OOC Event Description: This is the continuation of the yearly, corporate sponsored, Halloween Party. No intrigue, no sudden Sol Marines or a headless rider showing up. Just a good time.
Who knows about it: Everyone knows about it. It has/will be announced on the ExtraNet and Newscasters. More information when it becomes available:
The Party will NOT take place on the Horizon. You will NOT be able to play normal jobs during this round, everyone attending is off-duty and a guest somewhere else. Real after-work hours again.
More info when it becomes available. It will not take place on the Idris Cruiser.
This will also again (for anyone who wants it to be) be a costume party. There are quite a few costumes in the code already, but if you want to see something specific NOT ALREADY IN THE GAME, message/ping me at just_lanze (Arms Dealer Ping) on Discord and I will add the costume idea (as long as it is appropiate) of your choice to the game and it will be available alongside the other costumes already in-game. They will NOT be custom items tied to your character. Ideally costumes will be available to choose from the loadout this time, if it's possible.
The party will take place on the 28th of October because real Halloween is a Tuesday evening.