or loss would be terrible for the company. However, if a round is going slow maybe just a few faxes to help spice things up a bit. Of course there will be times were CC might not be needed at all to help spice up a round because the players are able to do that sufficiently themselves.

[12:26 PM] Whiterabit: 6. What do you think is the purpose of the Incident Report system?

[12:29 PM] AllyBear: The main purpose is to give players a way to ICly report negative IC behaviour when it can be considred too dangerous, unprofessional, or otherwise in a business setting. This only applies when the behaviour is not connected to antag actions.

[12:29 PM] Whiterabit: 7. What do you believe should qualify a character for receiving significant action such as a demotion as opposed to a lighter response such as a warning or even re-training? What about a full character firing?

[12:35 PM] AllyBear: Extreme negligence or otherwise mishandling a situation that causes it to escalate into such extremes thought not possible for that situation, or repeated offenses of minor infractions that are confirmed and punished. That combined with not making it to an interview (for whatever reason) can warrant a character being demoted. However, I believe demotion can be countered at a later date. As for being fired, I believe a character getting fired should be something reserved for if the character causes a catastrophe or if the player agrees the character should be fired. I really feel firing a character should be something consulted with more people, including the player.

[12:36 PM] Whiterabit: 8. After taking an IR of your own and completing your interviews, you find that an officer escalated to a forceful arrest when a crewmember resisted detainment. The original reason for the arrest is deemed invalid, however, the officer argues that in resisting arrest the crewman legitimized the detainment. What do you think would be the best way to resolve this case? Why?

[12:41 PM] AllyBear: It really depends on further information. If the officer was being incredibly hostile and aggressive during this unwarranted arrest I can see why some basic resistance could happen from the person being unlawfully arrested. In that case I would punish the officer. However, if the officer was making a very basic arrest over the crewmember and the crewmember became aggressive and escalated the issue themselves, punishment should fall on the crewmember. If the arrest was unlawful or unwarranted it shouldn't take long for security to right that wrong at the brig without sentencing or a long processing period. Now if both parties were being incredibly hostile to one another and were both equally to blame for escalation, both parties should be punished. They both caused a problem that could have been resolved calmly and peacefully. They both deserve punishment in that case.

[12:45 PM] Whiterabit: And if neither was overly aggressive or hostile? For example, the crewmember being arrested refuses to be detained, claiming the arrest is illegal, repeatedly moving away from the officer or attempting to flee.(edited)

[12:45 PM] Whiterabit: Escallation to the officer using force.

[12:52 PM] AllyBear: Both should at least receive a warning. The officer shouldn't try to force people into arrests and should probably learn to use better vocabulary when trying to talk crewmembers into coming to the brig to talk things out. The crewmember should be told that just going with the officer willingly would be the best thing for them in these situations. Then if the officer escalates the situation or handles their processing and detainment improperly, an IR can be filed.

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