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I want to setup own server by Aurora




Hi. I've been enjoying ss13 pretty much. Its been 4~5 years since I registered in Byond.

All right, my region is Great K...no, south korea. Sometimes I feel pretty angry at ss13 when its got crazy pings or lag is robust. Recently I acquired a laptop and thought "hey what about settin up my own server and translate it into korean"

Well, I know ss13 is already low pop. Even if I open up some kind of advertisement server and tell others guys to join the ride wont come up with robust result.

However I just wanna give a try. There are people who enjoy RP games and stuff and at least I wanna introduce ss13 to those who might me interested.

So, question is

1. I cant make myself admin. Tried to put my Ckey in Config/admins.txt(I copied it from name files) and compiling even other txt files wont make me admin. How do I do that?

2. How to change server name? I want it like, Kimchi station 13 based on Aurora and cant find one.

3.Damn wish if I knew coding. Im just stupid quad lingual interpreter. Mind slab me in the face with some server-related guides?

4 answers to this question

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Hello, prospective server host!

Let's assume you already set-up the server to compile and such, but the major hurdles you need to recognize are the error messages you get for trying to boot up the server fresh.

As such, our goal is to look at the error messages and cross-reference what's missing.


## ERROR: File not found (config/config.txt)

## ERROR: File not found (config/game_options.txt)

## ERROR: File not found (data/mode.txt)

## ERROR: File not found (config/dbconfig.txt)

## ERROR: File not found (config/admin_ranks.txt)

## ERROR: File not found (config/admins.txt)

These are the first ones that'll be missing.

I honestly just suggest taking everything from the Config->Example folder and just copy-pasting everything into the Config folder directory. That'll work.

2. To make yourself an administrator, go into admins.txt as it is placed in the config folder, and follow the txt instructions. Format the next line down like this:

YourCkeyHere - Host

This will give you all powers to the server and functionalities befitting a(n) badmin.

3. To change the server name, go to config.txt and remove the # in front of the SERVERNAME definer. Replace spacestation13 with Kimchi Station 13. It may or may not need underscores, try and toy with it.

4. Coding for the byond platform is generally a self-taught talent. There are materials to help, though, it requires a lot of patience, determination and reading. https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Understanding_SS13_code





All of this is a headache. Take it one step at a time, it only took me a couple years to get a layman's grasp of it, and I do not even have programmer background.

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1. Dose not work out. copy-pasted all the txt files from examples directory to Config, and None of Ckey - Host or Game Master works. Tried TG station's old source compile with same way, than it works. Its only Aurora which dose not recognize it.

However, thanks to kind reply. I guess aurora has some special way to recognize admin or something like that.

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1. Dose not work out. copy-pasted all the txt files from examples directory to Config, and None of Ckey - Host or Game Master works. Tried TG station's old source compile with same way, than it works. Its only Aurora which dose not recognize it.

However, thanks to kind reply. I guess aurora has some special way to recognize admin or something like that.


Is adminranks.txt in the regular config directory, included alongside admins.txt? Is it exactly like this, verbatim?


# ADMIN RANK DEFINES                                                                   #
# The format of this is very simple. Rank name goes first.                             #
# Rank is CASE-SENSITIVE, all punctuation will be stripped so spaces don't matter.     #
# Each rank is then followed by keywords with the prefix "+".                          #
# These keywords represent groups of verbs and abilities which are given to that rank. #
# +@ (or +prev) is a special shorthand which adds all the rights of the rank above it. #
# Ranks with no keywords will just be given the most basic verbs and abilities   ~Carn #
# PLEASE NOTE: depending on config options, some abilities will be unavailable regardless if you have permission to use them!
# ALSO NOTE: this is a WorkInProgress at the moment. Most of this is just arbitrarily thrown in whatever group because LoadsaWork2Do+LittleTime.
#            I'll be doing more moving around as feedback comes in. So be sure to check the notes after updates.

# +ADMIN = general admin tools, verbs etc
# +FUN = events, other event-orientated actions. Access to the fun secrets in the secrets panel.
# +BAN = the ability to ban, jobban and fullban
# +STEALTH = the ability to stealthmin (make yourself appear with a fake name to everyone but other admins
# +POSSESS = the ability to possess objects
# +REJUV (or +REJUVINATE) = the ability to heal, respawn, modify damage and use godmode
# +BUILD (or +BUILDMODE) = the ability to use buildmode
# +SERVER = higher-risk admin verbs and abilities, such as those which affect the server configuration.
# +DEBUG = debug tools used for diagnosing and fixing problems. It's useful to give this to coders so they can investigate problems on a live server.
# +VAREDIT = everyone may view viewvars/debugvars/whatever you call it. This keyword allows you to actually EDIT those variables.
# +RIGHTS (or +PERMISSIONS) = allows you to promote and/or demote people.
# +SOUND (or +SOUNDS) = allows you to upload and play sounds
# +SPAWN (or +CREATE) = mob transformations, spawning of most atoms including mobs (high-risk atoms, e.g. blackholes, will require the +FUN flag too)
# +EVERYTHING (or +HOST or +ALL) = Simply gives you everything without having to type every flag

Admin Observer
Moderator		+MOD
Mentor                  +MENTOR

Admin Candidate	+ADMIN
Game Master		+EVERYTHING
Retired Admin	+ADMIN +STEALTH


Dev Mod			+@ +MOD


Additionally, did you accidentally put the # symbol in front of any line prior to your ckey and your intended rank in admins.txt? Using the # symbol comments out the line and makes it not work.

Half-true, but Aurora still keeps the admins.txt as a legacy system measure for people who wish to boot up their own versions of the Aurorastation source code for testing or starting up a new server using the Aurora base.

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