Muncorn Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 Type (Species/Company/History/Other): Skrell - History and Present Relevant Dates: 25/6/1600 (Galactic Standard Date Format) Basic Description: I've tried to create a Police system suited well to Skrell culture and politics. It's broad, overly dignified and devolved and has worryingly high levels of inbuilt corruption that nobody seems to care about. Loow looked at it and gave me no feedback but 'The names are well done', so I'm pumped for it already. Long Description: OOC IDEA:- My plan for the Yul'iinq has been mildly guided by Loow's snarky advice and has snuck away from it's formally heavy structure and strict chiefs of staff into a more sprawled out complex of increasingly useless positions of power, lazy dignitaries and high level officials that do nothing that fails to benefit themselves (however, occasionally they'll do something that benefits those below them, though it is uncommon). Normally I'd not say something like this, but I get the feeling Loow's been trying to portray Skrellian bureaucracy as corrupt for some time with little success, so wanted to spell it out. Could be wrong, you might soon be reading this in a tucked away spoiler with a fixed message underneath. Who knows? Loow knows. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY: The Yul’iinq is a broad state organisation much akin to human police forces, though incorporates a much larger scope of activities within it’s devolved scope of affairs. The details found here specify only the Yul’iinq for Jargon IV, though many other Skrell systems use their own copies or versions of the incorporated system. It functions in a strict hierarchy much like the entirety of the Skrellian government, with the governing body working directly under the Yul’iinq branch, which delegates unto the four lesser branches. While the Yul’iinq itself is centralised, all the departments are spread across the entire planet, only having headquarters to ensure a base of command for one specific area. Formed in 1600 CE to completely unify all of the judiciary forces on Jargon, it was initially only the Lu’uriinq; though under a different name at the time. In 1893 a reformation was underwent and the Yul’iinq was formed along with three divisions, with the Wezus’iinq to be formed in 2265. During its early years corruption was notably high within the organisation, and in 2010 all high members of command were replaced with several AI units that could oversee the entire planet with ease. Until the third incident these AI’s were in place and the Yul’iinq had a short era of prosperity and high success and approval rates. However, during the incident the force fell into ruins, many divisions forced into helping Glorsh, some willingly doing so, most being wiped out entirely. Only twenty years after Glorsh ceased to be did the Yul’iinq become reformed, with a newly designed High Command in place of the AI. Whilst notable corruption in the High Command has been minimal, many accounts of local forces having bias towards organisations or even criminals have surfaced, died down and resurfaced again. SUBDIVISIONS: The Yul'iinq as a whole contains four smaller bodies within of itself, each with their own duties, staff and scopes of power. Each division is mostly self-governing, the upper level of the Yul'iinq existing to keep coordination between them all working smoothly and ensure public image and political relationships are maintained and in good light. The four divisions are described below: Lu'uriinq - The subdivision most closely associated with the Yul’iinq as a whole, this is also the largest of the sectors. Consisting itself of multiple divisions that run side-by-side to form a coherent and well functioning system. The Lu’uriinq has 3 centralised bodies that each cover a different portion of Jargon IV, and each have a Chief of Operations that represents them within the Yul’iinq and runs the entirety of their area. Each body has roughly three work divisions within them, though differs from place to place: Linq’orip: Though normally acquainted to the Human police system of basic enforcement of law, it is closer to an all-encompassing gendarmerie that heavily enforces law and order at all times. Nearly all officers are both lethally and either less-than-lethally or non-lethally armed at all times, though to what extent depends on many different criteria and many separate situations. Their duties are mostly simple, patrol and respond to callouts with high efficiency and perform arrests, searches, execute warrants and all duties expected of them. Applying and joining the Linq'orip is exceedingly difficult, with high level certificates in Law and Public Relations nearly a requirement on top of the vigorous other prerequisites to joining. Linq’jorii: Functioning as the judiciary for the Lu’uriinq, it has two sections to it; the larger and better known Deri’laq which processes civil, criminal and political crimes, and the Deri’het which processes crimes concerning misuse of synthetics. The Deri’het is both little used and little known, and was formed primarily for judgement and punishment of Glorsh sympathisers. Leaks through the years have proven the general opinion that it was run separately to ensure changes made to due process in court under it's supervision did not become public knowledge, allowing for little opportunities for defense statements out of the accused. Linq’miira: Currently undergoing large issues due to lack of funds, the penal system for the Lu’uriinq has long had it’s issues, as many Lu’uriinq divisions prefer to use privately owned prison systems to save on budget. Those few state prisons still running are horribly underfunded and in some cases either overcrowded or completely empty. Chief Superintendent Joute has said he will bring the matter up as supreme priority for the next to take his position. Duil’iinq - Simply enough a rescue unit. They only have a singular headquarters located in Qerr’wesi and have no further geographical divisons further than that, barring local headquarters. They respond to all manners of emergency, including: Fires; Natural Disasters; Terrorist Attacks; Flooding; Domestic War Areas; Domestic Conflicts. Joining is very physically demanding, only around five percent of the force being physical workers while the rest work logistics and communication. This has caused issues in the past when inadequate numbers of emergency responders are available for a large disaster, though all strides to improve hiring speeds and ease of application have been overturned or ignored by High Command to date. Qurrl’iinq - A secretive division that acts as a security detail for governmental officials, persons of interest or foreign dignitaries both in Jargon and out. Though originally designed as being a Tup subdivision, more recently less Tups are within the ranks as they’re pulled away for separate work: though all 'agents' within the division are referred to as Ja'loow (Translating to 'Powerful Ones"). Known distinctly by their dark red uniform and specially designed rifles and handguns, Ja'loow are a respected and powerful force all trained to an extreme level and loyal to the Federation unlike any other Skrell. Wezas’iinq - An in-between point to bridge civilians and the Lu’uriinq, they are minimally trained officers normally tasked with local areas and ensure the streets are generally safe, report crimes and act as a basic liaison between locals and the Iinq’orip, as finding communication otherwise can often be troublesome. Being the newest Yul’iinq division, most are simply integrated into the Lu’uriinq local headquarters and run fairly small numbers of staff. Additionally they are now the first division to allow Humans to work within their ranks, while the rest refuse to do so to maintain 'Proper and real Skrellian values, to ensure our civil activities and political ideas are untouched by non-skrell customs", as said in a private interview with CI Joute. High Command: The Yul'iinq is internally ran by a select group of carefully chosen officials that each play massively important parts in ensuring everything works well together and change gets through properly. Ever since non-synthetic command staff were brought back, there have been complaints from within the Yul'iinq and outwith from the public and other government agencies complaining about how it's run, mostly citing it's overly internal systems and lack of proper balanced communication and budgeting between all divisions. There are 13 current officials within High Command, though the numbers change depending on the current Chief Superintendent's choices and shuffling of the positions. Each of the current officials are listed below. Chief Superintendent: Qall’oriiliq Joute - Though not well known within any community, he is renowned for being the youngest ever Chief Superintendent in known history, at only 57 years old when he took the position in 2440. However he has been the centre of much private controversy over the years. Early in his career allegations rang forth of bias towards certain members local organisations within Qerr’wesi; where he started his career. Though these allegations were always present during his early years, no repercussions of investigations ever occurred, and during his ongoing tenure within the upper command in Kal’lo, no remotely legitimate claims of corruption have been put forward. The Chief Superintendent is personally selected every twenty years by the current Grand Chancillor and his advisors, and though not a formal requirement is nearly always selected out of the Lu'uriinq or the Qurrl'iinq, with very few exceptions. The new Chief Superintendent then has to select his own High Command roster, though selections of Local Chiefs of Operations is out of a select selection of Lu'uriinq staff, the rest can be chosen from anywhere the CS chooses, though the Grand Chancellor holds the right to dismiss one and force in a different choice. Chief Administrative Governor: Gloil-dorip Kal’iq - Known as the ‘Kinreq-Oriniil’ (Roughly translates to Old Veteran) by many working within the Yul’iinq, he is a much liked figure even outwith his own field and has been a public face since even before he took office in 2417. Generally managing interior staffing and activities, he is also largely involved with the Wezus’iiq since it’s creation, and worked in it for many years before transferring to the Lu’uriinq. General Secretary: Neeyla’Lyuil Ineeriq - Handling most general affairs between departments, they’re largely unknown and of little renown even within the professional field, though Joute has multiple times remarked on her exceptional aptitude. Rumours have recently arised considering her relationship with Grand Chancellor Jrugl, though they're only rumours. Duil’iinq Adviser: Lii’nira Dorn-atuurel - Acts as a centrepoint for all Duil’iinq activities globally. A mild-mannered figure that was subject to much stipulation upon her hiring, as she had next to no experience within the field of politics. To dtae however she has appeared to be a competent individual, and has grown into the position surprisingly well and is rumoured to be one of the few officials that'll hold their position at the next change of Superintendent. Wezas’iinq Adviser: Ji’inxes-inerett Piawweli - Centrepoint advisory for all Wezas’iinq activities, a much loved figure among the public especially within Kal’lo, where he worked as part of Lu’uriinq for many years as a general Public Liasion for the division before the full implementation of the Wezas'iinq, which he has worked in since it's first applications and hiring. Qurrl’iinq Commander of Operations: Kerin’arin Tup - Little known outwith the Qurrl’iinq itself, Kerin’arin is a well established and successful member of the Qurrl’iinq for nearly forty years before suffering injuries. Since that point he has been making strides within the division as an administrator and leader, and is solely responsible for how smooth it has been running for decades now. Treasurer of Yul’iinq and Associated Departments: Trill’urp Guernil’orlan - Despite the unwieldy title, the duties are simply enough to ensure the budget is in check at all times. Guernil’orlan herself is unremarkable, though is currently the oldest member of Chief Command at 371. Supreme Justice: Koriilc’ni Bu-qorla - The most controversial Justice in recent history. During process of selections by the newly appointed Chief Superintendant, there were two persons in the spotlight to be elected Supreme Justice: Koriilc’ni Bu-qorla and a certain rival of his; Kyerrini’aret Juol. However, only a week before the announcement for the position was to be released, Juol was found and charged with substance abuse and several related offenses, and within two days acquitted and found guilty by one of the Associate Justices (who was also a known friend of Bu-qorla’s). This left the position fully open for Bu-qorla. This came after years of muttered misdoings and supposed disappearances of those unveiling information. Only time will tell if more controversy will emerge. Weilshi Chief of Operations: Viil’iry Dou’sig - Overseeing all cities within the Weilshi sea and surrounding land, as well as the cities on the northern ice sheets. Viil’iry is hardly known to attend meetings within the capital, normally residing in his home in Gli’morr where he delegates work to several personal attendants. Joute has himself voiced concern over the lack of actual work being done, but with re-election so close he has decided to pass up on finding any replacement. Tuz’qlip Chief of Operations: Ollinea-Forqu’un Nillep - Oversees all cities within the Tuz’qlip ocean. Nillep has been a longstanding friend of Joute since they entered the Lu’uriinq together as young adults. Nillep herself is unremarkable as a leader of official, with no controversy to speak of, but neither any great achievement. Ploat’nil Chief of Operations: Yeelir Kooriq’din - Oversees Ploat’nil and surrounding area. Loved within her area and mistrusted without, Yeelir is often seen as using her influence to steer Gfua’Qrsulf and Duivzliak’Qlip into greater standings than Kal’lo, directly against the best wishes of many upper officials. Many have voiced concern both openly and in private surrounding this, even so far as Inniertz’urla Gorek (CEO of Kal’lo Prosthetic Industries) accusing her of intent to cause severe economic damage to the capital. However realistically her effects have been minor, ripples of discontent are going to sow large amount of trouble for both present and future. Gialok and the South Chief of Operations: Rez’iniir Kol - Known as the Neyr of the water (Neyr being a local animal similar to a wolf) during now undisclosed operations within Qwklip, he and his cousin Xerin’arin have both managed to become CoO’s of the mainland, something never seen before and the centre of much attention. Rez’iniir is a much unliked pick for the position, public ratings some of the lowest in the galaxy according to certain outlets. However he has retained power, and by all accounts has done much good work for his area. Kal’lo and the North Chief of Operations: Xerin’arin Kol - Quite the opposite to her cousin, Xerin’arin is the ideal pick for the face of the Yul’iinq. Often the forefront of any news related to the Yul’iinq, she has been in command for coming close to 31 years, having been re-elected twice. Mutterings of bias and nepotism with the election of her cousin have been around for a decent amount of time, and has become one of the topics Xerin’arin has become very opaque about. Elsewise, she has done excellent work within the area on cutting down organised crime heavily over the past fifteen years. LOCATIONS: Yul'iinq Headquarters Location - Kal’lo - Near the central of the city is a sprawling building that houses the joint headquarters of the Yul’iinq as well as the primary governmental offices for the entire federation. The headquarters is the primary hub of all Yul’iinq activities, primarily communication between different subdivisions and areas of command. Within the building itself is the Innq’Fluul, a small heavily guarded meeting chamber used by both the Yul’iinq and general government for heavily secreted discussions concerning domestic and intersystemary affairs. Many more headquarters are found throughout the planet, notably the Duil'iinq headquarters just outside of Qerr'wesi, named the Fiiir'e Sor-din-den (Vaguely translating to 'Emergency Facility Overseeing the Safety of Jargon and Associated Systems). One of the largest government facilities on the planet, it houses equipment and supplies used to assist in their work both on Jargon and within the Federation as a whole, communicating with other agencies to assist in any situation their specialty is required. Regional headquarters are found across Jargon, the planet roughly split into five regions: Weilshi Sea; Tuz'qlip Ocean; Ploat'Nil Island; Gialok and the South; Kal'lo and the North. Each region has it's own general headquarters Lu'uriinq operations, and is overseen by a Local Chief of Operations.
sdtwbaj Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 It's an interesting proposal, but the corruption thing strikes me as odd. The Skrell have an ancient society that's undoubtedly been reformed many times, and as I see it, the Skrell have reached a stage of enlightenment of sorts that Skrellian society is simply incompatible with having corruption in the government, because there's a high degree of social unity, and crime is rather sparse.
Muncorn Posted January 13, 2018 Author Posted January 13, 2018 Skrell are not perfect, and nobody's ever tried to argue that they are. The majority of Skrell view advancement as very important, and that's more than just technological. Advancement socially, financially and more is important to them, so many skrell will do a lot of things to reach the best potential they can. Additionally, Skrellian community is very strong, though only locally. It's not directly tied to family or friends like Unathi or Humans, but is more "These are the people I am around, I will support them", so being in a position of power grants opportunity to help those, and often they'll do it through means not too beneficial to those outwith their own area. The best example of that is Yeelir Kooriq’din, the Ploat'nil CoO, where she's been deliberately advertising her own districts and cities over Kal'lo to merchants and traders coming to Jargon, despite the central government wanting Kal'lo to remain the primary trading hub. I think that's all right, I'm making presumptions here.
Loow Posted January 14, 2018 Posted January 14, 2018 Hey there. Loow here. I really like this line: "Loow looked at it and gave me no feedback but 'The names are well done', so I'm pumped for it already." I wish every app could start off like this. Now let's talk about the app itself. I believe this is partly my fault. I encouraged a small amount of corruption ambiguity, or at least I thought I did. This app features a lot of it. A lot. Like, there's so much corruption in here. Either implied or outright stated. Let's count how many people in high command are corrupt, are rumored to be corrupt, or may have been brought in by virtue of nepotism (corruption). etc 1."Though these allegations were always present during his early years, no repercussions of investigations ever occurred, and during his ongoing tenure within the upper command in Kal’lo, no remotely legitimate claims of corruption have been put forward." 2 "...Joute has multiple times remarked on her exceptional aptitude. Rumours have recently arised considering her relationship with Grand Chancellor Jrugl, though they're only rumours." 3. "A mild-mannered figure that was subject to much stipulation upon her hiring, as she had next to no experience within the field of politics. " 4. (Maybe more) "The most controversial Justice in recent history. During process of selections by the newly appointed Chief Superintendant, there were two persons in the spotlight to be elected Supreme Justice: Koriilc’ni Bu-qorla and a certain rival of his; Kyerrini’aret Juol. However, only a week before the announcement for the position was to be released, Juol was found and charged with substance abuse and several related offenses, and within two days acquitted and found guilty by one of the Associate Justices (who was also a known friend of Bu-qorla’s)." 5. "Viil’iry is hardly known to attend meetings within the capital, normally residing in his home in Gli’morr where he delegates work to several personal attendants. Joute has himself voiced concern over the lack of actual work being done, but with re-election so close he has decided to pass up on finding any replacement." 6."Oversees all cities within the Tuz’qlip ocean. Nillep has been a longstanding friend of Joute since they entered the Lu’uriinq together as young adults. Nillep herself is unremarkable as a leader of official, with no controversy to speak of, but neither any great achievement." 7. "Yeelir is often seen as using her influence to steer Gfua’Qrsulf and Duivzliak’Qlip into greater standings than Kal’lo, directly against the best wishes of many upper officials." 8. "...something never seen before and the centre of much attention. Rez’iniir is a much unliked pick for the position, public ratings some of the lowest in the galaxy according to certain outlets. However he has retained power, and by all accounts has done much good work for his area." That's a pretty significant amount! Things I like about this app: 1. The structure of the police system. 2. Details surrounding how the system works. 3. The names of the officials and the fact that each has quite a bit of personality. Things I dislike about this app: 1. It depicts the majority of the police system's higher-ups as scandalous/corrupt. 2. The fact that my "Ja'loow" translates to mean "powerful ones". I think using my ckey as a word might be a bit much. 3. The high emphasis on corruption. Which is also the first thing I don't like about this app. All this said, the idea that there's intrigue in the homeworld's police system is pretty damn interesting. This app is open for comments. [mention]Muncorn[/mention] you've done some damn fine work. I'd like to tweak what you have here and include it in a page about planetary police systems in Skrell space. Thoughts?
Coalf Posted November 12, 2018 Posted November 12, 2018 Neither Muncorn nor Loow are on the team anymore, I'll put this under processed. Locking and archiving.
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