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Usage of Lethals as Security

Eliot Clef


Alright, so I have a pretty volatile question to ask here. Across my time playing as security, I've seen a lot of really mixed signals when it comes to usage of lethals. When I'm playing with more harsh Heads of Security, like Isilthai Uaekis, lethals get deployed at the drop of a hat and while people make noises of discontent, nothing is really done about it.

On the opposite end, I've been in a round where a bucklecuffed changeling eye-spat and deathstung anyone who got near him (causing a fairly silly cycle of death-and-cloning) in processing and an IAA player was standing by threatening us with termination if we executed the damn thing, while (I assume) ghosts in LOOC complained about "gank for gank" while we contemplated killing it*.

Am I conflating OOC grumbling with unacceptable behavior, or is security just really expected to act profoundly stupid even when people drop dead like flies trying to deal with something?

* Incidentally, we ended up not killing it. I went into cryo shortly afterwards out of frustration, and when I came back to see how it had gone, everybody left in security had been absorbed or killed.

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Lethal weaponry should only be distributed/used in the event that there is a clear and direct threat to the wellbeing of the staff, that can not be detained effectively with non-lethal measures, that cannot be detained at all for some reason (Wizards that teleport/jaunt etc) , cannot be detained without threat of serious injury to self and other crew, and in the final case, when a non-sentient creature that cannot be detained poses a threat to the station's integrity of the crew's welfare, i.e. Icarus Drones, Space Carp, Spiders etc etc..

It is not the job of NanoTrasen to execute prisoners unless authorized to do so by the employee's respective citizenship's government liason office on Central Command.

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You should have executed that changeling as soon as he was killing people.

As soon as it's decided that security cannot safely hold a prisoner until transfer (including securing the safety of others), execution is absolutely fine to consider.

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You should have executed that changeling as soon as he was killing people.

As soon as it's decided that security cannot safely hold a prisoner until transfer (including securing the safety of others), execution is absolutely fine to consider.


With Central Command authorization of course.

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You should have executed that changeling as soon as he was killing people.

As soon as it's decided that security cannot safely hold a prisoner until transfer (including securing the safety of others), execution is absolutely fine to consider.


I was going to, but the IAA used his fax machine and was apparently ordered to have the creature transported alive. I'm told that these faxes are automated, though at the time I was under the impression that they were admin-dictated so I chose not to exercise my own judgement.

In the future I will probably simply execute in situations like that where safe handling is clearly not possible, though most situations are dramatically less clear-cut than that one was.

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You should have executed that changeling as soon as he was killing people.

As soon as it's decided that security cannot safely hold a prisoner until transfer (including securing the safety of others), execution is absolutely fine to consider.


I was going to, but the IAA used his fax machine and was apparently ordered to have the creature transported alive. I'm told that these faxes are automated, though at the time I was under the impression that they were admin-dictated so I chose not to exercise my own judgement.

In the future I will probably simply execute in situations like that where safe handling is clearly not possible, though most situations are dramatically less clear-cut than that one was.


I am not aware of ANY faxes being automated, other than the messages that come to the comms console in rev rounds and a few other misc messages in a few other round types that I don't remember the specifics off.

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I am not aware of ANY faxes being automated, other than the messages that come to the comms console in rev rounds and a few other misc messages in a few other round types that I don't remember the specifics off.


Are you serious? I actually griped about this shortly after it happened and was told that faxes aren't admin dictated.

How do faxes work, then? Are they, in fact, admin-dictated?

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Guest Marlon Phoenix
I am not aware of ANY faxes being automated, other than the messages that come to the comms console in rev rounds and a few other misc messages in a few other round types that I don't remember the specifics off.


Are you serious? I actually griped about this shortly after it happened and was told that faxes aren't admin dictated.

How do faxes work, then? Are they, in fact, admin-dictated?


You send the fax, an admin clicks a link in the text-chat that lets him read it, then he writes a response. The only way they can't be "admin dictated" is it lower ranked devs have access to faxes.

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That changeling should have been killed.

I like to refer to how police apply deadly force for most situations; up until around the 1980s a police officer could shoot a fleeing person suspected of being a felon simply to stop him from escaping. However, a Supreme Court ruling in '85 abolished that (the Fleeing Felon rule) is basically what I refer to most of the time.


deadly force...may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others.


So, if the guy is armed - and it doesn't have to be a gun - you are legally authorized to blow his brains out if you think he can get you. If the officer has probable cause to think he will be seriously injured or killed by the suspect than lethal force is justified. If the officer has probable cause to believe that an innocent will be seriously injured or killed by the suspect lethal force is authorized. Typically there is an investigation and a third party must gauge if the officer was reasonable in his application of force.

So if your head of security is saying not to kill the wizard teleporting around attacking people, ignore him. He's dumb. Shoot to kill. You should have executed the changeling, too, and ignored whoever was telling you different because you were totally justified to kill him as far as deadly force goes.

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