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Elohi Adanvdo

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Everything posted by Elohi Adanvdo

  1. So An application is not necessary to play one if there's a heist?
  2. Never said that she was a part of NT. I thought that to be able to play the species you had to apply like all the other races.
  3. BYOND Key: Elohi Adanvdo (elohiadanvdo) Character Names: Ashley Long, Rassvet Zver', Svhiyeyi Sidanelv, Protector of Tallest Tree, Oquoqua'Dali Walosh-Gadoki, RIP, Ka'Akaix'Xiz K'lax Species you are applying to play: Vox What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):A dark grey or black body with dark or vibrant purple accents. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: SCREEEEE (Yes.) Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: First of all, they're space birds. Second of all, their species name in Latin means 'Voice'. How cool is that? All that aside, they are an awesome species and it's a shame that there's not much use of them these days. They have more diverse, unique sub-species and almost everything about them is a mystery. To make a living, they follow orders to a T due to their determination to get the job done. Get in, get the item, get out. They don't want to be in enemy territory longer than they have to. They're very focused on self-survival. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Well, social structure for one. Speech is punctuated intermittently with trills and shreiks and anything else bird-like. Secondly, they're concerned with self preservation and doing things with minimal risk. Not very bold, but not entirely considered cowards. They'll get the job done, either way. Also, the pack mentality is awesome. They'll follow orders from the 'Quill', but that doesn't mean that they won't fight over who gets to be 'alpha'. Character Name: 'Raptor' Titikakayi (Koga) Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Born into the Rabidis Clara tribe under the clan name of Kakanu, her family specializes in doing risky business. Namely, stealth and scouting, and when that's done, they retrieve what, or who, they came for and return to the fleet. Her father Tikakanu, and mother Katitikayi, are both active members of the tribe. Driven to impress and succeed, Titikakayi also wanted to participate and quickly joined her parents in the ranks. Her ultimate goal in life is to eventually join the Defensors Cassibus to both protect and aid her species. She is known by her people as readily excitable, and throughly enjoys her job; to outsiders she has a bit of a wild personality. She enjoys the feeling of the chase and the 'hunt', and somewhat a risk-taker, the ever-present hint of danger. Somewhat as an airhead at times, she has rather terrible short term memory, but she always knows her objectives. Titikakayi also has the habit of mispronouncing common words in Basic and punctuating sentences intermittently with chirps, whistles and anything else similar, making her more of an oddity. When there is time to spare, her hobby is in collecting non-Vox items and animals, curious about the other life in the universe. She keeps anything her Tribe has no ise for, donating the more valuble items. More often than not this has caused some concern with her people as she tries to befriend other life forms. But her interest is nothing compared to her relentless need to acheive, and always proves her worth. This means she is not one to be trifled with- as per her Tribe's name, she fights like a weaponized rabid beast, and is more than willing to put down any opposition with force. Even if it's something she has become attatched to. What do you like about this character? SPACE BIRB- I mean, she's a unique mystery species. She strives to further the survival of her people and of herself. She also has a boundless curiosity for anything non-Vox. Koga, despite her shortcomings, desperately wants to prove her worth and join the Defensors Cassibus. More or less, she's very ambitious and enjoys what she does. What an adrenaline junkie, right? How would you rate your role-playing ability? I never got any complaints and if anything people are dissapointed when I'm not playing a character. If they did point something out, I fix it. SCREEEEEEEEE Notes: This is going to be by far, the hardest species for me to obtain, and I hope that I can add it to my collection and make some great sessions for everyone. I read both Aurora and Baystation guides on Vox and using Aurora's as a base I built on it with Baystation's. Please tell me of any inconsistencies so I may improve my application and character! "I would sell your soul for one corn chip." *Cackles*
  4. I understand; however I thought that the highly valued unbound workers in most cases. Anyways, I reduced his disability and updated my app. It is in the following: "While he was more unexperienced, Xiz was busy carving a tunnel when a mistake made it cave in on him. Though it was of no great loss to him, some of his limbs were merely augmented so he could continue his work. With much more caution and increased procision due to the biomecanical limbs, Xiz has become one of the top miners for his hive-ship."
  5. BYOND Key:Elohi Adanvdo (elohiadanvdo) Character Names: Ashley Long, Rassvet Zver', Svhiyeyi Sidanelv, Oquoqua'Dali Walosh-Gadoki, RIP Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): DIRT Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yez. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: To add to my 'species collection' and for different RP. I've been wanting a character that has synthetic augmentation as well. I think that a Vaurca will also make a great transition to getting an IPC due to the biomechanics. Not sure how much I'll augment him, but it'll be worth it. I also just like the fact that they're basically ant-people. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: They're first and foremost invertibres. They have a unique caste-system within their society that isn't found in any other higher-sentient species. Vaurcas are rather docile, and always stay within their given tasks without question if given instruction by one higher-up in the caste. Vaurcas are also highly specialized and excel in architecture, agriculture, and robotics. Despite this, they have lost the majority of their knowledge and are cut off from their home planet, not truely knowing if their homeworld is alive or dead. Character Name: Ka'Akaix Xiz K'lax Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Ka'Akaix Xiz K'lax is a hard worker like the rest in his caste, and enjoys nothing more than going about his work. He specializes in mining, and is proud to be the potential Vaurca that can bring back the arcitectual glory from the old days. When all materials have been stripped from the rocks, he uses the leftover rubble to create structures. He has become rather proficient and both mining and building. While he was more unexperienced, Xiz was busy carving a tunnel when a mistake made it cave in on him. Though it was of no great loss to him, some of his limbs were merely augmented so he could continue his work. With much more caution and increased procision due to the biomecanical limbs, Xiz has become one of the top miners for his hive-ship. He one day looks forwards to the eventual promotion to Xenoarcheologist, seeing that it could help uncover his species' lost heritage on Sedantis I. What do you like about this character? Xiz is a hard worker who likes nothing more than progress and discovery. He can often be described as having 'tunnel vision' (kek), leaving not much time for small talk. Though he's more or less a machine when working, he does enjoy the company of others due to his species' sociable nature. When he's not collecting materials, he spends the remainder of the day still up to his neck in space rock, attempting to re-create the masterpieces left behind on Sedantis I. Though he knows his role, he wants to some day become something greater and attribute to the good of his species. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Golden. Yes, that was another mining pun. Notes: I've 'dusted' this app of memes. Sorry about last time. But at least now I know what I can and can't do with these apps. Guess you can say the last one was a 'test'?
  6. BYOND Key: Elohi Adanvdo (elohiadanvdo) Character Names: Ashley Long, Rassvet Zver', Svhiyeyi Sidanelv Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): xXx~RaInBoW~xXx Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: AFFIRMATIVE. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I want to try my hand at unique synthetic RP. I like the fact that IPC's can be any species due to modern science. They also have unique anatomy that has to be kept in mind. IPC's are not squishy. They also have a unique social standing where they are seen as higher that others but lower than Vaurca drones, depending on the species that interacts with them and their job. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The most obvious thing is IPC's are at most 20% organic in nature (the nervous system), or 100% synthetic. This 'species' refers to anything that is borg-like in nature but has gained awareness of 'self' and therefor experience emotion. IPC's are typically avoided by some Skrell due to their bad experience with 'Glorsh', but most others tend to welcome them. They are highly inteligent, and highly durable as well. Despite the fact that most of their population is living in slum-like conditions on ramshackle crafts, quite a few licky ones have found their way into a decent job. Because of their origions, they are often treated as borgs, but the vast majority have earned a higher social status amongst other species. Character Name: R.I.P. Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs He and his partner, Dr. R.I.B. (Randomized Intelligence Biomechanic), were both medical doctors and when paired together, were the dynamic duo in Medical. It was well known that they both were in love. He was full of live and vigor, and was very sympathetic towards others. Him and Dr. RIB spent their days together tending to the wounded and taking romantic breaks in the library. However, an incident occurred that left him scarred. An intruder came onto the station and was gravely wounded by security. To be able to be questioned, Dr. RIB had to stabalize and patch the intruder up. What they did not know was that it was all ready too late- both he and Dr. RIB were caught in a blast caused by the intruder's suit that was rigged to blow upon death. Dr. RIB was near the center of the blast and was obliverated beyond revival; their significant other was on the outer reach of the blast radius and suffered a heavy blow to the head. When he was revived, he was delilerious and couldn't speak- he tried to display words on his screen to ask for where Dr. RIB was, but due to the damage displayed all that was shown was three eerie letters, 'RIP'. After he was fully recovered, he refused do be called by his origional name and instead took up the title of Dr. RIP. He had isolated himself in heavy studies and became impassive to everything but his work. After several years he re-emerged as as a Doctor in the Robotics field. He never showed any joy in his work, but instead slaved away with a hollowness. There were whispers saying that his sudden change in heart was to bring back his beloved Dr. RIB, but despite the rumors Nanotrasen hired him, unable to deny his excellent work. What do you like about this character? He's a pretty broken guy. Yes, there is an 89% that I am sadistic. He's driven by grief, and that fuels his drive to work. He's literally a 'mad scientist'. He is emotionally a borg because of his impassiveness from his trauma. He keeps looking for a way to re-create his love even though he knows the results will end in terrible failure. He desperately wants them back, but also desperately wants to forget everything about his past. But no matter which way you look at it, he's an excellent scientist and an impressive worker. Basically, he's cool and calculating and doesn't like much small talk, expecially about the past. "Oh, you'd like your body back? Well guess what my cuboidal friend, I'd like my partner back but miracles /just don't exist/." *Insert angst here* How would you rate your role-playing ability? RIP rl, hello online social cult of SS13. Basically, all I do is RP any more. So it's got to be good. Notes: I want to make Aurora more fun and add in a little more salt and vinegar. If you're worried, IC the most that will happen is that he'll treat you like trash while fixing your arm and then send you on your way and make you feel like *COMPLETE GARBAGE* for complaining that you 'don't like your broken arm' because he's suffering from a broken heart so stfu u insensitive fug. If he's too angsty for you, tell me and I'll re-work him. I made another depressed character because my other one ended up being pretty happy with where he's at and I need an ouTLET FOR MY EMO TIEMS OKAY GUIES AlsohappyHalloween. And no, I did NOT make this character /because/ it is Halloween. I made this app a month ago and decided to post it today b/c I thought it'd be funny. Obviously, I didn't think that people would automatically think, 'oh this is a meme app'. It's really not. I'm actually super serious about this character. "My name's Dr. RIP because I aM DEAD INSIIIIDE ;_;"
  7. [REDACTED] So, apparently I need to work this over more. I know the lore, but I need to work it in more with the background. I'll be back with round 2.
  8. Nooo why didn'y you bleach your brain after reading that shit XD I don't now how to make her seem like a generally shy person who's only absorbed in their work without being all 'notice me senpai/kawaii desu' bullshit, but thanks for the +1 ;w;
  9. Thank you so much for your input, it was just what I was looking for! I will add more about her family, and add a bit more about her personality, but sadly she's more or less a plain Jane. And she doesn't quite have 'synth-hate', but more 'synth-fear'. I'll also elaborate on that part. And thank you for the +1, Mofo! I haven't been able to play much lately, and I have the tendency to switch up characters a bit to make things interesting. I hope to play with you in game again!
  10. BYOND Key: Elohi Adanvdo (elohiadanvdo) Character Names: Ashley Long, Rassvet Zver', Svhiyeyi Sidanelv, Protector of Tallest Tree Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Going with a exotic poison-dart frog color and markings theme for her if I can. Maybe a vivid green, blue, or purple? Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yepyepyepyepyep Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: This race is pretty cool, and I'm a little in love with their home planet, their ethics, and let's just face it, amphibians can be pretty cute. Their character design and concept is likeable, and though they are highly intelligent, they don't use it to their advantage to dominate other races. #OrganicLivesMatter Their species also has a pretty tragic past with technology... #AIScum. But yeah. They got a kickass planet too. Plants everywhere, water, everywhere, etc. It's an amphibian's dream come true! Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Although technologically advanced as a species, they try not to let it go to their heads. They're more of a docile species, and are far more accepting of other races (except synthetics fuck those guys amirite?). They're also willing to share their findings with others and warn other peoples of the dangers of thechnology. Despite the fact that an AI dominated their species, they are wise enough to learn from their mistakes, leave AI tech alone, and focus on other less-sentient sciences. Character Name: Oquoqua'Dali Walosh-Gakodi Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Oquoqua is a xenobotanist who has an affinity for all things flora. When she was younger she would study all of the native flora at home, and managed to take her knowledge to the next level and peruse her love of plant life in school. When it came to free time, she could be found outside or in the library, and despite the fact that she was perused by a few potential boyfriends, she was too enthralled in her studies to give relationships a thought at the time. She enjoyed college most of all- that's when the exotic specimens were brought in. Her parents are both doctors in the medical field, who specialize in homeopathic therapies and treatments. They never forced her to take their path, and instead encouraged her natural talent with plants. In return, she studied medicine through college and worked on plants with healing properties, to assist her parents in their field of work. For her dissertation, she developed a medicinal plant that was chimeric in nature, a marriage of native and exotic flora. This new plant species has the ability to almost eradicate pain, cure many maladies such as migraines, fevers, digestive upsets, and increase recovery time and survival from physical injuries, viruses, and diseases. She graduated college with it, and today her plant is undergoing clinical studies by her proud parents, and they report that the plant is very promising indeed. Oquoqua is VERY protective of plants and anything that she creates- even if it has undesirable effects... such as a voracious hunger for flesh. So far she has acquired quite the impressive collection of plant life. She can almost always be seen with a Diona nymph (sometimes several!) running at her heels, curled up in her arms, or napping in her pack. She values them higher than any of her other findings, and treats them as if they are her own children. There's not really much to say about Oquoqua. She had a happy childhood, and as a young adult she enjoyed the merits of education and the support of her parents that got her where she is today. Oquoqua tends to stay bottled up, as she doesn't like to be a bother to anyone- she is very passive, and is more willing to take flight than to fight. Once someone gets to know her, she can be described as airy, delicate, and cheerful, but also passionate, and often shy. She is also socially awkward, and is more concerned about her work than talking. Oftentimes, all she knows to talk about is her work, sadly, and most who have a romantic interest in her can find it rather disappointing. Some seem to feel an 'off' vibe about her, and tend to be weary in her presence. Perhaps it is her tendency to play the part of 'mama bear', especially when it comes to her little Diona nymphs. Currently, her most recent obsession is the Diona race. How can something be both flora and fauna? She will do just about anything to be able to further study them, intent on proving that they are the closest living relative to the source of all life. But she won't go to extremes- Oquoqua will be more than willing to make friends with one if possible. She likes to believe that she is head expert on Diona, and until proven otherwise, will remain the 'head expert'. More by choice than by biological factors, she is a thorough vegan, refuses to use substances, and is pro-life and anti-violence/abuse,even if it is justifiable. If there's a such thing as a space-PETA, she's sure to be a head member. What do you like about this character? She has a bubbly personality (I literally made this character just so I can make that pun). She's a bit of a recluse like most in the science department, absorbed in her studies, and very enthusiastic about her occupation. She's incredibly dedicated to science, but despite her love of it, she's still a bit of a technophobe, being told of the history of her people (mentally scarring her 4evar). It is not necessarily a hate for synthetics, but is instead a sense of fear for them. Sure, she's shy, but if you talk to her, she's bound to open up. Especially if you talk about the Diona. But beware, she may go on a bit of a passionate rant. But whatever you do, do not threaten her 'plant puppies', as she will become quite scary... to the point that she will space you! But hey, she's still my sexy salamander. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Not many know this, but I was Abraham in Hellboy. (Jk I'd drown but I'm pretty good at pretending I'm a frog so I guess that's good enough???) Notes: As always, I appreciate thoughtful questions as well as advice! Thanks in advance. :3
  11. I understand. If it helps any, they're just naturally like that, but they are willing to defend themselves (so they can return to their 'home') and others (if they can be saved). If violence does happen, they'll be like 'plz no violence let's talk it out first', but yeah. It's a 'for the greater good' deal. I read Aurora first then added Bay content to compliment, not the other way around. Is there anything else to as of why you are hesitant? I'd like to clarify and/or change whatever it is. If it's because you've seen me play my other species after they were accepted and you don't like how I RP as them, it's okay to tell me. I'm willing to work on it. But so far, no complaints yet! :3 (Also thanks for the timestap hint, my screen is at a weird angle so I didn't see it before lol)
  12. Thanks, I try not to be too much of a snowflake but I do like unique characters! Also+1 to you too, you figured it out! XD
  13. Very recently, actually just before I made this app to make sure I was doing all right. I read both the Aurora and Bay guides, using Aurora first and Bay to add onto it making them passive like Baystation's Dionaea. Is there something in my app that conflicts with the species? Please tell me so I can alter the information! I'd appreciate it. :3 Sometimes I often forget or skip over important details when typing out my apps on accident, but I really did read them quite recently, and I made sure not to mix up Aurora and Bay guides. I actually just read through them again, but I'm sometimes a little scatterbrained and manage to not think about obvious problems until later lol ((Man these forums need dates and times for separate posts because I can't tell if I let your reply sit stagnant or if I replied in a timely matter after stumbling onto it. My reply-alert was automatically disabled. Whoops.))
  14. BYOND Key: Elohi Adanvdo (elohiadanvdo) Character Names: Ashley Long, Rassvet Zver', Svhiyeyi Sidanelv Species you are applying to play: Dionaea What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): TrEe CoLoRs! Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Ye Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I think this species would be really fun to play from a roleplay perspective. I'd be playing multiple organisms that work as an individual but still identify separately from one another. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Dionaea speak... Much slower... Than Humans... They're also the slowest thing EVER. Plus, they identify as multiple organisms and never as as an individual collectively. They're also SUPER MYSTERY SPECIES! (Besides the Vox but no one gets to play them any more ;w;) They're mysterious, intelligent, and experienced. Not much is known about them, except for the humanoid gestalt that are found periodically on the station. They 'eat' radiation, and can survive in space, and absorb experiences and knowledge from biological matter. When they're individuals (diona aka PLANT PUPPIES!!1! ), they act and identify separately, but the core node (the 'brains') are still in charge... Somewhat. Character Name: Protector of the Tallest Tree Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs 'Protector' has origins from a Satellite, presumeingly the one of Mralakk, sent from the core as a missionary of their people on a quest to gather knowledge, and prepare others for their kind. Their collective knowledge, the node Diona aged at about 40, brings with it the need to spread the joy and sanctity of life. They hope to teach, as well as learn as much as they can about life and the many forms it creates. Unnatural objects such as technology brings them no interest, but they understand the uses of the objects. Though against killing, they understand that sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. This also means that they are not against eating meat, due to their view on life. It is understood that their kind do not have a religion, and therefore cannot be identified as religious, they only hope to bring peace among the struggling lives, a sense of calmness and free of stress. More or less a people of science, especially biology, they are basically professors that intend to teach others the vastness and wonders of life. Before their change in profession to a Chaplain, they were once a Xenobiologist. At one point, after gathering all the information they could from their studies, a revelation was made: life was infinite. This is what sparked their sudden wish to change positions. Though knowing it very well might be impossible, they hope to one day return to the Satellite to share their experiences, the mission a success. What do you like about this character? They're a bit of a paradox. A strange life form whose people do not believe in religion, but is nonetheless acting very much like a religious missionary. No God exists to them, but life is seen as the next best thing, something that is infinite to their eyes and always mysterious, always unique and wondrous. To them, it is something worth protecting. All that aside, playing as a Chaplain is an excellent chance for a more in-depth RP experience. Especially when I'm home alone for 12 hours straight. It will be interesting though, playing a non-religious people of faith. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I can't do photosynthesis, but being a tree seems pretty easy. *Rustle rustle* Damn I'm good at RP. Notes: The name's kind of a pun. +1 if you can figure it out. And if there are any questions and comments, please post them! I'm always willing to improve and fix my apps.
  15. Don't worry, you'll see Ashley again VERY soon; I just wanted to get Rassvet through her Cadetship first for security because I have trouble tracking how long it's been if I hop characters often (she's been promoted recently to officer). Thanks for the +1, and I'm glad I am seen as one who can properly portray a race well. :3
  16. BYOND Key: Elohi Adanvdo (elohiadanvdo) Character Names: Ashley Long, Rassvet Zver' Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): A swampy brown Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: You bet I did. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Unathi are very unique- they are technologically behind like the Tajarans, but are more of a war-based people, and tend to be agressive. However, what's really cool is their respect for their ancestors and honerable combat. I like to have a lot of variety and choices to choose from, and with this species I can add them to my 'collection'. Gotta catch 'em all! Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Most Unathi have a primitive belief system, and live primitive lifestyles. They also have an very traditional and old-school lifestyle where sexism still occurs. There's also the unique pronounciations, longer S's. On top of that is primitive communication through body language and vocalizations that the species specialize in. Tail thumping, hissing, etc. The basic carnivorous reptile behaviors. *Hiss hiss* Character Name: Svhiyeyi "Shiv" Guwan Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Svhiyeyi was born on Moghes but hatched on Ouroran, raised by his mother as his father who fought in the latest war. Eventually he died in combat when he was in his early teens, and his mother went to pay her respects. While she was gone, Svhiyeyi picked up an interest in engineering and began schooling for it. His mother became ill with radiation poisoning from the war, and was raised by his's mother's friend, a human, as they cared for her the best that they could until Svhiyeyi was in his mid teens when she passed. He took her body to reunite his parents on Moghes and decided to stay to learn more about his people. He was then adopted by a shaman who could not have any children. Eventually he fell in love in his late teens and tried to win his love's heart by challenging the one who was to marry her. They were both wounded and he was exiled for the trouble that Svhiyeyi had caused. Found unconsious at the outer edges of a city, he was patched up and given purpose again in life whith his engineering schooling continued. Soon he was transferred back to Ouroran to be sent to NSS Aurora so he move up in the world and get hands-on experience. Svhiyeyi has a pessimistic view on life and is generally uncaring and emotionally cold. He walks the path of both Unathi and Human, raised by both, but is quickly reverting back to his own native culture. Svhiyeyi is a follower of the Th'akh, and frowns upon the Sk'akh. He sees that if there is a god, they are too cold, and does not want any part in it. He does not work well with others but excels at working alone, and is the first to volunteer for dangerous tasks. With his rekless attitude, Svhiyeyi appears to be borderline Guwandi to other Unathi. He left his past behind him, and tries to isolate himself. He is a neutral party when it comes to polotics- just don't aggrivate him. Svhiyeyi can have mood swings from irritated, disgusted, depressed, cold, to aggressive. He's just a lost, hurting young man who just wants to be alone. Don't burst his personal space bubble. Just don't. What do you like about this character? He's my guilty pleasure for my sadistic streak. He's angsty, depressed, cynical, and just down on his luck in general. Despite the fact that he basically lost his will to live, he doesn't really want to die. Somewhere in his cold-blooded heart, he believes that things can still change for the better. But he's still gonna whine about basically everything in the meantime. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I've been told that I have an amazing cat impression. *Meow* Notes: If there's anything I should change or add, please let me know! I appreciate questions about the character as it makes me think of other things I could edit about them.
  17. Thank you very much for accepting my application! My C-Key is literally Elohi Adanvdo, I don't know why it's saying otherwise. https://gyazo.com/431f4b6657f26882c78bcd285f01c166 https://gyazo.com/12f88213d687d4eb106e0143b727d4dd https://gyazo.com/b0e973ec9beb2d71063a126f42021c48
  18. Aww, thanks! I'm glad to hear her company is enjoyed. :3 She's normally a little aloof to most outsiders, and doesn't really tell anyone much about herself if not asked. And her quirks... you have to spend more time with her XD She's known in the science division as "Monkey Girl" (despite the fact that it's generally frowned upon, she likes to snack on monkey cubes when hungry and survives), having a hobby that involves capturing mice and other animals for pets (several people question this but it is accepted as no harm comes from it). She is also desperate to get her hands on any other life form/xenomorph outside the norm to study them... and perhaps make friends lol But yes, I will keep her around. I promise. :3
  19. Edit: She values freedom and individualism, but would not outright kill a presumed innocent, and would attempt to make those on the opposite side to see the errors of their ways and give them a second chance first. So... Basically pro-rebellion.
  20. BYOND Key: Elohi Adanvdo Character Names: Ashley Long (Human) Species you are applying to play: Tajaran (Meow) What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Dark chocolate. Because it's healthier than milk chocolate. If possible. If not, then Taupe or Beaver Brown. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have. But I am prone to being a little forgetful once in a while. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: It's pretty boring playing a human 24/7, in-game and irl (shit storyline, amirite?), and I like to change things up. Plus, I have a fondness for animals. Not fanatical, but fond. I think it'd be really fun to play as something you're not. That's what RP'ing is all about, right? Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I'd be playing a species of humanoid alien whose species had parallel evolution to earth felines. Therefore, some catlike behavior and details have to be applied. Body language and vocalizations, etc. Can't sit there and say, 'Me" applies the soap to her hair/skin.' It'd have to be 'Me" applies the soap to her fur.' Things like that. I have two cats so hopefully I know enough how to RP as a humanoid one. On top of that, their culture is still a bit primitive compared to the rest of the races, especially with technology, and the Tajaran society is very intolerant towards... a lot of things. They are are also a little suspicious of power and of Nanotrasen, seeing to as of how the vast majority of their population was oppressed in the past. Character Name: Ugitsisgv Nvgi-Diganvsadi Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Ugitsisgv is generally a good-natured, michevious tomboy who has a strong curiosity and tends to wander when not busy. This more often than not gets her into trouble. Standing at 5'6", she weighs in at about 144 lbs. Ugitsisgv has dark chocolate fur, and shows characteristics of both M'sai and Hharar traits, displaying a lithe, but muscular, toned frame. She greatly enjoys nature and displays a natural affiliation with fauna and flora alike. This can also be her downfall, as Ugitsisgv will attempt to make friends with alien life forms. If there is a stray, she's sure to take them in! Ugitsisgv is also a skilled artist in all senses, and draws for a hobby. Ugitsisgv 's mother is a M'sai, as her father is a Hharar. Her parents live as survivalists in the far north on the westernmost continent of Adhomai, where she was born and raised. Being dark in fur color, hunting out in the open is incredibly difficult for her, but excels at staking her prey in caves. When she was about 10 years of age and learned as much as she could about 'native' living, her parents moved closer to Adhomai's more populated and technologically advanced areas to further educate Ugitsisgv in a more modern world. Within society's cities, she has been trained as an officer of the law besides general college classes, her sense of duty, justice and loyalty her greatest strength besides her muscle. Now a young adult in he early 20's, she has worked up the courage to venture outside of her home in persuit of more knowledge and adventure. Nanotrasen allowed that oppertunity with an offer to come on board of the NSS Aurora. Though she dislikes Nanotrasen for the way they treat her home and her people, she put her distrust aside enough to accept the offer. Pleased with how the NSS Aurora treats non-humans and the oppertunities that they have for her, she has an interest in taking up a Security job on the station, and will gladly help out Botany on her time off when not drawing. She hopes to be able to have the oppertunity to join the force, and dreams of one day becoming the head of the security department itself. As far as her homeland is involved, she is pro-revolution, but not a devout fanatic. She values freedom and individualism, but would not outright kill a presumed innocent, and would attempt to make those on the opposite side to see the errors of their ways and give them a second chance first. What do you like about this character? She's not a human, which 99% of games have you play as a human. It gets a little boring, and I like to switch it up. On top of that, there are some added complexities to playing as her, such as the species in general; their history, behavior and language. I think it would add a bit of a fun but not taxing challenge. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 10/10 would RP again. Sure, I have a few things to learn about how to RP on Aurora, mainly the rules, but I find myself quite capable. Again, I am prone to being forgetful once in a while lol Notes: Ugitsisgv Nvgi-Diganvsadi is actually Cherokee, meaning 'Dawn Beast'. There isn't really a vocabulary for Tajaran language, so... yeah. It's pronounced 'Oou-gee-tsee-es-gn Nn-gee Dee-ga-nn-saa-dee'. The syllables with the 'v's are like a nasally hum. Sorry if it gives you cancer (not XD). She can simply be referred to as Nvgi.
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