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Jorge Moberly's Armband (Possibly available to all?)


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BYOND Key: Korinra

Character name: Jorge Moberly

Item name: Medical Armband (Mute)

Why is your character carrying said item to work? Jorge recently developed muteness due to injury, as such he'd like an identifying piece of gear to indicate he is mute. While most might overlook it, the idea that he's TRYING to tell people is the best he can offer.

Item function(s): Three simple functions. 1st, right-click gives you an option "Label", which allows you to select disability/disabilities from a list. Second, would be a Object adjective "Point", which points to the armband, which might look like this: "Jorge points to a Medical Armband (Muteness) on his arm." And finally third, like other armbands, it attaches to the arm slot of uniforms.

Item description: A medical identifying armband to let others know of necessary accommodations.

Item appearance: An armband that's white with yellow markings.

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? Being unable to speak verbally, it'd be nice to alert people without having to play charades.

Additional comments: This could be useful for a lot of things, and for a lot of people. Might be nice to have a few spawn in Medical as well to give to patients by their request (or necessity), or even to add to everyone's Loadout options.


being mute in a department that requires clear, constant communication and teamwork



(It's come to my attention this may be for patients in general, not medical itself. This isn't clear by the term "medical armband", which is to identify Medical personnel.)


I mean, in the real world that's what they're called. There are two types: Medical Armbands hold useful information about a patient, and emergency medical armband hold information in the case the person becomes incapacitated and can't tell the doctors what they're allergic to or what medications they're on.


The actual item for the "Medical Armband" on the station however identifies you as a member of the Medical staff. You might want to call it something else, like a Patient Armband or whatever.


Acquire loadout armband. Acquire hand labeller. Hand label disability to armband. Make use of custom emotes.


I do currently, but why shouldn't this be a thing? I am getting a lot of people telling me OTHER ways to do it, or other names it should be, but can anyone tell me why this SHOULDN'T be a thing? I wouldn't mind if an admin moved this to "suggestions", and made it an item that can be provided by Medical for people who become disabled during a shift, as well as an item you can opt to get in your loadout for people who always RP with a disability.

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