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Elohi Adanvdo

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Everything posted by Elohi Adanvdo

  1. Thank you for explaining, [mention]Skull132[/mention] . If nothing can be done, then yes, an epilepsy warning would do the most justice to "fix" this, and perhaps give examples of instances when it would be experienced and what items can cause it, so they can be better avoided for those who still want to participate at their own risk.
  2. Is that seriously an issue? The sprite is 64x64 nominally. I can get behind the bright flash stuff but really? The entire point of that suit is to be flashy and rainbow-y. Not trying to be condescending here, and maybe I am misinformed on the severity of the issue, but I'm failing to fathom how something so relatively small could cause epilepsy unless you have a really severe case. At which point, I do not believe you should be playing SS13. It is bothering to my eyes, although I am not epileptic. Can't concentrate on the screen, and become a bit nauseous. If we could, it would be nice to have it removed, the few times it gets used are uncomfortable for me at least. I'm not epileptic either, and I experience this as well. It is incredibly difficult to look at for me with my sensory sensitivities- I can suck it up and play with it on-screen, but if there are epileptics that are playing or others who find it uncomfortable, maybe we can add a "set to static" option for players like how the stars in space layer and move- the parallax effect, I think it was called? And those who are unbothered by it, they can keep it toggled on. But I'd understand if that wasn't possible due to coding. However, it does make me wonder- the explosions and security flashes can also be rather problematic for those in the community that experience epilepsy... Maybe have an option to mess with how bright they turn out for players, like making them an opaque overlay for those that toggle it down... or actually maybe do the opposite and make the screen go black instead so it's not a bright flash, and it still blinds them. So toggle it on, and white flashes/effects are made black.
  3. Great idea, and I agree! Editing my OP to reflect my head-nodding.
  4. I'm not gonna lie. This is to mostly further my future plans I have with Dionae, this one in particular focusing on Nymphs, but also because it was one of my main frustrations as a Xenobiologist. So basically, these would be able to be ordered by Cargo or constructed by Engineering to create a humane trap for medium-sized beasties. When on-hand, it can scoop them up like a glass jar on a mouse or spiderling- just make sure you activate it in hand to open the door. You can activate the door again to release the animal in hand- but that isn't advised (or we can forego this and just leave it at scooping it up, this is mainly to add an element of danger). And when you set it down you can activate it like a bear trap, let an animal walk into the tile and bam! You got yourself an adorable, pissed as hell Diyaab in a box. Activate the trap once more on the ground and the hangry Diyaab will be set loose in whichever direction you set the box down at- it will only have one door access, and will be directional. If the animal moves back onto the tile, it won't be able to get to you as it'll just walk back into the trap. Additionally, you can put in food as bait for an animal attractant, of course! I would like three trap types: - Small (pickup item, can hide under tables): For small mobs like mice and spiderlings. - Medium (pickup item, can hide under tables): Medium-sized mobs such as Diyaabs, Cats, Monkeys, Yithians(?), Nymphs, and the occasional wandering pAI and perhaps Maintenance/Spider Drones. "HELP!" - Large (Reinforced, drag-only): For Dogs, Spiders, Carp, Space Sharks, Xenomorphs, Vox Armalis, etc. The traps will be able to catch player-mobs such as Nymphs, Mice, pAI, and Drones. For it to be fair, it will act as handcuffs for these complex mobs and give them an oppertunity to escape where simpler mobs cannot, given the same amount of time it takes for a human to break out of a pair of handcuffs. And much like cuffs, the timer will be reset when moved around, but also when being actively held in hand as people can just push the door closed- for large cages and Xenomorps/Vox Armalis, it would take as much time for an Unathi to escape in cuffs and equally as fast for a monkeyling that transforms into a humanoid. There would be an oppertunity to escape if put into a bag (small and medium traps would take up the same size as a nymph), but that time is doubled because it'd be harder to escape if there's a bunch of junk blocking the door. You can also sedate a creature with a syringe (just click on the cage with the syringe in the active hand) for safe release... If there are mechanics for simple mobs to be sedated, that is. On top of it all, I would like to add a futuristic feature where you can upgrade it and add a signaller onto the cage. A signal will be received from it to alert you when you've successfully caught something, and when you send a signal, it will release whatever's inside from a safe distance (and can be used for antaggery when you secretly release a hungry Diyaab into a crowd). Now, onto the lore aspect. I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to capture a creature as a Xenobotanist and to have that be a near impossibility. Either there was no way to safely do so, or they were valided. "Nienbox ur stupid we got lockers lul" True on both accounts. But think about the player-controlled mobs: they can escape easily unless a locker is welded. And for large ones, you'd often need a team of security to make sure no one gets hurt, medical in case someone does get hurt, engineering to weld the lockers, and if there's no engineer to weld it shut some moron will open it as an officer is dragging it to Xenobiology and get mauled by a cuddly spider (plus, it makes no sense that a horizontal and large animal can fit into a vertically tall, narrow space). This will allow for a much safer capture and release for simple mobs, and level the playing field for player-controlled animals. But how would this impact players? For one, Science can commission Security to capture a live specimen, or Security can safely capture a creature to be disposed of elsewhere away from crew. But most importantly, it is the interaction between crew and player-controlled animals that is the best focus here. Xenobiology wants you to capture that monkey that is actually Mary Sue with strange and wonderous shapeshifting abilities that you'd like to study and experiment on? It managed to escape your grasp while being held or attempting to cuff (yes secmains, you can in fact cuff monkies) and disappeared into a vent. That Diona Nymph that's been biting the hand that feeds it and a Gestalt is threatening you charges if you hurt it instead of safely handing it over to be trained better or watched by a Xenobiologist? It bit you too, and guess what, also scuttled off into a vent while you dropped it and cursed it's mother. A Vox Armialis or Xenomorph that the the Captain and Central wants you to capture at all costs? Hope you have a big ol' "clone me" in your post-mortem instructions. This will actually create a better drive and relationship between the important bond between Xenobiologists, their occupation, and alien lifeforms in which they study without having to valid them and remove them from the round. It will actually stress the importance of a Xenoboiologist's occupation for such situations, and I feel, make it a more popular option and create more roleplay situations. Feel free to put in your two cents, I personally think this will be a great addition and don't think I'm missing anything or think anything's too much. And no, I don't know how to code and have difficulties in attempting to sprite. Forgive me ;_;
  5. If you would like to, sure. I may also add some of my own things and tweak it, or maybe add yours to mine in the end because like I said, Nymphs hold an odd grey area and I have a lot of work cut out for me, with still things yet to be covered which may change things. But yes, suggestions/contributions etc are welcomed! It may serve as an excellent placeholder for now as well once I read through it.
  6. Without much in the way of protests or further feedback, I will be moving forwards with this. It is past due that we move on.
  7. A repost from my Dionae HoP suggestion thread: I feel that Dionae should be able to feel at least some core emotions- ones such as fear help further an organism's survival by making them flee in fear from a danger for self-preservation. The others should make them act a little distant, and more complex ones more of an enigma that would cause a bit of curious head-tilting. It would be possible to maybe at least simulate more emotions the more they learn about them- much like how real-life individuals with behavioral disorders can; psycho and sociopaths, for one. They can handle working with people like those with the disorders/disabilities, but because it is known that they all have the same inability, it may be frowned upon for them to be in such a position. But I do agree that I must re-establish their behavior better, and set a standard for acceptable variations to follow. There are IPC detectives who lack "the human element" on a biological standpoint, and the job in general relies more on deductive reasoning and logic more, and less emotion to get in the way of an unbiased view. Additionally, I've no idea why G2s are allowed as officers, that is not my choice, but I see them more often than not as a warden, and they do an excellent job at being one. Without much in the way of hard protests, the majority simply being discussion/debate or further feedback, I will be moving forwards with this. Thank you for your time in the beginning everyone, but it is past due that we move on.
  8. Sooo... My mobile took a massive dump and posted twice. [mention]Skull132[/mention] or someone, please delete post #9 and this one if you could for cancer control ;_;
  9. I heard you had some complaint against the Trees. So looking through this thread, I have seen some good concerns and points being made. Allow me to join the discussion and explain my feelings on the topic at hand. Yes, station-grown nymphs are not whitelist-restricted, and yes, some players grab the role and create undesireable RP. I have a lot of work ahead of me in the way of Dionae, especially their lore, but for now we will give an insight here. Schev is right on quite a few accounts on Nymph behavior. When they are first grown, a Nymph is an animal that is driven by instinct to grow and survive, just like any new plant and animal. They know next to nothing other than that they are in a new environment with many new things, and that they are a very hungry caterpillar. Dream is also right in the fact that it would take away from what a Nymph is. Behaviors ICly will vary from mindless hunger (greentide??), to wanting to learn. They are in all rights, just very clever animals, and more need-driven at first. I have been approached about how nymphs are to be treated and if I want to whitelist them or not, and I have decided to keep things the way they are. The reason for this is not only does it allow people to participate in a round, but also to give newer players without whitelists a chance to be something that usually has a whitelist. I have seen players come for whitelists because they enjoyed being a Nymph, and encouraged other whitelisting as well. Sure, it's a risky move. But those who typically survive long enough to become a Gestalt are good players who can be trusted with one. Now to Amory and Asheram, I do not encourage "greentide" behavior in the least. I do encourage players who are up to snuff to gently explore a sneak peek into what they could have and have new aspects of further enjoying the game as a member of the community. It's not a permanent whitelist when a nymph is played, and from what I've seen (although I could be wrong), Nymphs are a rare occurance in the number of times one is played, almost like the Merchant slot. The majority die shortly after being planted. So why shut down a rare opportunity for good players, and possibly encourage better ones? Like I said, nymphs don't always survive even after a player takes one- the greentide ones are swiftly put down. It's a pass-fail process that is naturally taken care of ICly. If you see someobe being an intentional jerk go ahead and ahelp it to try to teach the player that what they're doing makes for poor or unfair RP, or ICly leave it to survival of the fittest. Additionally, according to what has been told, a nymph cannot actually kill someone by drawing blood alone as the amount drawn is lessened each time depending on what's left in the target, so there is no need to actually get rid of Nymphs- they do not push that boundary like a greytide could. Just act as a massive nusciance. Now, for Saudus' post. I was actually going to crack down more on how Nymphs are handled, and how they behave. One of which was, responsibility agreements! Far too often a nymph is too much of a literal pain in the ass, or a well-behaved nymph is mercilessly slaughtered for valids. So when a gardener grows a Nymph, they will automatically claim responsibility for said Nymph as a part of their contract with NT. I can't go into too much detail, as it is still somewhat of a work in progress that needs a little more shaping up- like it was said, Nymphs inhabit a strange, difficult grey area in the way of handling. But basically, damages caused by the Nymph or neglect/abuse will be charged to the gardener, and crew will be charged with abuse as well for harm to the nymph. They will be given the same defense as a dog more or less, and nymph players will be either punished or rewarded justly for their behavior, with an item I will try to implement to actually capture Nymphs to make punishments possible. So make sure to love the good tree puppers and train the ones that need it- just remember though, this is not implemented yet, but animal cruelty laws are! I ask for some patience for this to go through as staff currently have their hands full with other things, but if it is still a problem after I may re-evaluate my decision to keep the role unwhitelisted. I would like to keep it open to give people a chance at something rare and fun like station an AI, stationbound, or pAI even if they don't have an IPC whitelist, however I am willing on working with the community. But like I said, their behaviors are varied and need-driven like animals as they are seen as so greentide behavior is explained and therefore justified, and the worst that comes from a Nymph is being more or less just a greentide nuisance- no one can actually be killed by a nymph easily, but a nymph can be killed easily by the crew. So for now, I encourage you all to take it as IC issues and handle it ICly like anyone would with a dog. P.S.- I know it matters little to most, but this thread's title should be on Diona Nymphs as that is what the primary topic is, not Dionaea, which refers to multiple Gestalts and not the small, individual organisms.
  10. Yes, they do have a weakness to flashes, but it has nothing to do with the number of eyes- anything with an ocular organ will experience a sensory overload any become blinded from a sudden bright light. The biggest reason to allow more slots is to simply let them do their job better- HUDs and long latex mittens for medical for surgery, and long insulated mittens for wiring.
  11. I understand that it makes them more alien in having less, however, it would only be for special species-restricted wear to allow certain positions to fufil a occupational-related task. And I'm pretty sure a curious Dionae would love to have a shiny ring on a tendril. As for the eye slots, lore-wise they would be able to keep an object on their face with more tendrils- if need be, I can ask to see this slot restricted as well so they can only wear things like medical or security HUDs instead of full on sunglasses, as that is rather silly to see with something more or less mono-eyed. Just be glad I ain't askin' for shoes for them, kiddo
  12. Now, I know what you're all thinking. "Why the hell would Dioane wear mittens?" But these aren't your everyday run-of-the-mill winter mittens. Now, allowing Dionae to have a glove-slot goes hand-in-hand with this. I would like to have their slot severely species-restricted however. Outside of a ring on a tendril or a watch, Dionae will not be able to wear regular gloves. They simply wouldn't fit. However with what I am asking here, is the implementation of latex, nertile, and insulated mittens. Basically thin oversized mittens that they can put over a limb (grasper and limb length varies, hence the mitten would have a sleeve attatched) and preform tasks such as surgery or treating patients, and materials used to insulate against being shocked while working with electricity. Why not give Dionae an insulating buff against electricity, like Vaurcae? Why not implement electical feeding like in the old lore? I may make them insulated like a Vaurca if this does not go through- they would seem like they would have natural insulation given the woodlike nature of their flesh, however that's for another suggestion- but I would really like for knowledgeable Dionae to be able to at least operate. As for the feeding, it is difficult for an organic to turn electrical energy into biological, and with each limb having a brain, it would scramble them pretty good without insulation, natural or otherwise (which, like I stated, I am debating on adding as another suggestion).
  13. Finally, some good replies! Now, this was to try to push for something that Dionae players wanted, and I figured, "why not?" However, some excellent points were brought up. NT's greediness, racism, and Dionae behavior. We need a little conflict here and there- not everyone can be buddy-buddy with the other species, especially with the creepy ones like Dionae. The first two, I do not have to explain, however I had to re-evaluate the specie's behavior a bit. I feel that Dionae should be able to feel at least some core emotions- ones such as fear help further an organism's survival by making them flee in fear from a danger for self-preservation. The others should make them act a little distant, and more complex ones more of an enigma that would cause a bit of curious head-tilting. It would be possible to maybe at least simulate more emotions the more they learn about them- much like how real-life individuals with behavioral disorders can; psycho and sociopaths, for one. They can handle working with people like those with the disorders/disabilities, but because it is known that they all have the same inability, it may be frowned upon for them to be in such a position. But I do agree that I must re-establish their behavior better, and set a standard for acceptable variations to follow. I will be withdrawing this suggestion now. Thank you all for posting feedback, it is very much appreciated!
  14. To be honest, I agree with the traumas. Death shouldn’t be so easily overridden without consequence, and that consequence shouldn't be cheap. You just cloned someone, and the brain is a tricky thing to replicate- organically, mentally... Etc. My only qualm currently with the traumas is a treatment option, which is isolation therapy. If I recall correctly, isolation actually has negative effects on people, especially with someone that has those problems in specific, and can actually increase the symptoms instead of cure them, and even be a cause. If need be, I will make a suggestion to replace that treatment option with something else. Hell, hypnotism would do well for it, but I understand that the reason it was implemented to provide more treatment options.
  15. Sounds like a pretty good behavioral response for such a situation, and it would be interesting to see more Dionae a bit more unique in their reactions other than simply tranquil. Also glad to see you re-read the lore, as I am going to make updates here and there on it, so it's mildly important that an applicant checks. I will be honest here. I'm a little weary of whitelist applications with such dark backgrounds- slaughter and isolation- as it can create a certain needy character type that may act irrationally, which is the last thing we want for a whitelisted species. Although I have not seen any feedback about how you play from others despite over three-hundred views. Come on guys! You have a rather clean record. I just have one more question, though. Are you ready to play? Application Accepted.
  16. Yeah. It obviously didn't work, and I didn't have time to think through, "man, this ain't working". All I was thinking is "HOLY SHIT PEOPLE ARE DYING EVERYWHERE AND THEY ALL WANT MY ATTENTION AI WE GOTTA APPLY OUR PATENTED NAPTIME FORMULA ALL READY SO I CAN". I know you weren't intentionally ignoring me OOCly, although ICly your AI might have been a bit disgruntled. But all in all, glad I could smooth things out and we could reach a conclusion on a good note. I will try to be a bit more collected with such extreme rounds- that was my first as CMO with such nightmare-level discord, and now I know what to expect. Even if it is hell. Hope to play a round again with you, hopefully it'll be far less hectic!
  17. Just wanted to make sure that what I read and thought was what you intended, and I'm glad to see that we have an agreement! Now then that's all cleared up, let's continue on behavior. This makes sense, although like I said, it can take many years to lessen a solid fear-lesson that set in when they were young and kept all throughout their solid isolation. By then it would have been concrete and a bit more difficult to get over if that was all they knew. However, you seem to provide them a more comforting and familiar help for them, which would definitely help with that. I would find it more interesting if they showed anxiety around even unarmed and unarmored aggressors, like barfighters. Now, I did notice something else. I see you mentioned a social teacher for your Dionae that was the same species. There are specific definitions for this kind of relationship, so which would Stars be considered and which would their educator be considered?
  18. As you stated in the complaint, the round demanded full attention just because of how hectic it was. Everyone was demanding medical's attention, and RIP was attempting to keep the crew calm as well as their staff. I was bombarded by calls for help, trying to help the Captain out (unsuccessfully, sadly), coordinating with medical and command at the same time while also dealing with a stream or patients coming and going, one of which committed suicide in the lobby. Throughout this, RIP was trying to communicate with the AI. I do not have evidence as my BYOND crashed, and it was scattered everywhere, but I'll try and give a run-down of what happened. -Enter the station and medical, try to gear while being demanded for immediate help after Captain's cloning, and trying to get an assessment of the situation. - Situation wasn't really explained well, except for overhearing the RD and the AI talking to each other about memeitics (??) or something along the lines of that, basically translating into "waves of psychosis" as people tried to scrabble for RIP's attention. Unfortunately, they had to neglect a lot to try and coordinate with command because they had no idea what they were walking into. I understand that all command and the AI had a situation to deal with personally, especially the AI who had to listen to cries for help themselves. - AI wanted to alert the crew about the psychic waves. The player claimed RIP was against it, while they actually said, "Go ahead, it might make the situation worse, but also possibly help it" (as in people might be more understanding). - AI further talks to the RD about possibly having the crew be knocked out because you can't be "infected" by the waves if you cannot have thoughts. RIP piped up and suggest sedating the crew en-mass if situation worsens, to get everyone into isolation for screening safely and to be determined if they could be released or held until a solution could be found. AI says they can do this. Talk with command, all agree to do so only when the situation escalates (which it shortly did). This was all done very well, and calmly. - AI then alerts the crew without asking over announcements the plan to release the gas. This somewhat distresses RIP, as the crew are now aware of the plan and will panic, which they did, grabbing EVA suits and internals to resist sedation. Those that were experiencing a psychosis would now be able to kill the unconscious crew that were still fighting the psychic waves. In which case, would worsen the situation. Gas was not released yet, but the crew was still alerted to it happening. RIP told the AI to not alert the crew for the reasons stated. - Shit hits the fan, it was time to play Gulag Station 13. The gas of choice used was N2O fed into supply to safely sedate the crew without death. However, the AI initially ignored RIP's commands after their scolding of them because they were "rather rude". I feel a little uncertain of this bit, as I feel that AIs aren't supposed to be emotionally touchy because emotion would get in the way of logic and law-following, and instead follow their laws and assist command to the best of their capabilities- and ignoring command that was trying to coordinate during a crisis is what I see as poor AI RP (though it's understandable, that round was pretty rough enough to make someone break that). My character can be a hardass with one personality, and the situation was turning into a stressful crisis which made them a bit abrasive, but I don't recall using anything abrasive other than "bloody AI" (aka, you fool). - The AI stated that they were only listening to the RD's orders, in which case the RD ordered the AI to listen to RIP. At that point, the AI ignored both, stating that it was the Captain's orders for them to not listen to RIP. As it were, RIP was standing next to the Captain, and they had not heard a single word relating to that next to him or on the command channel or otherwise. RIP asked the Captain to make sure, who was acting rather catatonic at the time (they had brain damage that only made them blind ICly), and the Captain told the AI to listen to RIP. - Gave the orders to gas the station. However, using the cans alerted Engineering, and the AI's borgs and the engineering department ended up fighting each other about it. I understand that the AI had to really deal with that. Additionally, the AI alerted the crew yet again, after orders not to previously stated, further adding to their and everyone else's stress. RIP did yell a little at the AI, again, along the lines of "BLOODY AI". It was frustrating to RIP for having to deal with poor communication and being ignored by the AI for something so crucial for the safety of the crew. RIP also had to ask the AI several times if the plan was being executed, several times, all the while having to calm down staff and crew and telling them everything was going to be all right. I think someone suicides at this point in our lobby with a gun while trying to get an answer out of the AI. Captain was still more or less catatonic, couldn't do anything about him yet because RIP was trying to coordinate how to calm the situation down so they could attend to them. - Mass panic because of gasses spreading, reports of borgs attacking crew, and crew killing one another. RIP was trying to repair the Captain's brain damage with surgery (yes, I know that it could be cured with something else, but there wasn't time and they had to do something- Alkysine wasn't working). There was a lot of calls for help during this time, which sadly had to be ignored because 1. CMO, not security, can't go into active fights without endangering themselves, and they are not combative in the slightest, 2. Trying to help the Captain so they could get to the bridge and communicate with Central for the situation, 3. Those yelling about the gas were just whining about bedtime and would have more or less been safe if there weren't any attackers around. - Took the Captain to their office, AI and RIP worked well to help the Captain out to get there. Good stuff. RIP had to go back and try to work on a cure for the Captain while the rest of the station was being worked on being sedated. - Captain was asking if RIP believed the situation was contained, which was highly debatable. It was hard to keep track of conversations with the influx of calls that were being had, and both of our questions to one another may have gotten lost in the signal. They asked if it was contained, and RIP did manage to respond that it was debatable, but everyone was at least being incredibly hampered by the gas (cans were used so the spread may have been uneven and weak). Kudos to the AI for executing the plan, but didn't have the time to ICly say so. I did not realize what the Captain was actually planning at this point. - Captain hit Code Delta to destroy the station and prevent the spread of insanity to elsewhere after contacting Central. 100% understanding. RIP had to deal with whoever was still in the lobby, a religious woman begging RIP for them to stop Delta as they struggled to remain awake from the gas. RIP asked about it to the Captain while they apologized to the woman, if the station was simply going to be destroyed (their goal was to help the crew), and I believe the Captain lied to RIP saying no, which was fine, also understanding. AI also lied and told everyone would be safe in their core (lol) moments before disaster. Also fine. A good, dramatic end. It was a massive mess, and that's mostly what I remember, hopefully it's all correct and the logs can prove so unless the game broke the fourth wall and I'm experiencing psychosis as well, and I hope I explained well enough that it was legible this time. The nature of this complaint more or less revolves around very poor communication: it seemed like no one was listening to anyone because there was mass panic and a lot of calls on communications. Everyone had something to deal with, and all command and the AI were overloaded with cries for help. There was text flying up in the chat, and it was overall very hard to see what was happening from the beginning when RIP boarded. To try to counteract that ICly, RIP raised their voice to try to get some form of response from anyone to try and coordinate, frustrated with lack thereof in an emergency, more or less only around the release of the gas. OOCly, I completely understand that everyone was overworked and flooded in text, and that a lot of people had to be ignored for the greater good. It wasn't fun, and could have been OOCly stressful. I know my brain was frying a bit trying to keep up with everything. It got to the point where I even forgot to italicize RIP's speech so people could differentiate the two personalities in the chassis. To [mention]Bygonehero[/mention], I am sincerely sorry that I have ruined that round for you. I understand wanting to play a rare position that you can only get once in a blue moon, and was not my intention whatsoever to do to you. I barely get to play as much as I like in general, so I completely understand and sympathize with you. To anyone RIP had to ignore, I am also sorry. It's no fun to be ignored, but there was a lot on RIP's plate as CMO (and any other command/AI role), trying to figure out what was best for the entirety of the station. The round was a big, confusing and literal clusterfuck, especially for command, and I think we can all at least agree on that. Mass Effect Panic (I never played the game myself but I heard others refer to the round as ME-related) was a good game mode, good gimmic, but completely disorienting with the sheer amount of utter chaos and was possibly rather stressful for both sides of the screen. I hope there's no hard feelings between anyone. I would like to say that my character's actions were justified, although hard to understand in all the panic at the time. But if people want me to play an overloaded character in a round that was so demanding of an incapacitated department with more tranquility than calling the core a bloody AI and trying desperately to coordinate with it in a crucial time, then I will do so if it's called upon.
  19. Thanks for taking your time to further elaborate for me! Let's touch up a little more here. So from what I've read so far, it was a medium-sized sustainable research station that also had vast amounts of books and the like that could be studied from which is understandable for a self-sustaining ship especially in emergencies, so Stars had plenty of data to work off of. However, gathered knowledge is different from practicing it. So in theory, Stars would have knowledge pertaining to medical, but not able to preform, especially without practice/training, so if someone was hurt they may be able to tell a struggling doctor about a possible treatment method, they wouldn't be able to do it themselves (let alone allowed to). Gardening is a different story as they would obviously have the ability to practice and experience trail and error, but Xenobotany is rather too advanced. At the end of the day, they would be capable of practicing only engineering and basic gardening, correct? As for the behavioral aspect, you write that they have an extreme amount of respect for all humans, however stated some conflicting information in a post where they could be weary to them. Additionally, the back story is conflicting still with that with the sheer amounts of violence. If you were new to the world and surrounded by gore caused by rampaging humans and told by a singular one, the remaining survivor that was slowly losing her own fight, that the majority were actually good... wouldn't there be any doubting her words? I feel that Stars might be rather weary of any aggression shown as they would be uncertain if the human is gearing up for an attack or not. They spent up to thirty years in isolation without being taught about human socialization. Even if they boarded with NT, they would still have trust issues and extreme uncertainties. Nymph: The default form tackled above. Medium intelligence, extremely curious, extreme learning potential. Worker: The most commonly seen form, this occurs when three to six nymphs link together and grow a humanoid body. Highly intelligent. That comes from the wiki. After maturing and merging to form a Gestalt, their learning potential will lower, although their joined minds will increase intelligence. A nymph's extreme learning potential and short exposure to both violence and death and very brief interaction with another life form would be set in stone for a very long time, even after four years. In most young animals (including humans), there's a period of mental growth and development called the "fear period", where anything they learn in that stage may impact them forever if they are not given therapy and education on how to overcome their fears. This would include Dionae, as it is a biologically ingrained technique used for survival. And how would they react to other alien species who they may or may not have been exposed to, as well as other life forms?
  20. Hello! At long last, I have appeared from the woods where I have retreated to recover from my recent cold. Right away, I noticed how similar this story is to MintyGums' first application as they have mentioned, which made me a little weary. Beginning, middle, and end. They more or less mirrored each other in the situation. I appreciate the answers that you've provided in response to Minty, but there's still some things that have to be addressed. Don't be put off by the amount of content, it's part questions part thoughts I have on the topic. The first one being my mistake about Dionae education. They should take courses like everyone else to reach their goal of earning a degree for a position they would like in life. So please re-read that section and adjust your story as needed- sorry for the inconvenience. Trail and error, as it were. The Vessel There are several issues about the vessel itself. What kind of science was the vessel used to research? How big was the vessel itself? What was the size of the crew? Where was it's location? From the way of how you told the story, you made it sound like a rather sizeable craft- a research station in fact, much like the NSS Aurora. But it seemed rather centered around engineering- there were a lot of in-depth books about it. When you're bored, you can read a rather hefty book within a month. I know I can- and have. Additionally, Star herself seems to be an engineer in particular. Now imagine a knowledge-hungry lifeform searching for information. I know that they would have a spark for engineering as it were, but thirty years is a lot of time to read all those books. Wind In The Stars would have looked about for more things to learn, or even jumped ship to travel to someplace with more information that were within their specific tastes. And like I said before, they still need traditional education. Violence I understand the aspect of a vessel being attacked for a possibly valuable stash, but a group of raiders don't always have to kill a station to a man. It's a waste of resources, especially if guns were involved. Sure, interrogations here and there may happen, even a death or two to make good on a threat. But why waste your clips on an entire station when you're hurting for a good haul? And of course, some of the raiders would have lost their lives if they decided to go all-out on an attack if the crew decided to wisen up. The raiders would have wanted to preserve their own numbers as well- with less hands, the less of a threat you are as you suddenly become vulnerable. Then again, everyone has to start somewhere, and in the end it could simply be an inexperienced crew. As for the crew, how was the woman hurt? How come she seemed unable to open the airlock before, but after hearing the knocking she suddenly seemed strong? How did she survive, and for how long? What did Wind in the Stars do with her (if she passed away), and the rest of the crew? Depending on the craft's location (they would have to be nearby civilization or another station of sorts, somewhere that they can get supplies at), how come they didn't send a distress signal (people are usually smart about pushing these when they're outmanned etc), and that no one showed if they did? Rescue This part I understand. You want your character to be completely in love with NT. But again, depending on the ship's location, why/how would NT be out there? Wouldn't they be weary of a lone survivor being a Dionae who possibly consumed the corpses? Behavior The shape that the ship was in would have taught the Dionae to be weary of others from the sheer amount of violence and from the state that the woman was left in. And she would undoubtedly of have told the Dionae about what happened in more detail, making them even more cautious. Nymphs absorb a lot of knowledge due to their sheer learning capabilities, especially for a new nymph. Their primary concern is survival, and if there's something or someone that can do that amount of damage, they would avoid it to survive. They would want to repay Star, yes. Naming and continuing what was taught would be ways. But the rest? After seeing the corpses caused by an unknown foe- most commonly, other humans?
  21. We meet again. I've looked over your app, and it's definately more Aurora-friendly! I've also ran a check, and through the time that you've been here, you haven't had any complaints on yourself from others as far as I can see. So far, you've proven that you are capable of creating a solid character, abiding by the rules, commitment, as well being flexible and patient. Although the last two aren't necessary, they are very good attributes to have, especially in your position as a new player where we just aren't all that certain. Although there are no comments on your application to back you up in your abilities as a player, I don't see why I can't trust you with a whitelist to uphold the standards of the species and enrich the community with your character after what you've provided me with. The wait is over- Welcome to the crew, Minty. I hope you enjoy your shiney new whitelist! Application Accepted.
  22. For a Head of Staff whitelist, communication plays a big part in the role. You have to coordinate with your department, other heads, and the rest of the crew to ensure their safety. The original complaint was concerned about it, which is okay. I noticed that it was similar to what happened to me and put in what I observed, which is okay. I thought that the lack of communication from my experience was an isolated case, be it IC or OOC, I shrugged off. But I noticed that there was a second case, which can be taken as acting as a one-man-army, and decided to give my input. However you have been providing more and more information from your side, and the more I read it, the more I realize that it was not your intention whatsoever to come off in such a way, and the fact that these two incidents happened next to each other was just a coincident. With me, you have cleared things up and realized IC/OOCly either way, that you had made a mistake and it was fixed even though it was over something minor- which is great because it shows that you were willing to communicate ICly/OOCly. With the original case posted, there was an obvious confusion that you had further elaborated on within a couple more posts. I was not there for the situation so I cannot give my full opinion on the matter, but for me, these two similar cases are coincidental. Whereas the reasoning for mine was a mistake, the other appears to be purely situational. Thank you very much for taking the time to calmly clarify it with me. I will leave this general advice though, which I will repeat: When in doubt, AHelp! If you didn't know how to handle the Phazon and was confused by the announcement, never be afraid to contact staff to clear things up. Their job description includes helping the community with concerns.
  23. In that round, which I intentionally played him as snappy because of the stress he was experiencing, my character was upset with you, not me, and wasn't looking for an apology. He wanted a fix because he knew procedure was skipped and found it unfair. HE couldn't bite his tongue, but once matters were settled, he calmed down and was very thankful that a wrong was fixed. I appreciated the fact that you/your character lifted the warning, which I also stated as knowing was minor, but this isn't what it was about. It's about in-game behavior- it came as a surprise ICly and OOCly that the Warden didn't want to further investigate a matter and skipped procedure for this kind of thing- to communicate like they should have. I was fine and did not AHelp or make a complaint on the forums because I thought it was just an OOC accident. But when I saw this post and noticed the theme, I felt it necessary to post my experience as the lack of communication seems to be reoccurring behavior, even though my report is rather minor in comparison to the original post. I'm sorry if my initial post seemed too harsh, it was not intended as an attack, merely as an observation that related to this topic. Edit: When I made my post, it did not seem like you were still going off of the whole need-to-know one-man-army vibe, but you seem to of have better explained yourself in the previous. But there are some things that should have, or could have been done. In relation to your previous post before this one. If you were in doubt and confused, AHelp. If someone AHelps you, usually they start with "hey, got a moment?" Meaning, "when you have the time". So when you were in the thick of it in-game, it is perfectly fine and understandable to politely ask to finish up a task. I have done it a few times myself, and in fact, the last round that I just played, I did so, and they were willing to let me finish up. They know how it is to be bombarded and not wanting to hold others up. We can't just pause the game like that. It's unfair to others. I'll leave the rest of my thoughts out regarding that matter, as it is between you and Tbear.
  24. Continuing from the Medical thread, Security isn't all speed, sure. But like I've been trying to say, it should still be a requirement (again, IRL there's academies that give you physical tests to make sure you're able to preform) because they have to respond to emergencies like EMT to help people in short order. That's 80% of Security's job, especially during antag rounds. When someone goes, "Security, help in Cargo!" and/or backup is called for immediately? Guess who's never going to make it in time. It's a waste of a slot, and Cadets can do guard duties still and the like that don't involve pursuing criminals themselves- that's what they do already, so it's a good compromise to allow Cadet still and the other roles, minus HoS.
  25. Another position that was brought to my attention that should be realistically restricted form Dionaea for reasons similar to my Security Officer restriction thread, I want to remove the ability for Dionaea to play as Medical emergency response roles: EMT and paramedics. Their job is to respond to an emergency within a reasonable amount of time to reach a patient who's quickly running out of theirs. It would be a huge liability/ethics issue for this to be realistically allowed, as for this job they have to be physically fit and reach a site quickly, stabilize a patient, and bring them in for treatment. In this case? NT would basically be paying a Dionae to bring back a cadaver in 80% of most cases, ironically. And those that do make it into medical's doors would shortly find their way into the morgue because the treatments would be too late anyways. "But what about the Odysseus?" That is an excellent point, and I've joyridden around as a Dionae in one, and let me tell you. I felt like a God. But the fact is that the EMT garage doesn't always get one: it's somewhat rare because the station doesn't always get a Mechatronic Engineer, and their competency comes into play as well. "Can't you just ask to have one in the garage to start with?" No, as that would take away both work for the ME, and a reward to request for Medical from Research. But don't worry. This is only the restriction of one job slot from Medical and Security both, not restricting the entire department, leaving the rest untouched and would be balanced out by a new Department Staff position that I wish to allow, namely the Head of Personnel occupation. Edit: This is a species whitelist role restriction request.
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