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[Processed] Unexplained Dionaea Organs

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I think it's a little silly that multiple races have researched the dionaea and have yet to figure out some of the basics of Dionaea biology, such as what a certain organ does, or what that green gooey mess that comes out of them when they're about to die does for that matter. There are a lot of mechanical implementations for Dionaea that have not yet to be explained yet, and I think they need explaining as long as they're simple. We're talking about very basic things like their biomatter, but not how they function as a species but their purpose.

So far Dionaea have 4 out 6 unexplainable organs that do literally nothing but exist in game. There is no explanation towards them or no mechanical feature. They were added during the days of Glorious Sleepwolfe but never fully implemented. Here are the organs that have no function mechanically.

/obj/item/organ/diona/ligament ("anchoring ligament") (Located in the groin)

/obj/item/organ/diona/strata ("neural Strata") (Located in the chest)

/obj/item/organ/diona/bladder ("gas bladder") (located in the head)

/obj/item/organ/diona/polyp ("polyp segment") (located in the groin)

Anchoring Ligament could have something to do with movement. given how it's location is in the groin as well as its name. It could allow the activation of a magboot-like ability that slows the dionaea down even further but prevents knockdown like magboots do, or it could act as an organ that controls movement and cause paralysis if removed/damaged.

Neural Strata means "Brain Center" where it acts as a communication hub for nymphs communicating to each other without vocally speaking. A possibility could be that removing/seriously damaging this organ will cause the nymphs to split instantly as they now have no communication together. Perhaps something less is called for, but that is my suggestion.

Gas bladder, is located in the head. As the name suggests, it could be used as the only organ that handles the taste and digestion of food. Dionaea can eat nutrients to create biomass and regenerate injuries using them. Alternatively, the gas bladder can be used to spit fireballs at people.

Polyps in the medical work are abnormal growths of tissues that grow on mucus membranes, such as the outer layer of organs or the insides of the ears, mouth, and nose. It could act as an organ that handles the regeneration of dionaea with help from the gas bladder and the already existing nutrient channel (which handles the absorption of nutrients through air.). Alternatively, you can rework the organ so that polyp segments act as tumors that need to be removed from the dionaea, which are caused by the dionaea sustaining too many injures for their regeneration system to handle.

Given how often the Skrell and Unathi are experimenting on Dionaea, it would be absolutely ridiculous that they haven't found out the purpose of these organs by now especially given how advanced medical and scientific equipment is. One of those two races should make the discovery given how much time is being spent into them.

  • 2 weeks later...

If a dionae is just an assemblage of nymphs what happens in the transition from a singular nymph to multiple nymphs that cause them to grow these organs in the first place? If they deform into separate nymphs, where do these organs go?


If a dionae is just an assemblage of nymphs what happens in the transition from a singular nymph to multiple nymphs that cause them to grow these organs in the first place? If they deform into separate nymphs, where do these organs go?


My own headcanon is that nymphs carry extra biomatter while inside them, and use that extra biomatter to form bonding glue and special organs.

  • 3 weeks later...

I think it's a little silly that multiple races have researched the dionaea and have yet to figure out some of the basics of Dionaea biology, such as what a certain organ does, or what that green gooey mess that comes out of them when they're about to die does for that matter. There are a lot of mechanical implementations for Dionaea that have not yet to be explained yet, and I think they need explaining as long as they're simple. We're talking about very basic things like their biomatter, but not how they function as a species but their purpose.

So far Dionaea have 4 out 6 unexplainable organs that do literally nothing but exist in game. There is no explanation towards them or no mechanical feature. They were added during the days of Glorious Sleepwolfe but never fully implemented. Here are the organs that have no function mechanically.

/obj/item/organ/diona/ligament ("anchoring ligament") (Located in the groin)

/obj/item/organ/diona/strata ("neural Strata") (Located in the chest)

/obj/item/organ/diona/bladder ("gas bladder") (located in the head)

/obj/item/organ/diona/polyp ("polyp segment") (located in the groin)

Anchoring Ligament could have something to do with movement. given how it's location is in the groin as well as its name. It could allow the activation of a magboot-like ability that slows the dionaea down even further but prevents knockdown like magboots do, or it could act as an organ that controls movement and cause paralysis if removed/damaged.

Neural Strata means "Brain Center" where it acts as a communication hub for nymphs communicating to each other without vocally speaking. A possibility could be that removing/seriously damaging this organ will cause the nymphs to split instantly as they now have no communication together. Perhaps something less is called for, but that is my suggestion.

Gas bladder, is located in the head. As the name suggests, it could be used as the only organ that handles the taste and digestion of food. Dionaea can eat nutrients to create biomass and regenerate injuries using them. Alternatively, the gas bladder can be used to spit fireballs at people.

Polyps in the medical work are abnormal growths of tissues that grow on mucus membranes, such as the outer layer of organs or the insides of the ears, mouth, and nose. It could act as an organ that handles the regeneration of dionaea with help from the gas bladder and the already existing nutrient channel (which handles the absorption of nutrients through air.). Alternatively, you can rework the organ so that polyp segments act as tumors that need to be removed from the dionaea, which are caused by the dionaea sustaining too many injures for their regeneration system to handle.

Given how often the Skrell and Unathi are experimenting on Dionaea, it would be absolutely ridiculous that they haven't found out the purpose of these organs by now especially given how advanced medical and scientific equipment is. One of those two races should make the discovery given how much time is being spent into them.


Apologies for the severe delay in answer. I have contacted the previous loredev on their original intentions with the organs, and I have come up with a conclusion after considering your post. Organs will be implemented into Dionae, as you are right- no matter if they separate or fuse, they will always have organs, and will more or less be in the same area and in the same size and shape depending on the individual biologically- some might focus on one organ's development more than the other. However, the organ's spites, function, and placement, etc. may be changed, and some more might even be added, depending. A lot of the sprites do not exist, and the ones that do look far too much like a Xenomorph's. For now, there's a lot of work to be done- but they will definitely be a thing!

For now, what I can tell you for sure is that the Gas Bladder will remain in the head, as a form of mobility through space- this was Sleepywolf's old idea, and makes a lot of sense, I was thinking similarly- but is mostly used as a work-around for speech on-station with other species, as Dionae naturally use atmospheric forms of communication between one another.

Additionally, the Neural Strata will become the central brain- it will merge each individual nymph's known information as well as receive and send feedback to the nymphs like any brain would, orchestrating which individual nymph moves where to get them moving around. With the need to respire like other organics gone, the chest cavity leaves ample room for such an organ and provide it ample protection.

The Polyps may become the individual nymphs attached to the body- in biology as opposed to medically, a polyp is a simple animal such as anemones and the like who can attach together to form a colony. So, in short, they may just become a name for the limbs instead of a hindering growth, because the limbs themselves would literally become a simple animal that assists in movement while the Neural Strata handles everything. But, that doesn't mean I won't possibly add a unique physical ailment that the medical team can help address...

As for the Anchoring Ligament, it is in a prime place to keep the Polyps "tied down" with the extra room usually taken up by reproductive and waste-evacuating organs. It can very well be a point in the body where muscular tendons attach and act as a simple skeleton of sorts.

All in all, organs are definitely being looked into, but there's quite a bit of work to be done for them still. Especially for you poor coders :^)


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