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Elohi Adanvdo

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Everything posted by Elohi Adanvdo

  1. Hello, there. I'm glad to see that you've taken some of the last loredev's advice and have since improved your ability to apply. I also appreciate how eager you are to apply for the species and show interest- however, there are still quite a few things that have to be discussed. The first one is small and simple- some of your answers are a bit short for a paragraph, being three sentences long instead of the minimum five. The second one is that you didn't quite describe to as of how the lore is interesting to you- what makes it so special? The third is about the character themselves. There's more here about the character than in your last application for their backstory, but it's lacking some important details. No matter how much knowledge you have, you still have to go to college to earn a degree to prove that you do in fact know what you're doing. This isn't the old days where you can just say "yeah, I know how to do this" and then do it for a living. This is a far more complex future where far more complex machines and instuments are used; an advanced megacorp such as NanoTrasen doesn't want just anyone on board. Such equipment can really cause massive problems, even mass death, and they want to make certain you're trained to avoid catastrophe. Additionally, don't be afraid to put down more than two paragraphs- I love to read, and it says "minimum" for those who really want to splurge on the details. And lastly. You probably knew this was coming, but you have quite a number of notes, warnings, and bans from the short time that you've been with the community. I understand that being new to the game as a whole is very difficult, especially on a high RP server, and even just changing servers when you already know the game is difficult. I rememeber the amount bwoinks from when I first started. But with the frequency that you recieve these, I am incredibly wary of this application. As it has been said several times before to you, you are on incredibly thin ice. A whitelist is a privilege to have, and you can't have one if you keep causing difficulties because it shows that you might more or less not care about the server and it's community. Not only do we have to know the lore well, but we also have to play well and be a good sport. To grow and flourish with the character, you have to first grow and flourish with the community as a player. I would like to see a couple months' worth of gameplay that are stable- no warnings or bans. This is to see if you are capable of being a good, dedicated player- not just to the lore, but to the community as well. To help you out a little with this task, I'm going to drop this link here. Make sure to read the quick-start guide and follow the other links to the rules and regulations. Additionally, read the job guide for a better outline for what your duties entail. All of them helped me out immensely in my early days, and eventually I became good enough of a player that I no longer heard the dreaded bwoink. Above all, don't be afraid to ask help from others and use the ahelp function if you're uncertain! The general rule is to follow common sense as well- as a high roleplay server, applying real life logic to the game is highly encouraged. "If I was my character and in this situation, what would I of have done? What if I did it at my work in real life?" In conclusion, I'm going to have to decline this application and let you grow a bit more for a while longer. But don't be discouraged- I have seen an improvement since your last application, but your gameplay is a little neglected. And you've given yourself a more humble rating to show that you know this- honesty is appreciated. After couple of months of learning and growing more, feel free to try and re-apply again. I know of a few people that had to re-apply a handful of times before they were finally accepted, so work hard and we might see some positive results! Hope to hear from you again, in due time. Application denied.
  2. Super awesome idea, however, you forgot that Nymphs are radioactive because they contain radium, meaning people can get poisoned. The recipe states that each roast contains two units of radium. To counteract this, the Wiki states: "Add 1 unit of dylovene per unit of radium, which will react to form hyronalin." So, the owner will also need a supply of dylovene as well, but it's a manageable amount of an easier to produce medication. Not super important to the story, but more or less just a small note for the backstory. Yep! Completely fine- I just wanted to make sure they had one prior to going into college because you kind of need proof of residence and the like for more dignified and scrupulous things, such as schooling and occupation. Minus NT hiring on greytiders. Just make sure their age is appropriate for their timeline. A lot can be learned in eighty years, which means their personality can change a little. For a naturally curious creature, being an MD for so long would probably mean they learned all they could about being one and all that pertains to it, and want to branch out to learn other things to supplement what they already know. It's best to keep a homegrown younger so they can have a drive to learn more in their immediate position, and give them something to work for. For you, this would mean character growth. Help I've made to many puns and have strayed further from the light Initially, I was just a little weary of your application. First off, the name. Like Synnono said, it was uncomfortably close to a meme, and on top of that there were a few "accusations" that you were a meme yourself and prone to doing meme things in-character. Secondly, your backstory in your original post more or less devolved into the mad ramblings of a sleep-depraved man. Despite that, I was able to decipher most of it, and whatever I couldn't, you cleared it all up with me in a comprehensible way with you in a far more lucid state after I more or less put you through a barrage of questions. As you probably guessed, it was a small test besides my own curiosity. A cliche move, I know. But you've passed. You showed dedication and have an actual character with a solid background, besides showing responsibility as is proof with your position in the community and your interactions with them ICly and OOCly, me included. The only thing now is to see where WSFTS will go with his future. Go forth, my son. Make me proud. Application Accepted.
  3. Thanks for answering everything to clear it all up- the responses you provided are enough, so you don't have to rewrite your original post! Now to help clear up some tricky topics- some of which I'll help out on because they're rather difficult and may not be covered by the wiki just yet. For their acquisition: The seed packs would work, as Dionae do seed! But which city/district did WSFTS grow from on Biesel? For their growth: This could actually be an easy fix. Like you said, the owner grabbed some seed packs and took them for himself, right? If the little guy wandered around, they could find the packs, plant them himself, let the new ones feed on the biomass as well, then they turn to rats for a little while and bulk up before finally merging. They would at that point have the first nymph as the main node or brain center, as the eldest and more knowledgeable. The other ones are so new and would have somewhat of the same knowledge as the first- this way, the Gestalt wouldn't be much different from the main nymph. Considering where they might live and the potential difficulty to safely find more free nymphs, it would be a rather tactical decision to take advantage of their owner's stock and keep their knowledge restricted to what they want to study as the strongest nymph- which would be a unique choice that's a little rare in the species, considering their thirst for knowledge, but not entirely impossible. If you want to change it up a bit and have them make friends in the outside world and expand their database a bit like a normal Diona, that's fine too. The Dionae's reproductive abilities may be changed that could only just slightly change their background, as this has brought to light an issue with their current reproduction. It won't be a drastic change, so don't worry- like I said, it would only slightly change the story, and would actually be beneficial in certain cases like this. So, thank you! To give you a head-start and to immediately address your application and you don't have to re-skim through the entire wiki to find it, basically the idea would be that each form of Diona would release only one seed per year. A lone nymph would release one, a Worker would release only one, a Collossus would release only one... and so fourth. Otherwise, if it were several seeds released each year with the planetside populations, think of how scary it would be if each nymph on a gestalt flowered like a dandelion and shed the fluff? Biesel wouldn't have a problem with deforestation, that's for sure. With this information, you can more or less have your nymph laze about, have a single pod a year, plant them all at once, they finish up the owner and then merge. For their citizenship: Here's the really tricky one, and yet another issue that I have discovered. Considering how Dionae reproduce, it's not very practical to ask one for proof of origin and the like. So like their growth, I will address it here with a possible solution: A Dionae would have to go through a series of tests similar to what an IPC might, a few of which would pertain to testing their knowledge of the planet and city they wish to reside in, such as laws. And like synthetics, they would have to undergo a morality tests as well. As you know, these guys can be pretty robust and pose a threat. The process would take about six months like just about any other citizenship program, and then about two to three weeks to get their green card. This would have to be done each time a new Gestalt is formed, or one is re-formed, and not simply absorbing a single nymph. Yes, I know, I'm basing it off of America's foreigner citizenship programs. LEAVE ME ALONE I ART NOT LAW Another thing I forgot to ask regarding their education: Hopefully with citizenship at hand, what school did they choose to go to? As for this, I actually really liked the surgeon aspect. No one is as vulnerable as someone who is no longer conscious, and the patients are completely at the mercy of the surgeon. In the wiki, Surgeons are like Medical Doctors and are capable of everything an MD can do, but they specialize more in surgery (obviously) and so they tend to stick to their assigned position more when there's actual MD's around. But they can assume both positions if no MD is available. However, Medical Doctors are capable of doing minor surgeries if there's no surgeon or the surgeon has their hands full, so if you still wish to take that path there's no major loss there. Additionally: Just make sure to pick an age- the game will force you to do so, and it's not like tacking on an extra ten years won't do much with how long-lived the species is. With these answered and if you have no more questions, we should be able to wrap this up!
  4. Hello, Elohi here! So, someone decided to stay up past their bedtime and try to make a post. Which I too, have dabbled in the art of. And usually, there's poor results. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what I have managed to translate thus far: The Nymph was more or less kept as an exhibit piece, something meant for display and not treated like a sentient being in the least. It was cut off from the rest of the outside world and instead fed a small sliver of what the world had to offer, and it wasn't really the sweetest piece of pie. The owner was an abusive, neglectful drug-user. But it was seen as normal to the nymph, so it just sat there and watched as it played with whatever was offered to it. Then, a brat came along and interrupted their photosynthesis, mom chided the kid, dad came over and beat the tar out of Jimmy. The rest of the gang watched. It was all new and exiting to the nymph. One day, they decided to get smart and work their way out so they were free to learn more about the people that kept them in the glass box, turning the tides. Learning all they could, they consumed their owner, grew up, and decided to become a bouncer. Lived the life of a worker. Saw what more the world had to offer. Decided to learn more about people, went to school and got their PhD. I really love the beginning. It brings up the problem of just how Nymphs should be treated, which has currently been a hot topic for me to mull over. Plant? Animal? Child? It obviously ended badly for the owner, but it could have literally evolved into something so much worse. What would happen if you had let an actual child grow up in that environment for several years and released them into the world, kept in a small room all their life with nothing but? Instead, the nymph took interest in the only "comfort" it knew- people. That's also a pretty interesting decision, and was logically one of many paths the nymph could have taken. Now, after the last two... maybe three paragraphs tops, it all started to loose cohesion from that point on and devolved into rambling of sorts. Which I understand- your brain was melting from lack of sleep. But, it creates a problem of me not being able to understand exactly what's going on, which isn't good. I'd like you to go through and re-read what you wrote and fix it up a bit more. There could be a few things you could have easily forgotten to add that you wanted to, or see too much fluff and take it out with a little dusting. I also see a bit of praise probably just kissing up to you, but what's the most promising is that someone is backing your work the round you had to take over. Despite your initial Tsundere aversion, the prospect of playing a Dionae literally grew on you. And from what I heard and seen, you have the potential to keep up your character's image. From what I've seen, especially from the most recent event, you are indeed creative and do a good job at... Well, your job. With that out of the way, I have a few things I'd like to ask that your tired mind may not have adequately explained well then, and some general curiosities. Some can be added to the story in an edit as a reply, there may be a lot here. - Ownership: How did the human get their hands on a nymph? Where did the owner live? - Freedom: What made WSFTS decide it wanted to leave it's tank? Usually, when something is exposed to only that all their life, they actually don't have a drive to seek out freedom like you said in the beginning. Wht changed? And how did it devise such a clever plan in the first place when it was taught so little about electronics? Additionally, did the owners simply give up on their search? - Growth: What made the nymph decide to eat their owner? Although it was exposed to the household, the nymph would probably think of the owner as "okay". But then again, it probably wouldn't know either way, get curious, have a nibble, love the taste and decide to have themselves a big helping of bloodshake. -Formation: Geeves is correct. It takes more than one nymph to form a Gestalt. Sure, the little caterpillars could grow up into fat ol' puppers, but he needs a pack to make one. It's a bit hard to do so on-station considering the limited options to as of how that happens. Essentially, your little nymph would have to leave the place in search of fellow Dionae. This can be covered in a paragraph of where they found them and what they were like/what they knew. They could be incredibly new, and therefore, simple nymphs to make it easier on you, or more complex. Four total nyphs are enough to make an armless gestalt, and two more would make the arms. Additionally, the nymph themselves would each have their own name as an experience, and each split and fusion will result in a new name for each new experience. The end result could be WSFTS. - Residence: How did they get their citizenship? They more or less need it among other things to work and the like. Where would they be considered a citizen? - Education: Their owner's biomatter would have educated WSFTS about being a bouncer, and figured out that it was proba ly the easiest thing that they could do. But if they were so interested in people and how they worked, why surgery? It's relatively easy to see that rats and humans consist of the same stuff- the composition is just different. The real mystery is in the brain. Why not a psychologist? Or even neurosurgery? Where did they go for schooling? And how is being a surgeon considered "strong" to you, when so far they've been living their life by that motto from a physical aspect? - Age: How old is the Gestalt itself? How long were they in school for to earn their degree, and for what courses? Mildly important. - Extras: What was the new thing the nymph was last fed by their owner? What purpose did the very last paragraph serve- more or less, the last two? Hopefully that should be it. And after all of these are answered, I should be able to make a decision from there. I know I'll hear from you soon :^)
  5. Apologies for the severe delay in answer. I have contacted the previous loredev on their original intentions with the organs, and I have come up with a conclusion after considering your post. Organs will be implemented into Dionae, as you are right- no matter if they separate or fuse, they will always have organs, and will more or less be in the same area and in the same size and shape depending on the individual biologically- some might focus on one organ's development more than the other. However, the organ's spites, function, and placement, etc. may be changed, and some more might even be added, depending. A lot of the sprites do not exist, and the ones that do look far too much like a Xenomorph's. For now, there's a lot of work to be done- but they will definitely be a thing! For now, what I can tell you for sure is that the Gas Bladder will remain in the head, as a form of mobility through space- this was Sleepywolf's old idea, and makes a lot of sense, I was thinking similarly- but is mostly used as a work-around for speech on-station with other species, as Dionae naturally use atmospheric forms of communication between one another. Additionally, the Neural Strata will become the central brain- it will merge each individual nymph's known information as well as receive and send feedback to the nymphs like any brain would, orchestrating which individual nymph moves where to get them moving around. With the need to respire like other organics gone, the chest cavity leaves ample room for such an organ and provide it ample protection. The Polyps may become the individual nymphs attached to the body- in biology as opposed to medically, a polyp is a simple animal such as anemones and the like who can attach together to form a colony. So, in short, they may just become a name for the limbs instead of a hindering growth, because the limbs themselves would literally become a simple animal that assists in movement while the Neural Strata handles everything. But, that doesn't mean I won't possibly add a unique physical ailment that the medical team can help address... As for the Anchoring Ligament, it is in a prime place to keep the Polyps "tied down" with the extra room usually taken up by reproductive and waste-evacuating organs. It can very well be a point in the body where muscular tendons attach and act as a simple skeleton of sorts. All in all, organs are definitely being looked into, but there's quite a bit of work to be done for them still. Especially for you poor coders :^) Application Processed.
  6. Please don't hit me Hello! I was summoned. I'm sorry this sat for so long. I understand your reasoning behind the application- long names can be very irritating to type each time. However, most, if not all Dionae have accepted a portion of their name being used as a nickname. For instance, my Dionae, Protector of the Tallest Tree, will always respond to Protector, Tallest, or ironically even Tree without question or having asked to use a nickname. Nor will they specify which part of their name is to be used except for when others use Tree and there's other Gestalts aboard, mainly because at that point it could be taken simply as racial slur and assumed it was aimed at any Dionae. As for the title usage itself. There is simply no reason to use Gestalt as a title. The term Gestalt refers to the Dionae when they consist of multiple nymphs, meaning everything but a nymph is in technicality, a Gestalt. The only time it differentiates is in the number of nymphs that the Gestalt consists of, such as Worker, Colossus, Shell, etc. So your character can use the different forms of Gestalts as titles, but for the most part there's not really a reason to go beyond "Nymph" or "Worker", foregoing both all together when there's only Workers on board. Or even use their occupation, like Doctor if you want to keep at it- most are typically indifferent about titles and the like. And there's not really a need for foreshortening the words. Dionae are typically long-winded anyways, but besides that fact, exotic terms like Tup or Guwan are a part of a native use; Dionae don't really have that beyond atmospheric communication. So all in all, the suggested title that you applied for will be turned down. However you can use the suggested above as titles if your Dionae would do so, but otherwise it's not typically a standard to do so. But I have been looking for more ways to expand the Dionae tendency to categorize information, so I may very well implement a suggested title usage for when they are in the presence of varied forms. If someone directs you to find someone, it'd be much easier to do so if they tell you it's a Shell in the sea of Workers! So I guess you could say we met halfway. Application Processed.
  7. Seeing to as of how no other replies or edits were made within the past couple of days and the grace period is over, I will make my decision. This overall feels like a half-hearted effort, so I'm going to have to decline the request. Application Denied
  8. PFFT Sadly, the main reason why you've never seen them as Interims is becausue when we're usually both on, you alwAYS TAKE THE DEPARTMENT HEAD POSITION REE That aside, Uwasv Sidanelv (formerly Guwan) has been ICE (ha, get it?) a good handful of times. I just haven't been playing often occasionally because of schedule changes sometimes, so it's a bit difficult to keep up appearances to be able to get the positions as frequently- not that I mind not getting them at all. Although Sid might throw a mini hissy-fit. (Yes that was purely for pun, you can kill me now. My work here is done.) But thank you very much Garbo! Hope we can play together more soon!
  9. Yes... My keyboard is tbh just as dead as my character's name, and I can't really do too much about it, sadly. It triggers my OCD too, trust me ;w; But hopefully, I have a looong workaround for it that I've been working on. And for the plot twist (sorry if this wasn't clear in the first place, but it's REALLY difficult to show in-game), you've already met R. Clav. R. Clav and R.I.P. are two personalities that occupy the same chassis- and although it's easier to get compliments from R. Clav, you've managed to get one from R.I.P. as well. Congrats Thanks for the feedback!
  10. To be honest, an individual who has never had their arm broken before can see that it hurts like hell. There's also instances where there are in fact people out there irl with a rare disorder to where the cannot feel pain, and yet are still able to interact with others based off of sensory feedback, visual and auditory alike. In fact, you would never be able to guess that they have the disorder. They can tell things hurt others without being able to feel it themselves in an abstract view. With the right programming and the like, the same can be achieved for synthetics. This is the future, and it shouldn't be that hard to accomplish to make a synthetic capable of reading subtle cues. Hell, there's a rock-paper-scissor battlebot today that can "predict" which option you'll choose and decide on choosing the proper hand to defeat you before you finish your move. Yes, it exists. Players can have their synthetics, mostly shells due to the layer of "skin", or inside a chassis for others, to feel a sort of "pain" that simply tells them that there's negative tactile feedback and the like going on. I'm not huge into tech, but in the year 2460, it could be possible, but it would be expensive and not really required. It should be a personal choice as well. They already have a system in place to tell them that something is damaged and can no longer function anyways, and can simply sympathize based off of that. And for the level of pain, synthetics can explain it as a "sensory overload", like being flashed too many times or having a magnet waved around them. It would cause a sense of distress for them, and figure that something similar is happening.
  11. Diona loredev here. I'd like for you to read what I have to say to maybe learn about what was done wrong in your application, and possibly improve your application through my critique. Okay. So. My biggest problem here is that you didn't seem to care to read anything. After the app asked you if you read the lore, it told you to give at least a paragraph each in reply. As a minimum. You did not do so. Either that, or you did read it, and you didn't care to put any effort into it. That tells me that you probably don't care that much and aren't very serious about the application. It also makes me suspect that if you actually didn't read what the application asked you, you also probably didn't read the lore. Which it appears, you didn't. My first hint is possibly the lack of detail here overall... It almost looks as if you're reluctant to put down more because you don't really know much about them, and leaving things up to chance of people nodding along and going, "yeah, that's true." Sure, it might be true, but every race heals, eats, lives differently, and can have different personalities: what you fail to describe is exactly how the Diona differ from the others. Second hint, the backstory itself- it displays a lack of overall knowledge of the Aurora's own lore rules. Syndicate elements are incredibly secritive to the point where in the lore, the public knows them as just an urban legend with a few whispers here and there (and if there were any contact, it's incredibly vague). What reason would a lone operative have to reveal themselves, go out of their way to attack and kill a lowly botanist, on some random station? Even in in-game rounds, all antag-related rounds are considered non-canon, aka "never actually happened", like a dream. Third hint was the character name; Diona names are supposed to be like a long book title, describing an experience that can be rather abstract. An example would be "Captor of the Outward Breath", this name possibly hinting that the Dionae listens to every word and makes for a good listener... Or even suggests that the Dionae could have heard someone's last breath, the sound forever haunting them in memory. Spooky. So far, I'm frankly disappointed. But this can be improved upon if you're actually serious about the application. I'd like for you to impress me and overhauling your application by editing the original post, and letting us know that you've updated it once done. I'd like to see full paragraphs with detailed explinations, in every response where required. I want you to display your knowledge in the species' lore, and that you are committed to upholding the privilege of having a whitelist and playing the species as Last item on the list is the backstory. I know this part might be difficult because the character seems to be intentionally simple in nature and design. A station born-and-raised Dionae is fine, but what is their daily life like? How did they grow up? How were they raised? What is their behavior like? Do they have any interests or drives? You're also going to have to completely forego their surrogate's murder- it's a pointless killing from what I can tell overall, and has no actual place in being there besides it being lore-breaking. Find an alternative, please. Hope to hear from you soon with some progress! P.S.- Make your replies after the /b brackets. The formatting makes for better reading to tell where the question stops and your answer begins.
  12. I have definitely changed that. It wasn't loss of life from what I could remember, it was actually explosions that triggered that odd reaction. He'd get a lot of "static", which is caused from the memory of the explosion, the one he personally experienced. That memory in specific is decently corrupted in comparison to others (more or less "nonimportant" data like names and faces from the past, and they do not trigger anything except a "I don't quite recall you". A "fuzzy" memory that allows me to ICly explain my OOCly forgetfullness lol) because of the trauma to his systems gave a sort of sensory overload. When an attempt to recall that information like any memory trigger, they'd hit that static. But that was when RIP was the only personality active. Now when RIP is "T R I G G E R E D", Clav is there to take over while RIP "recovers from their PTSD". Which means, the chassis is now able to be functional 100% of the time. There are also ICly plans about their repairs for character development and to see if something can't be done about the other data's "memory leaks"/forgetfulness for RIP, especially about the one corrupted memory. But Clav is 100% otherwise unaffected.
  13. I've played this character as a non-CMO for over two years, and I've got quite a handful of characters that do respect them as they are- even those who've only known RIP. As for the enjoying part, I've noticed that after their "hiatus", quite a few did miss them. A lot. In fact, the round where they were given Interim was a round where the others (almost excitedly?) nominated them. And as a non-CMO, they are often praised for their hard work and occasionally gives advice, which is more or less always taken positivly with a "Oh, I didn't know that. Thank you!" Their more positive side is a bit more difficult to see outside of medical, mostly because they stay were they belongs, doesn't wander, and doesn't really converse with anyone outside of medical if they have to besides patients. At least, that is my view on it. I wish I could provide you evidince of, but I sporadically play, and I don't really save logs. All I know, from what I've heard and seen, is that people love medical's version of Raymond Hawkins.
  14. BYOND key: Elohi Adanvdo Character names: Ashley Long, Uwasv Sidanelv, R.I.P./R. Clav, Protector of Tallest Tree, Sumerek/Rassvet Zver', Ka'Akaix Xiz Ka'lax, Axel Zander,probably a few more lol How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Roughly over two years now. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I feel like it's time one of my characters who are qualified to ICly step up for the position as they've brought up a handful under their "wing", and OOCly to do it myself. I've been OOCly helping players learn the game anyways, so why not? Why did you come to Aurora?: My initial reason was for the HRP. All the other servers were lacking in that, and it was all mostly just memes and shitters instead of actually building something. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yep! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay, to me, is a lot like making a living story on the fly. You're actively creating something, be it a character or a situation. It's a creative collaboration with other players as well- you have to work as a team to make something more enjoyable for all parties involved. This means helping one another to do so, be it helping a new player or learning yourself. But ultimately, in the end, it's to have fun and possibly make some new friends. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A Head of Staff's purpose in the game from an out-of-character viewpoint is to help further the game along. They act as a role model for the rest of the department as well as an overseer. They are essentially the department's "rock"; a Head is to provide guidance to their staff on matters big and small, support and teach, as well as occasionally root out the troublemakers and have them either straightened out, or suspended, to keep their department running efficiently. As an employee, that's what they're there for. To make sure that everyone else is doing their job in the name of profit and progress. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: The responsibility of a whitelisted player to others, whitelisted or not, is not unlike that of the reason that a whitelisted character provides- to help move the game along. They're to be seen as role models for the others to make sure no one's breaking the rules, as well as provide a guiding hand for new players. As a player, I've already helped or reported others with or without a whitelist reguardless. A lot of people find the game rather confusing and sometimes scary- not only do you have no idea what to do, but you also have the added pressure and weight of expectations by the others. If you don't meet the expectation, you'll catch hell and you'll end up not wanting to try again. As a community, that isn't our job. It's to make the environment as friendly and fun as possible. This is a game, after all. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: R.I.P. / R. Clav (Two personalities, one chassis) Character age: Approximately 30 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Created as "Right Clavicle", or R. Clav, by Alexzander Starling as a part of the "Bones" Medical Synthetics B.O.D.Y. line in 2428, they were sent to work at a medical research facility for research purposes along with their counterpart simply known as "Rib". The two were a tag-team, Clav being the doctor and Rib being their helping hand. 2448, Clav was taken in for extensive repairs following an explosion aboard the facility, the source of the explosion being a dying man in a black hardsuit module. The closest to the blast was Rib, second being Clav. Upon retrieval, all that was found on the synthetic's cracked screen were the words "RIB", but a part of the screen was damaged so the lower part of the "B" was mistaken as "P", hence the name "RIP", given to him by the roboticists that worked to repair the IPC, as Clav was incapable of communicating at the time. It was soon apparent that quite a bit of the damage (a lot of the core internal structure had warped and melted metal that fused around more sensitive systems and that temporary overheating had occurred), was for now beyond most hands. But they managed to at least get the chassis up and functional once more, and declared fit for duty. However, Clavicle appeared altered, and only the corrupted version remained: RIP. Despite being "corrupted", the term was only used to describe the personality shift from a positive, chipper synthetic to a straight-and-narrow pessimistic, cynical personality. Tests revealed that they were still very well within the acceptable range for an IPC's functionality and very much still capable of preforming medical work. RIP obsessed over bringing Rib back for a short time, taking up robotics only to learn a harsh lesson; you may be able to replicate code, but you cannot replicate experiences and memories through it. So, they abandoned their pursuits and turned to Nanotrasen in 2458 as a biomechanical engineer to keep their now aimless existence at least entertained- they weren't yet ready to return to old routines without Rib present. In recent years, RIP had found themselves a new purpose with their new owner, Sarai Vael'tep. Many frown upon the arrangement, of course, but circumstances were unique. Due to a chance accident, it was presently discovered that Clavicle was still indeed around, and was dormant until now. Of course, being polar opposites, the personalities clashed until the Echo Labs decided to undertake the project of physically repairing the chassis and helping the personalities get along. Although repair progress is at a crawl for now, experimental technology is being used to help get the two personalities to cooperate with positive results, both sometimes acting as one on occasion. Now, RIP/Clav had experienced their first shift as Interim CMO, determined as stable enough for the position and having preformed excellently at their newest post. b]What do you like about this character?:[/b] Dual personality that are polar opposites, but learned to cooperate and form a symbiotic relationship. They've learned to act as one, and can sometimes trick others into thinking that they are one personality with a wide range of "emotion". In reality, it's Clavicle handling delicate situations and providing support to patients while RIP deals with stress and emergencies with sedated individuals; a balance. What do you dislike about this character?: It can be INCREDIBLY difficult to show seperation in personality without some extra fluff added into the Pose, and me"/say". Which means a lot more effort in typing, and in medical, there isn't always enough time to do so. On top of that, medical can sometimes have poor characters come in and demanding rounds meaning that RIP is more dominantly shown. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: They're both a stickler for regulation and making sure that protocol is followed to ensure the best for medical, and most importantly, for the patients. They're capable of preforming just about every job in medical minus psychological therapy, Clavicle specializing in general care and chemistry while RIP takes up surgery and robotics/biomechanics, which go hand in hand. Either way, the character is very competent. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I'd like to think I'm at least an 8/10 from my interactions with others- most seem to be more than happy to RP with me. Extra notes: ICly, the character would go through several tests- once as RIP, once as Clavicle, and then once more with both active to be certain that they are capable of preforming as individuals and then together as one without complication as a unique case, if allowed, to make it ICly more "legal". But they're to essentially be viewed as one in the same, RIP being just an altered version OOCly of Clav. I do intend to show more of Clavicle's side more often, but it's sometimes hard to quickly RP that when shit hits the fan, or when dealing with lesbae idiots and dumb patients. But Clavicle needs to come out more as a sort of chill-pill (haha, get it?)for those times and create the balance theme I was looking for. So basically, I'll be tweaking the character here and there a bit for more positive interactions and a balanced character. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know and I'll do my best to reply- I feel like I might be missing something honestly. This is my first head of staff whitelist application, and honestly the only character that I can think of that is overall capable. As a sidenote, ignore their medical records because that was from two years ago when I was still being a noob, and need to update it.
  15. Hello. It is I, the new Lorax, and I speak for the Trees. I've looked over your app, and I'd like to say, I appreciate your enthusiasm for the species. And you've clearly read their lore, which is appreciated. However, there are a few things. I'll start with the smallest one first, being the language "OHoG" picked up. As of right now mechanically, Dionae can only speak their default languages Rootsong, and the learned language required to work with Nanotrasen- Tau Ceti Basic. Current additional languages is also Tradeband and Freespeak, as well as Sign Language. They cannot speak Sol Common right off the bat, but that may change in the future. On top of that, Jargon isn't selectable on that list either, so in-game, you won't be able to speak or understand the language. You may want to address that, and choose from the list of languages they can learn instead. Secondly. Your human character, Preston Fulton. I've only interacted with them briefly, and they seem all right. But the problem is, they're as you said, a magical all-knowing chameleon that is proficient in all fields at every job. I understand being a new player and trying to figure out the game, it's mechanics, the positions and where you'd like to place your character- I did that with my first one, Ashley Long, before finally settling on Xenobiology for her. But you're no longer a new player, and cross-departmental rules are against the rules now. Your character shows that you haven't quite reached that level of commitment in my eyes- to the rules (which may be accidental, it can be easy to miss announcements sometimes), or to their story as a character. Because your only character isn't a solid concept and you seem to play him as you feel, I feel uncertain to if you're capable of committing to playing OHoG as the character you envision them here, so I'm going to have to decline. However- there is a way you can prove your commitment. I'd like to see you have Preston pick a job and stick with it for two weeks, and to develop the character in that time as well. Make him a solid concept with a story. Make him a person, essentially. If you ever want to just have fun and float around with jobs again, cyborgs are always an option and make job hopping easy and acceptable! Until then, try to focus and work on Preston for the time being. When two weeks have passed, feel free to look over your application, fix it up a bit more, or just make an entirely new one and re-apply. Otherwise, it looks pretty decent. Hope to hear again from you then! [Application Denied] Edit: It would also be appreciated next time to post your username first and the species you intend to apply for first. It helps for bookkeeping. Example: "GreenBoi's Diona Whitelist Application"
  16. Sorry for the overall vagueness of my application. Sometimes I do have difficulty in explaining myself, but in this case it is more related to the fact that what can happen with this species is that it can go in many directions. I don't quite yet know what I'm dealing with, but that's more or less because I'm without feedback from the community on what they'd like to see. My ideas will become more solid as I get more suggestions and the like along the way, and give me a better direction on of where I should head with their arc as a species. Overall, not much will be changed on the wiki, if at all- what's there is rather good, and I see that many feel the same way. And yes, my moods can fluctuate a little at times (although- I don't remember being "cold" or "hot", probably sometimes just a little depressed or passionate). I'm going to admit here and now that I have Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as Seasonal Affective Disorder. It can make some things difficult to do once in a while, but I can power through it, and my disabilities shouldn't affect my performance at the position. I just need some understanding and patientce (yes, that "meme" is real and is actually irl effective) when it's needed. But, I've had my view on things changed, and a few eye-openers on how I handle myself and others, and basically did a little growing up. I feel far more capable and confident in my abilities as an individual and how I interact with others now, and that the frequency at which my disabilities actually affect me should be greatly reduced. If I felt that I was incapable, I wouldn't be wasting anyone's time on applying for the position. And if I ever do struggle a little, I can always ask for advice from the team on how to handle certain matters. My main conflicts on criticism and the like stem from the fact that what has been criticized in the past is "mine", namely my characters. I felt that I worked long and hard on them, that they were perfect, and was from the start, attatched. From the years that I've played, turns out I was dead wrong. I had to scrap a lot of things, which was admittably frustrating, yes. Like I said, I poured a lot of work into something if my own that I was proud of. To be told that it wasn't actually good at all stung a bit, as it always will. After my initial complaining and general confusion, I shut up, sat down, studied up and got right to work on improving my creations to make them more acceptable and fitting in Aurora, with plenty of help from others for clarification on some things and to make certain that I was headed in the right direction. In fact, I've recently went through some things personally and scrapped a lot of things of my own violation, noticing a lot of things on my own without the help of others that, "hey, this isn't quite right". Recently, I've learned that I need to become a lot more flexible and that I have no choice but to work with others, even if the creation is mine. There are rules, and they must be followed. I thought I was doing fine, but recent complaints have helped me see that I've still made plenty of mistakes that have gone unchecked, and worked hard to fix that. In the end, it was less of a frustration and more of a somewhat fun learning experienced that challenged my creativity. As an artist, I've made just as many mistakes with my work, but most of all, when doing commissions. Commissions make a situation where I'm to create something the customer wants to their liking, even if to me, the design may be flawed, improbable, or just downright silly and ridiculous. I was entrusted with a task, and must see it through. And much to the surprise of all parties involved, there's a LOT of communication that happened regarding what was requested. The customer would tell me what they wanted, but instead of ending there, it had turned into me constantly checking in with the customer. In fact, one of my more recent works had turned into something completely else- going through several iterations before settling on the final design. Me and the customer worked as a team, and although there were challenges, we both shared the enthusiasm to see the finished product and had a lot of fun to get it perfect. It was, in the end, a collaborative effort. With this species, much like the work I'm commissioned to draw, is not something of my own creation. Rather, it is a collaborative effort handed down from person to person. I would be entrusted with something to create a product that others would enjoy, and because of that, would expand the collaboration and be constantly looking to others for feedback and suggestions, the community and staff alike. Some things that the community might like and the staff suggests to add, I might not like. But it'll be added anyways. If I have something and present it, and it's declined? Oh well. I'll toss it and move on. This is a group project that I'll be heading, and not a personal creation- I can promise that there will be no qualms on criticism. And finally, for who I'm going to work with. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, and not everyone sees eye to eye on them with others. Yes, I have some things I don't entirely agree on with some people, but it won't get in the way- they're more or less rather minor things that I can simply ignore and work around. You have to work with people in life, and you won't always agree with them, but you can still work with them rather well as a team. For more personal matters, I'll just get over it, but critiques I will take in equal consideration from everyone. But I'd like to say I actually have a good relationship with the staff despite the mayhem I created in my earlier days in the community, mainly just by not understanding how anything works- I was TERRIFIED of staff, then. But now, I realize they're just people like everyone else who have dedication to the game they play, and that's pretty cool. As a final note, I've been with this community for two years, going on three right now. I've learned how to become a better creative writer, get the chance to have fun and interact with others when I'm otherwise isolated, and gained friends who do a lot for me. I figured it was high time I did my part and give back with my own contribution. My ultimate end goal is to just make good things for the community to enjoy. So, I'm committed to doing my best to improve the experience and have fun with the community. This is a game meant to be enjoyed, after all.
  17. I do realize I have my shortcomings, and have been working hard on improving that. However, this is more for the community than me. Yes, I will work on the biology- but it would be more of a fun freetime thing for me personally and not the actual focus. If I write something and the community doesn't like it, then I won't post it. I believe I've learned to become far more flexible as of late to meet the needs and expectations of the community. And it would be heavily applied here- this isn't about my character(s). This is about a community species. On top of that, this species is far more of a whimsical, mysterious entity that doesn't have to make sense all that much biologically. As for criticism. That has been a slight issue for me in the past, yes. But as I stated, I'm learning. I feel that I've become flexible enough to take what I can get and toss the rest, and start from scratch. My personal works I can be more sensitive on, especially when I've thrown so much work into it. But I think I've gotten over it for the most part- I'm not sure how recent the complaints are, and I don't remember any current issues, but that should be water under the bridge, and I've learned. This is going to be a community effort, and there are going to be many rough drafts and revisions on certain things like events and the like, which is fine. It's all a part of the worldbuilding and creating a story. With things that arn't considered a spoiler, I will be looking to the whitelisted for approval or ideas. They're the ones that are going to be playing them, after all. But words don't mean that much as compared to actual efforts made, and I hope to get the chance to prove myself.
  18. Position-wise, I would do as I stated earlier and first contact the Dionae whitelist and hold a discussion of what they'd like to see for the species as a good place to start. I would also contact the other loredev staff and communicate with them. What was planned to happen with the previous loredev? What were their own ideas that they had planned for their species' interactions with Dionae? What would they like to see? More or less compile complaints and suggestions as well as generally work with the community to find out what they would like to see done with the species before I jump into wonderland and start directing where the species would go. Even after then, I would look to the community for tweaks that need to be done and inspiration if needed, but I'll be certain to do my best to keep things fresh and interesting. Although a generally freeform species in several aspects, Dionae are a peoples and aren't static.
  19. Okay, back. And let me tell you, looking at something that tired-you wrote is like waking up to reading a text you sent after a night of drinking. "God I sound so stupid." Now, to actually discuss my evil plans. What aspects of Diona lore do you like? From an IC standpoint, just how alien they still are. They've been around for quite a while, the Skrell knowing them the longest- 140 years now, to be exact. And Skrell are well-known for their intelligence and need to discover things. The fact that they have only scratched away at the tip of the iceberg says a lot... And the Skrell knows it. Because of that, Dionae still remain a source of unease and suspicion for all, despite their generally docile nature as worker gestalts. Their biology is not all that understood, their origins are completely unknown and even puzzling to the species itself. Dionae also possess a frightening ability to become a downright god by merging with one another and collaborating. Yet, there haven't been large-scale aggression- it's only isolated cases with some larger specimens. They're also morally grey; they act as animals. If they see you as food, you are food. Even if you become a friend. Despite their vast knowledge, they seem to operate more off of the laws of nature than the laws of man. Added with their unique life stages, they're in a rather strange spot with the law. Most would try to shrug it off as "that's just what they do, and don't understand/don't feel the same as us". But no matter what, others will skirt the species out pure discomfort for just how creepy they can be. In an OOC standpoint, the vast amount of unknown data means a lot of wiggle room for creation and exploration of the species-from every aspect. Their origins, their biology, their social life and moral code. But the most important of all, is how they interact with other species and integrate themselves. This species is a wildcard, and are capable of just about anything. To further describe this, I'll use Eywa from Avatar as a reference. Eywa is a force of nature, and is completely unpredictable, doing things on it's own whim. Dionae are very much like that power- capable of helping, or destroying. Or simply going about their business and reading the morning paper as the neighborhood burns to the ground. The species can go in any direction, and even if they become a big part of something or remain isolated for the most part, they will always remain a mystery. What would you do with them going forward? As stated in the paragraph above, the species is an unpredictable, mysterious wildcard that leaves a lot of room for creativity to take root. They can be directed anywhere in any way. My first plan of attack is to actually ask the players what they would like to see more of. This is a species with a community, and it involves the players and how they play their character. Depending on the answer, I can have them be further explored biologically and exploit more of what they are capable of. Or, I can look more into their dynamic with other species, become more involved with others- but it would more or less remain glancing blows. They are a species that seem to act more on a whim than anything, after all. I can also work more on their 'culture', or mechanics if players feel a need that something should be there and feel it's missing. Even though they are generally an autonomous species with no rule or culture, there's no such thing as true anarchy. Dionae as a species will, and do, function off of a common view, a base feeling or instinct on certain things such as morality, although 'deviancy' isn't really a thing for them. If one or two decide to suddenly go, "I refuse to consume sentient flesh" or "I wish to worship God", others will not bat an eye if they had eyelids. Overall, no matter what the community chooses that needs more attention first, all aspects will be looked at, tweaked, added, or redone if need be. If there's no reason to touch it, then I'll leave it be. Why try to fix something that isn't broken? What's your own personal take on playing Diona? Do you like playing the species much? Despite my not playing my Diona much, they're very fun from an RP aspect, and a player has a lot of artistic licensing they can use. The species have individuals that can vary as much as any other, and I have yet to see any Diona that isn't simply "drifting". The characters don't seem to have every little detail fleshed out, and simply seem to be wanderers enjoying a walk in the park. Players are free to make up things on the spot, or have a solid background, maybe change it entirely because of the Dionae nature of splitting and merging/accumulating information, manipulate it, or act like Master Oogway form Kung Fu Panga as another reference- senile and slow, but deceptively sage. Don't judge me, I have a little sister that had me watch it with her and it was a good movie, okay? Or, they can simply act like a child, naive and new to the ways of the world outside of what they know. But even then, all of it can be changed. It's a rather flexible species. Because of their slow and unique nature of a species, they make for very good RP- they're not very capable of rushing after something, so they stay behind with the others- such a civilians- while the others run about. Plus, they're just outright alien. People often want to talk to them out of curiosity more often than not, and being seemingly docile for the most part, makes it easy to do so. Others can also fear them- I've stumbled across one or two that have, and it created an excellent and interesting chance to interact with the characters. Overall, they are a creative species with a lot of freedom. But if there is a need to change that- which I doubt there is- it will be handled. The most likely outcome from that aspect is simply more refining of their individuality and more species lore. As for my not playing them often, it shouldn't be too much of an issue. There are plenty of developers out there that don't play the species they moderate; as long as they're kept an eye on and make sure to keep on top of the duty and responsibility of a lore developer, there shouldn't be a problem. When I am able to play (I have some restricted internet access REE), I do it based off of who's playing and which department needs more help. When I don't or unable to, I always keep on eye on things such as lore news and discussions to keep on top of things. If there are any more questions or you want more clarification (I know I can be vague until I actually do things or ideas are more focused on), feel free to go ahead and ask, and I'll do my best to answer. The format for this kind of application is rather vague, and my mind can meander a little in thought, so I have no problem with doing this in a Q&A style, and in fact would much prefer it. So please, ask away!
  20. Understood, sorry about that. It was just pointed out by several others that I was rather vague. So get ready for a possible wall. For now however, it's 4 AM, and need some rest. But I'll be certain to give a more solid... everything, in reply. I promise to actually delve into it and become more in-depth. I think I was trying to go for an angle where I could pleasantly surprise everyone, but that obviously won't do, and you want assurance that the lore will actually be in good hands. So I'll sleep on it and we'll all wake up tomorrow morning with a small novel on this thread lol
  21. Ckey/BYOND Username: ElohiAdanvdo Position Being Applied For Diona Lore Developer Past Experiences/Knowledge: I don't have much experience with actually doing anything like this, however I am a rather creative individual, making graphic novels and the like with their own lore and species. I have also been a consult on some lore and helped others develop and flesh out characters, backgrounds, etc, as well as worldbuilding in general, which I very much enjoy. Examples of Past Work: I'm certain I've worked with a handful in the crowd, and some have seen me go on a rant about theoretical biology, as well as answering broad lore questions and general ones as well. As a matter of fact, Jackboot sent me here, and I've been entertaining the idea to work with Diona for a while. Additional Comments: So, my plans. Diona. Wow, where do I start. First of all, fantastic species. They're more or less unique in design and function, and thanks to their mysterious yet calm, docile nature, make excellent creative fuel for both the developer. On top of my biology knowledge that I can apply theoretically (that no one actually cares about), I feel that this species can truly flourish as a people with a solid foundation and yet keep up their mystique to allow diversity and some creativity on the player's behalf. Pun may or may not be intentional. I will be certain to contact Diona players or other interested parties to enrich the lore with their ideas- this is a species for the community, after all. So why not involve them? I promise to do my best and make it a great experience for all involved, and thank you for taking the time to review this application.
  22. Normally, I'd like to wait for a player to play at least a year on this server when they're new to HRP. However, in the times that I have played with them as Sid- they, as a character and player, show a lot of positive things. As a character, Sophie cares for her crew, and is always fair and dedicated to her job. She stops by to say hi and immediately cuts the visit short when a situation pops up elsewhere. And, she always gets all the information, both sides of the story, before making an unbiased decision, always leaning for fairness, and when it happens, a quick decision that's safest for those involved. These are the marks of a good head of staff: looking over the safety of the crew and caring for their charges, and keeping tempers at bay by making fair choices and quickly dissipating any fights. When everyone's happy, they're all working. And when everyone's working, they're all making profits for the company they work for. But, like everyone, she shows negative traits too: strong-headed, bold, stubborn, and daring, but they always try to do things that would be best for the crew instead of putting herself first. As a player, SHADAON shows excellent roleplay abilities, and follow the Aurora RP 'rules'. They take turns, don't take control over other's actions, and try to put in as much detail as they can to make the experience more enjoyable. I haven't notices much IC/OOC overlap, and show a relatively calm personality. Yes, there was some validhunting, but I haven't noticed too much as of late. I've been stuck playing away from Security and Sophie, so of course there are going to be things I don't see. However, they have admitted to their mistakes and are attempting to make changes- Rome wasn't built in a night. It will take time to see the results. All in all, I see no harm in giving them a try. I'm always one to give someone a chance. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, and can have the whitelist removed and try again for it at a later date. However, I feel more positive than skeptical about this whitelist application.
  23. I do appreciate feedback, and though making a character complaint gives me slight anxiety, it gives the opertunity for me to see what others think. One thing I forgot to mention, Uwasv uses Sid as a nickname to help others better identify him from the other Guwans because there's sometimes more than one on board. If you radio over comms, "Guwan to the HOP's desk", you might end up three instead of the one you intended. So, he took a portion of his last name as an easy, simple nickname that's easily memorized and simple to pronounce for non-Unathi. It also goes along with him fighting back against the Hegemony for their unfairness: It allows him to get away with at least partial use of his name, and they can't do anything against a nickname. In this way, it also comes as a form of comfort; at least a bit of his family's name is being used, and remembered. For making the deguanification more visible: It's a bit difficult for him to interact with other Guwan and people in general in 'fear' of being judged and treated like trash, but as of late he is socializing more frequently, trying. It's because a few Unathi treat him like Kiilor Rikozsi does- like absolute trash because of a name from the very beginning without even getting to know him. It's automatic and senseless. As a friend put it, 'Why waste your time trying to suck up to something that hates your guts?' He did have one friend before, but they stabbed him in the back kek. Humans are just more accepting of him, and he likes being accepted. But he also wants to be accepted by his own people- he wants to be a part of what his parents were. Currently he has one teacher, one love interest, and one 'ligger from another hisser'/bro or whatever that are all Unathi. For his attitude, he's trying to get a handle on it with some help. Along with being educated on the ways of the Unathi from a teacher, he's incredibly embarrassed that he needs help at all for several obvious reasons. There are some things that may never go away. He will still be cocky, might still talk like he does, and view others as equals decpite race and gender. It may be slow because it takes time and might not be apparent from the start, but over time he will become, in the least, a decent, educated person. If they've lived life a certain way for so long, it's very hard to change a person. I put a lot of thought into my roleplay, and I have backstories and plans up the wazoo for every character. This is not just me flailing about- this is a complex character that is struggling with what he wants in life- does he stay the way he is and abandon the people that shunned him for another kind that is more accepting? Does he go through rigorous education and become a part of something he hates- a part of an unnecessarily violent, outdated culture? Or does he take the middle ground, and perhaps become a part of a new movement that's already beginning with others- Unathi that abandon the outdated ways for more equality, while keeping some of the traditional, more acceptable parts of his culture? I'm pretty irritated that I have to explain all of this because I like to keep it in the 'find out ICly' spirit, far too many people meta and it's more exciting to do it all ICly, but if you don't interact with Sid often, and he often just keeps to himself ("I'm going to be quietly edgy in this corner so I don't have to deal with being harassed"), it's easy to assume and jump to conclusions. My character's acceptable unique situation makes roleplay very interesting for both me and other players (I hope). He's an Unathi being rehabilitated. How often does that happen?
  24. Hey there! Sid's player here. There's actually MANY reasons for 'Sid' being 'Sid', and I'll try to explain them as best as I can here. It's mostly hidden to other players, and I understand why you'd jump on the whole 'he doesn't shout muh honor' bandwagon. I've had a few chats with Jackboot to make sure that everything is kosher, and they seem to be. I like to try to keep everything a 'find out ICly' thing, but that's obviously not going to work in this situation and as I've said, I understand. Guwans are... typically a unique Unathi. Either they do not conform to their society, are a trouble-maker, or just plain stubborn. Quite a few that I've seen that I've RP'd with seem to be like regular Unathi that for some reason are named Guwan. I've also seen a few Unathi that act like Sid in quite a few ways, human-like, that are not Guwans. There are one or two, that do act like Sid in some ways that are in fact, named Guwan. But I don't jump on them for that; I don't know their character's story. I've read into their lore often as with all species; my actions are not based off of ignorance, instead I'm creating an opportunity for a unique experience for all parties involved. So, with regret, here's IC/OOC, spoilers to explain why my character is the way he is: As you know, Sid's an orphan. I've spoken to Jackboot- if you're unable to keep/defend your land for a reason (such as my character's young age and no income), you will be taken to court and essentially have both your name and land stripped from you. Angry, because not only had he just lost his family, but he also lost his only home, he decided to rebel- he's already a Guwan, so what's the worst that can happen? He give them a real reason to be named Guwan. However, his rebellious nature got him in trouble several times, each having harsh punishments. People were fed up having to deal with him. Eventually he scraped up enough money for himself to leave his homeworld behind for Odin. He had matured enough at a point to decide that it wasn't what he wanted, and that he wanted a fresh start somewhere that he won't be judged. He also wanted to leave the warring worlds behind- ittook both of his parents and he's weary of it. When he reached human space, he was fascinated with their mostly open, broad, flexible and accepting culture, and because of it, embraced it. He got an education, and a job with NT. Now, for the most important part: Sid actually hates being a Guwan. He was the last of his clan, a family of three consisting of only his parents and himself. He feels deep guilt and not being able to keep it, and that were he to pass as a Guwan, his family name would basically be forgotten, and he doesn't want that. He wants his family to be remembered, even if it's only him- he wants to prove that his name is strong and worthy, like the rest. But in his current state, he can't do much. He's assimilated too much into Human's society, and doesn't know what it means to be an Unathi; his father died from the war before he could teach Sid how to be a proud male Unathi, and his mother too sick to teach him about their religion or culture. So today, he's trying to fight to get his name back- essentially a recovering Unathi. He's asked for guidance from an older, respectable Unathi who accepted. He's slowly being taught the ways of his race, but it's hard for him. Because of his experience with humans, he struggles with quite a few things. Why are women treated like property? If spirits exist, how come they're so cruel? Why are Guwan treated so poorly? It's a long process, but he is learning, and he is calming down. Now for the last IC issue: Socialization. Sid tries to stay away from other Unathi for a reason. He's tired of being judged all the time because of his name, and being treated so poorly by others. A prime example is Kiilor Rikozsi, who attacks him every chance he gets, and trying to goad him into a fight. 20 years of harassment wears you down. With Humans, he's accepted, and cherishes the few friends that he has as if they were his family, because they're all he has. Besides trying to earn his name back, they're all that keeps him from turning Guwandi. And as for the dating thing- he doesn't see other races as races, but just as other people. He's noticed quite a few similarities between each race. He has no right to judge people. And for the dating thing, like I said, he sees people as just that- people. But he isn't actually 'dating'. He still wants to earn his name back. And, he has fallen in love with a female Unathi, and wants to be with her. Not because she's a ticket back to earning his name, but because he genuinely has affections for her. She makes him want to do manly things like go out and fight 20 carp for dinner for her. She's also the reason why he's asked for another Unathi to tutor him. He wants to try to make himself acceptable in her eyes. However, the character that he has fallen in love with hasn't been around because the player has been on a hiatus. But they're still going to play, and Sid still hopes to earn her affections and be seen as a worthy Unathi. For his attitude, he does have anger issues. He does have the Unathi 'let's go kill stuff' mode- but ICly he hates fighting. He wants to keep his job, and losing your temper can actually be seen as distasteful to other Unathi. And, as always, he sees physically fighting others as a reminder of how war starts- you lose friends and families, and he's afraid of going too far, because he gets incredibly worked up. He'd rather settle things in a more passive, clever way. Proving that you can keep your head and being smart instead of seeming to be a dumb spear-wielding warmonger is just as good as using any other muscle. I'm also trying to keep spears to a minimum. Like I said, he likes his job (spear are contraband, obviously), and finds his bare hands far more satisfying to use when facing threats. Bear wrestling is very manly and gives adrenaline junkies their thrill. But he's more or less trying to teach himself to be calmer and more level-headed instead of making rash decisions that could get into trouble. He's done that enough when he was younger. And for the Metaclique? That is 100% unintended. I do not wish for it to happen. I can understand that ICly his friends take pity on him or thinks he deserves respects, but it can, and sometimes does, get out of hand, and is a little irritating ICly and OOCly. Sid can't be a manly man if he can't defend his name by himself. And I'm sorry if it's been an issue- I want to make things fair. It's probably accidental on their part, and see if I can bring it to their attention. tl;dr Being orphaned gives the Guwan title, he was pissed and rebelled, eventually moved to human space, liked humans for their accepting culture and basically assimilated, eventually felt regret at being a Guwan and is learning how to be a proper Unathi, and does have a lady-'Nathi love, and wants to earn his family name back. If you need more elaboration (I don't see why you would, you just suffered reading through a wall of text), let me know. I hate giving away so much spoilers, it takes a lot of fun out, but in this case it is necessary. Many see him as humanized and in a way it's true because he assimilated (it happens today with people all the time, i.e. individuals of other 'races' moving to different cultures to be accepted), and think 'oh they don't know lore etc. etc. That's actually quite the opposite- I've read a lot of lore, and decided to take a more unique, interesting approach. An angry, rebellious youth who lost his way and wants to be welcomed back to the big happy family and be recognized as a respectable member of his society. He will always remain different because of his experiences; he dislikes the Hegemony for causing unfair slaughter, and traditionalists for their, well, overly traditional and outdated views on society. He feels that no matter the race and gender, people should be treated as people and deserve to have their own opinions. He's lived being judged and treated as a 'subhuman' (Subnathi?), and is rather open and accepting. That's his main thing that will always stay. He remembers always wanting to be accepted, and is willing to give others a second chance.
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